Atomic and Nuclear Transitions

In summary, atomic and nuclear transitions are processes in which energy is released or absorbed as an atom or nucleus changes from one energy state to another. These transitions occur through interactions with other particles or through the emission or absorption of photons. The main difference between atomic and nuclear transitions is the scale at which they occur, with atomic transitions involving changes in electron energy levels and nuclear transitions involving changes in nuclear energy levels. Examples of atomic and nuclear transitions include light emission in neon signs and nuclear reactions such as fission and fusion. These transitions have a significant impact on our daily lives, as they are the basis for technologies such as nuclear power plants and medical imaging devices, and are essential for the functioning of electronic devices.
  • #1
Can anybody tell me why atomic decays are usually only through electric dipole transitions, while nuclear decay often shows many different multipoles? i think that the transition rate for electric dipole transitions is much larger than for magnetic ones, but that doesn't really explain it. would appreciate any help!
Physics news on
  • #2
Nuclear states are generally more complicated, so lower L values may be forbidden.
  • #3

There are a few reasons why atomic decays are typically only through electric dipole transitions, while nuclear decay can involve multiple types of transitions.

First, the selection rules for atomic transitions are more restrictive compared to nuclear transitions. Atomic transitions must follow the selection rules of Δl = ±1 and Δm = 0, ±1 (where l is the orbital angular momentum and m is the magnetic quantum number), while nuclear transitions can also involve Δl = ±2 and Δm = 0, ±1, ±2. This means that there are more possible transitions for nuclear decay, leading to a higher likelihood of observing different multipoles.

Secondly, the electric dipole transition rate is indeed much larger compared to other types of transitions. This is because the electric dipole moment is typically much larger than the magnetic dipole moment, making it a more dominant process in atomic and nuclear transitions. This is also why electric dipole transitions are more commonly observed in atomic spectra.

Lastly, the structure of the nucleus also plays a role in the type of transitions that can occur. Unlike atoms, which have well-defined energy levels, the energy levels in the nucleus are more closely spaced. This allows for a wider range of transitions to occur, including higher-order multipoles.

In summary, the combination of selection rules, transition rates, and nuclear structure all contribute to the observation of multiple types of transitions in nuclear decay, while electric dipole transitions remain dominant in atomic decay. I hope this helps clarify things for you.

FAQ: Atomic and Nuclear Transitions

1. What are atomic and nuclear transitions?

Atomic and nuclear transitions are processes in which an atom or nucleus changes from one energy state to another, releasing or absorbing energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation.

2. How do atomic and nuclear transitions occur?

Atomic and nuclear transitions occur when an atom or nucleus gains or loses energy through interactions with other particles or through the absorption or emission of photons.

3. What is the difference between atomic and nuclear transitions?

The main difference between atomic and nuclear transitions is the scale at which they occur. Atomic transitions involve changes in the energy levels of electrons within an atom, while nuclear transitions involve changes in the energy levels of the nucleus of an atom.

4. What are some examples of atomic and nuclear transitions?

Some examples of atomic transitions include the emission of light by a neon sign or the absorption of light by plants during photosynthesis. Nuclear transitions can be seen in nuclear reactions such as fission or fusion, or in radioactive decay processes.

5. How do atomic and nuclear transitions impact our daily lives?

Atomic and nuclear transitions have a significant impact on our daily lives. They are the basis for technologies such as nuclear power plants, medical imaging devices, and smoke detectors. They also play a crucial role in the functioning of electronic devices such as computers and smartphones.
