What is the impact of the moon's mass on Earth's orbit around the sun?

In summary, the moon has a small impact on the Earth's orbital distance and characteristics around the sun.
  • #1
How much does the moons mass contribute to the Earth's orbital distance and characteristics around the sun.

If the mass of moon and the Earth were not joined At the hip or say the moon magically disappeared :rolleyes: would the Earth's orbit around the sun still be within the habitable zone or would we orbit further out.

Thank you for your answers :)
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  • #2
Any change would be extremely, extremely small. While some orbital characteristics, like the period of the orbit, do vary with the mass of the orbiting body, this is only noticeable when the orbiting body's mass is a significant fraction of that of the body it orbits.

In the case of the Earth-moon and the Sun, the latter is 329,299 times the mass of the former pair together, and the moon is 1/81 the mass of the Earth. That small a change in the Earth-moon mass would not lead to any significant changes.
  • #3
Thankyou for your reply
  • #4
Since the Earth-moon system orbit around the barycentre, you can sort of think of the barycentre of the Earth-moon system orbiting the sun as opposed to the Earth orbiting around the sun. However, the barycentre is inside the Earth anyway, so the difference would indeed be slight.
  • #5
as already answered by JAL, if the moon dissapeared, it would have almost no impact on the orbit, but the "habitability" of our dear mother would be severly questionned... The presence of the moon has a huge impact on the distribution of the oceans, and the climate regulation,
If it dissapeared, I am afraid the republican party would have to start believing in global warming...
  • #6
Just for the fun of it, I tried it in Gravity Simulator. Deleting the Moon at various points in its orbit has no visual effect on the Earth's solar orbit.

Politics in threads like this is generally not a good idea. If someone disagrees with you, then the thread gets pulled way off topic.

FAQ: What is the impact of the moon's mass on Earth's orbit around the sun?

1. What is the shape of Earth's orbit around the sun?

The shape of Earth's orbit around the sun is elliptical, meaning it is slightly oval-shaped rather than a perfect circle.

2. How long does it take for Earth to orbit the sun?

Earth takes approximately 365.24 days, or one year, to orbit the sun. This is why we have a leap year every four years to account for the extra day.

3. What causes Earth's orbit around the sun?

Earth's orbit is caused by the gravitational pull of the sun. The sun's mass creates a force that keeps Earth in its orbit.

4. Does Earth's orbit around the sun change over time?

Yes, Earth's orbit around the sun does change over time. This is due to the gravitational pull of other planets and objects in our solar system, as well as the sun's own movement in the Milky Way galaxy.

5. How does Earth's orbit affect our seasons?

Earth's orbit is responsible for our seasons. The tilt of Earth's axis as it orbits the sun causes different parts of the Earth to receive more or less direct sunlight, resulting in the changes in temperature and weather that we experience throughout the year.
