Why does altering permeability of an ion affect equilibrium potential

In summary, the equilibrium potential between two cationic species is the potential between two compartments during equilibrium when the rate of ions entering and exiting is equal. The equilibrium potential depends on the relative permeability of the membrane to the ions, with a bigger difference in driving force resulting in a bigger flux. If the concentrations of the ions in one compartment are not maintained relative to the other, the membrane potential will decline towards zero over time. The Goldman Hodgkin Katz derivation is a more comprehensive explanation of this concept.
  • #1
It seems to me that change in permeability should not shift the equilibrium of entering and exiting ions, except how fast equilibrium is reached. Consider this: two compartments are separated by a membrane. 1st compartment holds 1mM Na+ and 10mM K+ and 2nd one holds 10mM Na+ and 1mM K+.
Let's make the membrane equally permeable to both species. Result: the species will become equally mixed on the two sides and the equilibrium potential reaches zero.
Let's rewind and start over. This time let's make the permeability of Na+ half of that of K+. My prediction: there will be equal mixture of the two species on both sides ultimately, it will just take longer for it to happen than in the first scenario. Equilibrium potential = zero.
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  • #2
sodium.dioxid said:
It seems to me that change in permeability should not shift the equilibrium of entering and exiting ions, except how fast equilibrium is reached. Consider this: two compartments are separated by a membrane. 1st compartment holds 1mM Na+ and 10mM K+ and 2nd one holds 10mM Na+ and 1mM K+.
Let's make the membrane equally permeable to both species. Result: the species will become equally mixed on the two sides and the equilibrium potential reaches zero.
Let's rewind and start over. This time let's make the permeability of Na+ half of that of K+. My prediction: there will be equal mixture of the two species on both sides ultimately, it will just take longer for it to happen than in the first scenario. Equilibrium potential = zero.

Describe what you mean by the equilibrium potential between two cationic species. In time the individual concentrations of sodium and potassium ions will equilibrate across a semi-permiable membrane by passive diffusion assuming permeability to the relevant anions.
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  • #3
There are situations in which a steady membrane potential is reached, but it is not due to true equilibrium, rather opposing flows cancel. Since such a steady state depends on a flows, the permeability matters.

Try section 7 of http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~wjh/neurotut/mempot.html
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  • #4
Describe what you mean by the equilibrium potential between two cationic species. In time the individual concentrations of sodium and potassium ions will equilibrate across a semi-permiable membrane by passive diffusion assuming permeability to the relevant anions.
The equilibrium potential between the two compartments, not between the two cationic species. My confusion comes from reading this paragraph in my textbook:
What would happen
if 10 mM K+ and 1 mM Na + were present in compartment 1, and 1 mM K+ and 10
mM Na + were present in compartment 2? If the membrane were permeable only
to K+, the membrane potential would be -58 mV; if the membrane were perme -
able only to Na •, the potential would be +58 mV. But what would the potential be
if the membrane wer e permeable to both K+ and Na +? In this case, the potential
wou ld depend on the relative permeability of the membrane to K+ and Na +. If it
were more permeable to K•, the potential would approach - 58 mV, and if it were
more permeable to Na •, the potential would be closer to +58 mV.

Why does making relative permeability go from equal to not equal make the equilibrium potential (the potential between the two compartments during equilibrium - when the rate of Na+ going from 1=>2 is equal to the rate of Na+ going from 2=>1, and when the rate of K+ going from 1=>2 is equal to the rate of K+ going from 2=>1) anything but zero?
  • #5
sodium.dioxid said:
Why does making relative permeability go from equal to not equal make the equilibrium potential (the potential between the two compartments during equilibrium - when the rate of Na+ going from 1=>2 is equal to the rate of Na+ going from 2=>1, and when the rate of K+ going from 1=>2 is equal to the rate of K+ going from 2=>1) anything but zero?

At steady state the fluxes must be equal, but the flux is due to permeability and the "driving force". The driving force is the difference between the membrane potential and the reversal potential. The bigger the difference, the bigger the driving force, and the bigger the flux.

If potassium permeability is big and sodium permeability is small, then to make the fluxes equal, the potassium driving force should be small and the sodium driving force should be big, so the membrane potential should be near the potassium reversal potential and far from the sodium reversal potential.
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  • #6
Oops. I was thinking in terms of "final state" rather than "steady state". So if a steady state was not maintained and the concentrations of the two ions in one compartment was not maintained relative to those in the other compartment, would membrane potential decline towards zero as a function of time?
  • #7
sodium.dioxid said:
Oops. I was thinking in terms of "final state" rather than "steady state". So if a steady state was not maintained and the concentrations of the two ions in one compartment was not maintained relative to those in the other compartment, would membrane potential decline towards zero as a function of time?

Yes, the concentration differences would go to zero, and so would the difference in potential across the membrane.
  • #8
Basically, look at Goldman Hodgkin Katz derivation instead of Nernst resting potential.
  • #9
atyy said:
Yes, the concentration differences would go to zero, and so would the difference in potential across the membrane.

Thank you atyy. With that excellent link you directed me to and your explanations, I now understand all of this...at least, for a system of Na+ and K+. I am not going to think of how Cl- would fit in the mix anytime soon (don't know if it will complicate things to a great extent). Thanks, again.

FAQ: Why does altering permeability of an ion affect equilibrium potential

1. How does altering permeability of an ion affect equilibrium potential?

The equilibrium potential of an ion is determined by the balance between its concentration gradient and the electrical gradient across the cell membrane. This balance is maintained by ion channels, which control the movement of ions in and out of the cell. Altering the permeability of an ion changes the ease with which it can move across the membrane, thus affecting the balance between the concentration and electrical gradients and ultimately impacting the equilibrium potential.

2. Why is equilibrium potential important in cellular function?

Equilibrium potential is crucial for maintaining proper cellular function. It is responsible for regulating the movement of ions in and out of the cell, which is essential for processes such as nerve signaling and muscle contraction. Any disruption in equilibrium potential can lead to malfunctioning of these processes and potentially harmful consequences for the cell and the organism.

3. Can altering the permeability of multiple ions affect equilibrium potential?

Yes, altering the permeability of multiple ions can have a significant impact on equilibrium potential. This is because the equilibrium potential of an ion is influenced not only by its own concentration and electrical gradient, but also by the concentrations and permeabilities of other ions. Therefore, changes in the permeability of one ion can indirectly affect the equilibrium potential of other ions as well.

4. How do different types of ion channels affect equilibrium potential?

There are many different types of ion channels in the cell membrane, and they all play a role in regulating equilibrium potential. For example, voltage-gated channels are responsible for responding to changes in the electrical gradient, while ligand-gated channels are activated by specific molecules binding to them. Each type of channel has a unique effect on equilibrium potential, and their combined actions ultimately determine the overall equilibrium potential of the cell.

5. Can alterations in equilibrium potential lead to disease?

Yes, disruptions in equilibrium potential have been linked to various diseases. For instance, dysfunctions in ion channels that control the equilibrium potential of potassium ions have been associated with cardiac arrhythmias and epilepsy. Similarly, abnormalities in the equilibrium potential of calcium ions have been implicated in disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Therefore, maintaining a proper equilibrium potential is essential for overall cellular and organismal health.

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