PF Thread Milestones: Reaching a Million Views and Beyond

  • Thread starter jtbell
  • Start date
In summary: Which corresponds to ~5% deleted posts.But how many of those posts were actually meaningful or added value to the discussion? That's something to think about when considering the number of posts on a forum or thread. In summary, the Lame Jokes thread on the Physics Forums website is expected to hit one million views today. This thread has been ongoing for several years and has surpassed other popular threads in terms of views. The closest thread to reaching a million views is the one discussing the Fukushima incident, which currently stands at 2.5 million views. The forum administrators have noticed an increase in traffic and popularity in
  • #106
Evo said:

Well, congrats boss! You've created a legacy.

Yep! Congrats!
Physics news on
  • #107
Greg Bernhardt said:
Bets for 5 million anyone? :D
It took 685 days to get 1 million posts, and we're a lot busier now than then. I'd estimate 550 +/- 50 days, or around Aug 4, 2014.
  • #108
Astronuc said:
It took 685 days to get 1 million posts, and we're a lot busier now than then. I'd estimate 550 +/- 50 days, or around Aug 4, 2014.

Then allow me to be the first to guess Aug 5, 2014 :biggrin:
  • #109
AnTiFreeze3 said:
Then allow me to be the first to guess Aug 5, 2014 :biggrin:

My guess is Aug 18, 2014.
  • #110
I seem to be wrong on activity (posting that is). It is cyclical, and has trended somewhat down.

It might take around 650 days give or take, or less if the members online increases.

The visitors have certainly gone up. We routinely have 5000 or more guests online.

The next milestone is 400,000 members, 600,000 threads or >10,000 persons online


  • PFPostActivity.png
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  • #111
Astronuc said:
I seem to be wrong on activity (posting that is). It is cyclical, and has trended somewhat down.

It might take around 650 days give or take, or less if the members online increases.

The visitors have certainly gone up. We routinely have 5000 or more guests online.

The next milestone is 400,000 members, 600,000 threads or >10,000 persons online

It appears PF is unattractive during the holidays.
  • #112
micromass said:
I already have two gold memberships though, so can I donate this to somebody?
I donated some years back when I didn't understand anything (actually, I still don't understand anything), but I'd love to have Gold membership again! I'm just broke and jobless with a bunch of textbooks laying around at the moment...
Greg Bernhardt said:
Bets for 5 million anyone? :D
I'll take the next screenshot! :biggrin:
  • #113
Astronuc said:
I seem to be wrong on activity (posting that is). It is cyclical, and has trended somewhat down.

It might take around 650 days give or take, or less if the members online increases.

The visitors have certainly gone up. We routinely have 5000 or more guests online.

The next milestone is 400,000 members, 600,000 threads or >10,000 persons online

January 1 was a saturday, which is a trough in the graph and so I think that people visit PF less in the weekends.

Did something happen around October/November in 2011? There's a peak that goes all the way up to 3000.
  • #114
mishrashubham said:
January 1 was a saturday, which is a trough in the graph and so I think that people visit PF less in the weekends.

Did something happen around October/November in 2011? There's a peak that goes all the way up to 3000.

Weekends, summers and holidays are low times.
  • #115
Greg Bernhardt said:
Weekends, summers and holidays are low times.

Exactly the time when people aren't doing homework!
  • #116
Drakkith said:
Exactly the time when people aren't doing homework!

We need to create the "PF For More Homework" lobby group in Washington! :D
  • #117
Drakkith said:
Exactly the time when people aren't doing homework!
I think this is a general trend for internet boards, and not related to homework. I know the same trend (lower activity at weekends, holidays and hot summer months) from a gaming-related board, where you would expect the opposite for the first two factors.

Assuming ~1500 posts per day, my prediction for 5 million existing posts is November 30, 2014.
3:17 AM UTC :D
  • #118
mfb said:
I think this is a general trend for internet boards, and not related to homework. I know the same trend (lower activity at weekends, holidays and hot summer months) from a gaming-related board, where you would expect the opposite for the first two factors.

