Why is the magnetic field inside an ideal solenoid uniform

In summary, the magnetic field at points inside a solenoid is the sum of the individual B fields from each loop, but due to the infinite number of loops in a solenoid, the field inside is uniform. This can be proven using Ampere's Law in integral form or the differential form.
  • #1
I understand that the magnetic field at points inside the solenoid is the vector sum of the B field due to each ring. How can the field inside be uniform then since if you consider just one loop in the solenoid the value of the B field is different at different points in that circle or loop.
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  • #2
But a solenoid is not one loop right? Ideally its an infinitely long line of loops. At each point your B field is the sum of the contribution from each of the infinite number of loops.
  • #3
ya but at different points in each of the loops let it be the center or a point that is off center, the B is different is it not?
  • #4
Just use Ampere's Law in integral form. Due to symmetry of a very long coil, ##\vec{H}## must be along the coil's axis, and you can assume it's 0 outside.

For the closed line in the integral take a rectangle with one side (length ##l##) along the axis, somewhere well inside the coil and the parallel side outside. Let there be ##\lambda## windings per unit length. Then you have, according to Ampere's Law (I neglect the signs here; you easily find the direction of the field, using the right-hand rule):
$$\int_{\partial A} \mathrm{d} \vec{r} \cdot \vec{H}=\frac{\lambda l}{c} I,$$
where ##I## is the current through the coil. This gives
independent of where you locate the rectangle's side within the coil. That's why ##\vec{H}## is uniform.

You can also argue with the differential form of Ampere's Law,
$$\vec{\nabla} \times \vec{H}=\frac{1}{c} \vec{j}.$$
In cylindrical coordinates, with the [itex]z[/itex] axis along the solenoid's axis and with the ansatz due to the symmetry of the problem [itex]\vec{H}=\vec{e}_z H(r)[/itex] you find, using the formulas for the curl in cylindrical coordinates ##\vec{\nabla} \times \vec{H}=-H'(r)##. Since inside the coil there is no current density you get ##H(r)=\text{const}##.
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  • #5

The uniformity of the magnetic field inside an ideal solenoid can be explained by the symmetry of the solenoid's construction. An ideal solenoid is a tightly wound coil of wire, with each turn of the coil parallel to the others. This results in a cylindrical shape with a constant cross-sectional area, and the magnetic field lines produced by the current flowing through the wire are also parallel and evenly spaced.

When we consider just one loop in the solenoid, it is true that the value of the magnetic field may vary at different points on that loop. However, as we move along the length of the solenoid, the magnetic field produced by each loop adds up and reinforces the field produced by the previous loop. This results in a constant and uniform magnetic field inside the solenoid.

Additionally, the magnetic field inside an ideal solenoid is also uniform because the magnetic field lines are confined within the solenoid. This confinement prevents the field lines from spreading out and becoming weaker, as they would in an open space. Instead, the field lines are forced to remain parallel and evenly spaced, leading to a uniform field throughout the solenoid.

In summary, the uniformity of the magnetic field inside an ideal solenoid can be attributed to the symmetry of its construction and the confinement of magnetic field lines within the solenoid. This uniformity is essential for many applications of solenoids, such as in electromagnets, electric motors, and particle accelerators.

FAQ: Why is the magnetic field inside an ideal solenoid uniform

1. Why is the magnetic field inside an ideal solenoid uniform?

The magnetic field inside an ideal solenoid is uniform because the solenoid is constructed in such a way that the magnetic field lines are parallel and closely spaced. This creates a strong and uniform magnetic field inside the solenoid.

2. How does the design of an ideal solenoid contribute to its uniform magnetic field?

The design of an ideal solenoid, with its tightly wound coils and closely spaced turns, ensures that the magnetic field lines are parallel and evenly distributed. This uniformity is crucial for the proper functioning of the solenoid as a magnetic field generator.

3. Are there any external factors that can affect the uniformity of the magnetic field inside an ideal solenoid?

In an ideal scenario, the magnetic field inside a solenoid would be perfectly uniform. However, external factors such as the presence of nearby magnetic materials or external magnetic fields can distort the uniformity of the solenoid's magnetic field.

4. Can the uniformity of the magnetic field inside an ideal solenoid be improved?

The uniformity of the magnetic field inside an ideal solenoid can be improved by increasing the number of turns in the coil or by using a ferromagnetic material as the core of the solenoid. These measures help to strengthen and stabilize the magnetic field, resulting in a more uniform distribution.

5. Why is it important for the magnetic field inside an ideal solenoid to be uniform?

The uniformity of the magnetic field inside an ideal solenoid is essential for its practical applications. A uniform magnetic field is necessary for the accurate measurement of magnetic properties and for the proper functioning of devices such as electromagnets and electric motors.
