Atomic vs Nuclear Bombs: What's the Difference?

  • Thread starter heaven eye
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In summary, an atomic bomb and a nuclear bomb are both types of bombs that rely on different reactions to release energy. An atomic bomb uses fission, splitting a heavy element into two lighter elements, while a nuclear bomb uses fusion, combining light elements into a heavier element. The terms are often used interchangeably, but "nuclear bomb" is more accurate as the energy is released from the nucleus of the atom.
  • #1
heaven eye
Is there a difference between an atomic bomb and a nuclear bomb? or it's two names for one kind of bomb?
I am so confused :confused: !
Physics news on
  • #2
Wiki is your friend:

In a nutshell:

An atom bomb (or A-bomb or fission bomb) exploits the power released when a heavy element such as plutonium is split into two lighter elements.

A hydrogen bomb (or H-bomb or fusion bomb) exploits the power released when a light element such as hydrogen is fused into a heavier element such as helium.

If you look up "binding energy", you'll see" . A reaction that jumps up the chart (such as U > Kr (not listed) or H > He) releases a corresponding amount of energy.

Considering the height that He is above H, it becomes apparent why H-bombs are much more powerful than A-bombs.
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  • #3
But the question was about "atomic" vs "nuclear"... My understanding was that the word "atomic" fell out of favor because it isn't quite descriptive: the energy comes from the nucleus of the atom, hence "nuclear".
  • #4
russ_watters said:
But the question was about "atomic" vs "nuclear"... My understanding was that the word "atomic" fell out of favor because it isn't quite descriptive: the energy comes from the nucleus of the atom, hence "nuclear".

i think, the common usage also meant that "atomic bomb" precluded the fusion bomb, but "nuclear bomb" could mean either fission or fusion bomb.

FAQ: Atomic vs Nuclear Bombs: What's the Difference?

1. What is the main difference between atomic and nuclear bombs?

The main difference between atomic and nuclear bombs lies in their explosive power. Atomic bombs use nuclear fission, which splits the nucleus of an atom, while nuclear bombs use nuclear fusion, which combines the nuclei of atoms. This results in a much more powerful explosion for nuclear bombs.

2. Which type of bomb is more destructive?

Nuclear bombs are more destructive than atomic bombs due to their greater explosive power. The largest nuclear bombs can have an explosive yield of over 50 megatons, while the largest atomic bombs have a yield of around 20 megatons.

3. How do atomic and nuclear bombs work?

Atomic bombs work by using a small amount of uranium or plutonium to undergo a chain reaction of nuclear fission, releasing a large amount of energy. Nuclear bombs work by using fusion to combine the nuclei of atoms, releasing even more energy.

4. Which type of bomb is more commonly used?

Atomic bombs have been used in warfare, specifically during World War II when the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. Nuclear bombs, on the other hand, have never been used in warfare. They are primarily used as a deterrent and for testing purposes.

5. Are there any environmental differences between atomic and nuclear bombs?

Both atomic and nuclear bombs have devastating effects on the environment. However, nuclear bombs have a greater impact due to their larger explosive power. They can produce radioactive fallout, which can contaminate the surrounding area and have long-lasting effects on the environment.
