Data on galaxies -good references ?

In summary, the person is looking for resources on measured galaxy rotation curves, preferably recent ones from refereed journal articles, good websites, or arXiv. They also inquire about the maximum distance at which rotation velocities can be measured and if there are instances where the velocity drops at a large radius. They express gratitude for any help.
  • #1
I'm looking into galaxy rotation curves and I was wondering where I can find a good (preferentially recent) overview of measured galaxy rotation curves (refereed journal article, good website, arxiv ..). Further I was wondering how far out (from the galaxy center) one can measure rotation velocities and whether one has observed rotation curves where, at some large radius, the velocity starts to drop.
I'm grateful for your help.

Rudi Van Nieuwenhove
Astronomy news on
  • #3

There are several good references for data on galaxy rotation curves. One popular and reputable source is the NASA Extragalactic Database (NED), which provides a comprehensive collection of published data on galaxies, including rotation curves. Another useful resource is the HyperLeda database, which also contains a large collection of rotation curves for galaxies.

For more recent and updated information, you can also refer to published journal articles. Some good recent papers on galaxy rotation curves include "The Mass Distribution and Rotation Curve of the Milky Way" by Bovy et al. (2015), "The Rotation Curves of Spiral Galaxies" by Courteau et al. (2014), and "The Radial Acceleration Relation of Spiral Galaxies" by McGaugh et al. (2016).

In terms of measuring rotation velocities, the outermost limit for reliable measurements depends on the sensitivity of the instrument used and the quality of the data. In general, rotation curves can be measured out to several times the size of the galaxy's visible disk, which can range from tens of kiloparsecs to a few hundred kiloparsecs.

There have been observations of rotation curves where the velocity starts to drop at large radii, which can be attributed to the presence of dark matter. This is a topic of ongoing research and there are several papers discussing these observations, such as "The Dark Matter Crisis: Falsification of the Current Standard Model of Cosmology" by Lelli et al. (2017) and "Galaxy Rotation Curves and the Core/Cusp Problem" by Salucci et al. (2015).

I hope this information is helpful in your research on galaxy rotation curves. Good luck with your studies!

FAQ: Data on galaxies -good references ?

What is the best source for data on galaxies?

The best source for data on galaxies is NASA's Extragalactic Database (NED). It is a comprehensive database that contains information on all known galaxies, including their physical properties, images, and references to relevant scientific publications.

What are the different types of data available for galaxies?

There are various types of data available for galaxies, including their distance, size, age, composition, and movement. Other types of data include images, spectra, and observations in different wavelengths, such as X-ray, infrared, and radio.

How accurate is the data on galaxies?

The accuracy of data on galaxies can vary depending on the source and method of data collection. Generally, data from sources like NASA or major observatories are considered highly accurate, but it is always important to verify data from multiple sources.

Can I access and use data on galaxies for my research?

Yes, most data on galaxies are publicly available and can be accessed through databases like NED or through academic journals. However, some data may require permission or subscription to access and use for research purposes.

What are some other good references for data on galaxies?

Some other good references for data on galaxies include the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, the Hubble Space Telescope archive, and the European Space Agency's Gaia mission. Additionally, many academic journals publish research articles that contain data on galaxies.

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