Which interpretation best explains the classical limit?

In summary, the conversation discusses the issue of whether there is a 'real problem' with quantum physics, specifically in relation to the classical limit and the measurement problem. The speaker argues that unless quantum mechanics can adequately explain macroscopic phenomena, such as throwing a tennis ball, it cannot be considered a complete theory. They also mention the different approaches of Bohmian mechanics and the many worlds interpretation in dealing with this question. The concept of Ehrenfest's theorem and its role in predicting the motion of macroscopic objects is also brought up. The conversation ends with a question about the different interpretations and their ability to explain the classical limit. Overall, the conversation highlights the challenge of reconciling the different descriptions of the world in quantum mechanics and the importance
  • #1
Trying decide, apropos that famous Feynman quote, whether there is a 'real problem' with quantum physics. My own rather inexpert view is that if there is, the it's something to do with the classical limit. (The measurement problem being an interesting special case of this.)

In particular because this is a substantive and indeed experimental problem. Although you wouldn't normally think that when I pick up a tennis ball and throw it across the room that this constitutes experimental refutation of quantum mechanics, I think that unless the phenomena has been adequately explained within the framework of quantum physics then that is just what it is.

There might be such an explanation of course I just don't know what it is. On the face of it though it must be quite challenging reconciling such different descriptions of the world. Although on the other hand I suppose this is not so strange, we're familiar with the idea that the system can be explained by different laws depending on what the observables are, e.g thermodynamics is the appropriate theory if the observable is temperature and pressure and so on. This is sometimes called "emergence" although that may refer to something more specific. Anyway in the instance of me throwing a tennis ball I suppose the relevant observable is something like the center of mass motion and we some explanation for why such macroscopic observables like this obey classical physics.

I'm also interested especially in comparing how Bohmian mechanics and the many worlds interpretation deal with this question. It's been argued that it's an important virtue of Bohm's theory that the classical limit question is straight-forward, since the classical position variables are in from the start and go all the way down so to speak. Whereas in the MWI, an otherwise quite similar interpretation, the quantum state comes all the way up. I have difficulty understanding how the quantum state of the whole universe gets sliced up in our perceptions into the classical world we observe.

Any thoughts?
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  • #2
Ehrenfest's theorem gives you back Newton's laws and the usual classical equations for momentum and energy and so on. These predict the motion of a tennis ball pretty well.
  • #3
ironhill said:
Ehrenfest's theorem gives you back Newton's laws and the usual classical equations for momentum and energy and so on. These predict the motion of a tennis ball pretty well.

The Ehrenfest's theorem works only when the support of the wave function is localized on a macroscopic level. Unfortunately the wave function has a stubbon tendency to spread. Thus for example, by applying the Ehrenfest's theorem to a particle which crosses a beam splitter we obtain a very strange trajectory, that mediates the transmitted and the reflected trajectories. Not to mention what happen when also the detectors behind the transmitted and reflected beams are taken into account...
  • #4
The question of how a large mass particle, like an ideal tennis ball, behaves is goverened adequetly by Ehrenfest's theorem. Spreading of a wavepacket is essentially nil (for a Gaussian wavepacket I think there's a factor (h/m)^2 can't remember offhand, it's in Merzbacher). If you want to talk about light then naturally it won't work because you are dealing with an inherently quantum phenomenon.

My understanding of what the OP was implying, only his second paragraph, was that quantum mechanics doesn't predict the trajectories of large particles, like tennis balls. However in this case Ehrenfest works, you get Newtons equations and the usual laws of projectile motion.
  • #5
All interpretations give the correct classical limit.
Nevertheless, even those who do not like the Bohmian interpretation cannot disagree that in this interpretation the derivation of the classical limit is the most direct.
(Or can they?)

FAQ: Which interpretation best explains the classical limit?

1. What is the classical limit?

The classical limit refers to the range of physical phenomena in which classical mechanics can accurately describe and predict behavior. It is typically applied to macroscopic systems with large masses and low velocities.

2. What are some examples of systems in the classical limit?

Some examples of systems in the classical limit include macroscopic objects such as planets, pendulums, and billiard balls. These systems have large masses and move at relatively low speeds, making them well-suited for classical mechanics.

3. What are the different interpretations of the classical limit?

There are several interpretations of the classical limit, including the correspondence principle, the Bohr correspondence principle, and the Ehrenfest theorem. These interpretations aim to explain how classical mechanics emerges from quantum mechanics in the limit of large masses and low velocities.

4. Which interpretation best explains the classical limit?

The interpretation that best explains the classical limit is still a topic of debate among scientists. Some argue that the correspondence principle, which states that the behavior of quantum systems should approach classical behavior in the classical limit, is the most accurate. Others argue that the Bohr correspondence principle or the Ehrenfest theorem provide a better explanation.

5. How is the classical limit relevant to modern physics?

The classical limit is relevant to modern physics because it helps bridge the gap between classical mechanics and quantum mechanics. It allows us to understand how classical behavior emerges from the underlying quantum nature of matter and energy. Additionally, understanding the classical limit is crucial for studying and predicting the behavior of macroscopic systems in our everyday lives.

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