Question about electric fields and operators

In summary, the conversation discusses three questions related to the electric field and its calculations for different charge distributions. The first question is about the use of Gauss' Law in calculating electric flux for a spherical charge distribution and how it is related to the divergence theorem. The second question concerns the equivalence between the definition of electric potential with an integral and E = -grad e. Finally, the third question is about the use of Gauss' Law in both integral and divergence form and how it relates to the symmetry of the charge distribution. The equations and wiki pages are also provided for reference.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have three questions concerning the electric field:

1- When calculating an electric flux for a spherical charge distribution my proffessor always writes "4 pi r2 E(r) = flux", where E(r) is the electric field. I don't understand this. I've tried to calculate the flux through a sphere by using the divergence theorem and E(r) = kr-2, but I just don't get the same result. I'm not that good at vector calculus, so maybe I'm just doing mistakes when I integrate. Could anyone show me how to do this integration so I can understand this?

2- I don't get why the definition of the electric potential (with the integral) is equivalent to saying E = -grad e(e is the potential of E). I know it involves the gradient theorem, but I don't really get it, and I can't find a decent demonstration anywhere.

3- More or less the same question. Why can I write Gauss's law either with the integral over a surface or by using the divergence? I know it has to do with the divergence theorem, but once again, all demonstrations I've found go to fast for me too understand them.

Homework Equations

This is my first post, and I don't really understand how to write equations properly, so I'm posting links to wiki pages that contain the equations for each question:




And more importantly I've attached a word file with all the equations written down properly.


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  • #2
Let's start with your first inquiry:

Gauss' Law in integral form (the most useful form of the law) is:

[itex]\int_{\mathcal{GS}} \vec{E} \cdot \vec{da}=\frac{Q_{enclosed}}{\epsilon_0}[/itex]

where [itex]\mathcal{GS}[/itex] is the Gaussian surface. This law holds for any charge distribution and hence any electric field; not just the field of a point charge (kq/r^2)...It is however only useful when the charge distribution (and hence the electric field it produces) possesses certain types of symmetry.

The relation, "4 pi r2 E(r) = flux" applies to situations where the field is spherically symmetric about the origin. In such cases, the electric field is radially outward and is uniform (it has the same value for any theta and phi values). Choosing a concentric sphere of radius r as a gaussian surface is therefor useful; the area element of such a surface is [itex]r^2sin(\theta)d \theta d \phi[/itex] and also points radially outward. The dot product between the electric field and the are element becomes just [itex]|E|r^2sin(\theta)d \theta d \phi[/itex]. Clearly, since neither |E| nor r^2 vary over the Gaussian surface, they can come outside of the integral. That leaves the integral over theta and phi which just gives 4*pi.

The only reason Gauss' Law was useful here, was because the charge distribution (and hence the electric field it produced) were spherically you follow this?

FAQ: Question about electric fields and operators

1. What is an electric field?

An electric field is a physical field that surrounds charged particles and exerts a force on other charged particles within its vicinity. It is represented by a vector quantity and is measured in units of volts per meter (V/m).

2. How is an electric field created?

An electric field is created by electrically charged particles, such as electrons or protons. These charged particles create a force or influence on other charged particles within their vicinity, resulting in an electric field.

3. What is the difference between an electric field and an electric potential?

An electric field is a physical field that exerts a force on charged particles, while an electric potential is the amount of potential energy per unit charge that is associated with an electric field. In other words, an electric potential is a measure of the strength of an electric field at a specific point.

4. What is an electric field operator?

An electric field operator is a mathematical operator used in quantum mechanics to describe the behavior of particles in an electric field. It is represented by the symbol "E" and is used to calculate the energy and momentum of charged particles in an electric field.

5. How is an electric field operator used in scientific research?

An electric field operator is used in scientific research to study the behavior of charged particles in electric fields, particularly in the field of quantum mechanics. It is also used in the development and design of electronic devices and technologies.