I can see that. People are just doing other things during this time.
  • #119
Doesn't the reduction correlate to when all of those IP bans on spammers were done? Half the known world got blocked IIRC. :bugeye:

Perhaps we should open the PF Dating subforum.

<runs and hides>
  • #120
Evo said:
Perhaps we should open the PF Dating subforum.

<runs and hides>

Dating? What's that again? Which isotope do I use?
  • #121
Drakkith said:
Which isotope do I use?
Ideally, one with a low decay rate.
  • #122
phion said:
Ideally, one with a low decay rate.

  • #123
Greg Bernhardt said:
Weekends, summers and holidays are low times.

But what about that peak that goes to 3000 posts?

phion said:
Ideally, one with a low decay rate.

  • #124
mishrashubham said:
But what about that peak that goes to 3000 posts?
That was Sept 14, 2011, a Wednesday, and probably the second or third week of university for many students in the US.
  • #125
Astronuc said:
That was Sept 14, 2011, a Wednesday, and probably the second or third week of university for many students in the US.
Ah, I had searched to see if it was a spam attack, but nothing came up around that time frame.
  • #126
Astronuc said:
It took 685 days to get 1 million posts, and we're a lot busier now than then. I'd estimate 550 +/- 50 days, or around Aug 4, 2014.

Wow. That's disappointing. Usually, these milestones are exponential. :|

I remember a certain internet board that I visit celebrated how it took years to hit 250k members. And then within the next few months, they hit 1 million. And now they're at 3 million.
  • #127
Why is the post count under 4 million again ? Where did 10000 posts go ?

Now: Threads: 562,511
Posts: 3,991,544
Members: 383,651
  • #128
dextercioby said:
Why is the post count under 4 million again ? Where did 10000 posts go ?

Now: Threads: 562,511
Posts: 3,991,544
Members: 383,651
Note that the Threads count was 572,317 when the Post count was 4 million.
  • #129
dextercioby said:
Why is the post count under 4 million again ? Where did 10000 posts go ?

Now: Threads: 562,511
Posts: 3,991,544
Members: 383,651

dlgoff said:
Note that the Threads count was 572,317 when the Post count was 4 million.
We're looking into the situation.
  • #130
AlephZero said:
Should we get worried if it's actually Feb 2 - Groundhog Day?

dextercioby said:
Why is the post count under 4 million again ? Where did 10000 posts go ?

Now: Threads: 562,511
Posts: 3,991,544
Members: 383,651

Maybe we really SHOULD get worried :smile:
  • #131
Sorry folks I deleted the science jobs forum and that resulted in a 10k post drop.
  • #132
Greg Bernhardt said:
Sorry folks I deleted the science jobs forum and that resulted in a 10k post drop.
Good timing though. So we re-approach the 4 million post milestone.
  • #133
So, I get yet another chance to make the 4 millionth post!
  • #134
Does that mean another 4M chat today?

Edit: Or is making up 10K posts impossible, even on a winter weekend?
Last edited:
  • #135
Evo said:
Perhaps we should open the PF Dating subforum.
To increase the number of potential PF-users in 15+ years?

Greg Bernhardt said:
Sorry folks I deleted the science jobs forum and that resulted in a 10k post drop.
That is a cheap method to increase the frequency of milestones :p.
  • #136
It should take about 7 days to recover 10 K posts.
  • #137
Astronuc said:
It should take about 7 days to recover 10 K posts.
OK. I thought that might have been aggressive, but I have no idea at what rate posts accumulate. Of course, if micro is hell-bent on posting #4M, he might flood the forum. :-p
  • #138
mfb said:
To increase the number of potential PF-users in 15+ years?.
  • #139
Greg Bernhardt said:
Sorry folks I deleted the science jobs forum and that resulted in a 10k post drop.


*sigh*... But I guess that means another chat opportunity. :biggrin:

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