Antibiotic resistance mechanisms etc - Book Recommendation?

In summary, a biomedical scientist is looking for a book that is advanced and covers antibiotic resistance mechanisms. His suggested book is either Kucer's or Victor Lorian's, which are both more expensive than he would like. If you are looking for a book for yourself, the best suggestion is to ask your friend. If he is not a philistine or knows too much, a historical book on the history or the heroes of microbiology would be a better suggestion.
  • #1
Antibiotic resistance mechanisms etc -- Book Recommendation?


A friend of mine is a biomedical scientist specialising in microbiology.

He's interested in antibiotics, so I'd like to buy him a book for his birthday. The trouble is, I haven't a clue what to look for.

Is there any book that is considered the 'bible' in this field? It should be pretty advanced; at least masters level, I'd say.

Bday not for a couple of months, so plenty of time.

I look forward to your suggestions :)

Biology news on
  • #2
No suggestions? Oh well, I guess this is a physics forum after all. Biology forums it is then.
  • #3
disknoir said:
No suggestions? Oh well, I guess this is a physics forum after all. Biology forums it is then.

Not so fast. I'm a Clinical Microbiologist, just noticed your thread.

The two best general purpose references I've read for antimicrobial resistance mechanisms (and everything else to do with antibiotics) are:

1) Kucer's book: (there are 2 thick volumes!)

2) Victor Lorian's book:
  • #5
disknoir said:
Hey, thanks for the reply.

First one is a bit expensive; not sure I like him tat much :P

Know anything about

No personal experience with it. But having taken a glance at just the chapter headings, it looks largely like a collection of research monographs. I personally wouldn't find that very useful if I wanted a topic treated thoroughly and systematically. Again, let me reiterate that this is an opinion formed from a *very* cursory look at just the headings, so take it with a pinch of salt.

If you really want to get him something that he will find useful, my suggestion is to actually ask him. Especially so since this is not your field. Also, you don't want to get him something he's already got. Surprises are nice, but giving a gift that the receiver actually finds very useful is priceless.
  • #6
Thanks again for the help. You're right; I don't want to get something, only to find that it's not suitable.
  • #7
I recommend 'Memoirs of a Micro-Biologist' by I.M.Little
  • #8
epenguin said:
I recommend 'Memoirs of a Micro-Biologist' by I.M.Little

He might think you're being serious. :smile:
  • #9
Oh well if we are talking seriously, it is usually misplaced and unlikely to be wanted and used if you buy a technical book for a specialist unless he says he wants that one.

More appropriate could be something more perspective. There must be some more popular books about the Terrible Threat in the World from the Emergence Of Superbugs, New Untreatable Diseases, The Coming Epidemic, that sort of thing. To distinguish between serious ones and sensationals try flipping through book reviews in journals like the New Scientist or Scientific American, or if you can't access those, from the book reviews on Amazon, you should be able to pick out which ones are from scientific readers who know what they are talking about, their comments might indicate if a book is of interest for your friend. Another idea, if your friend is not a philistine on the one hand, or knows too much on the other, a historical book on the history or the heroes of microbiology. There are the oft-told tales about Pasteur, Fleming, etc. but there are certainly some less well-known stories, or historical themes. Again same sources.

If I notice anything I will come back.

FAQ: Antibiotic resistance mechanisms etc - Book Recommendation?

1. What is antibiotic resistance and how does it occur?

Antibiotic resistance is the ability of bacteria to resist the effects of antibiotics, making it difficult to treat infections. It occurs when bacteria develop ways to defend themselves against the antibiotics, usually through genetic mutations or acquiring resistance genes from other bacteria.

2. Why is antibiotic resistance a growing concern?

Antibiotic resistance has become a major public health threat because it can lead to untreatable infections, longer hospital stays, and increased healthcare costs. It also limits our ability to effectively treat common infections and increases the risk of spreading resistant bacteria to others.

3. What are the different mechanisms of antibiotic resistance?

There are several mechanisms of antibiotic resistance, including: altering the target site of the antibiotic, producing enzymes that deactivate the antibiotic, reducing the entry of the antibiotic into the bacterial cell, and actively pumping out the antibiotic from the cell.

4. How can we slow down or prevent antibiotic resistance?

To slow down or prevent antibiotic resistance, it is important to use antibiotics only when necessary and as prescribed by a healthcare professional. It is also crucial to complete the full course of antibiotics as directed, and to properly dispose of any leftover antibiotics. In addition, promoting good hygiene practices and developing new antibiotics can help combat resistance.

5. Can you recommend any books on antibiotic resistance mechanisms?

One highly recommended book on this topic is "Antibiotics: Challenges, Mechanisms, Opportunities" by Christopher Walsh. This book provides a comprehensive overview of antibiotic resistance mechanisms, current research, and potential solutions to combat this global issue.

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