3rd right foot washes up on BC beach

  • Thread starter fourier jr
  • Start date
In summary, three severed right feet have been washing up on the Gulf Islands in recent months. There is still no clear indication of what may have caused the limbs to be cut off, but police are investigating any possible links to missing person cases.
  • #1
fourier jr
A cop says it's "usual" & I can't say I disagree. I wouldn't be surprised if there actually is foul play somehow.

Third right foot discovered in Gulf Islands

Latest foot found on Valdes Island; police not sure if foul play is involved

Rob Shaw, Times Colonist
Published: Friday, February 15, 2008

Three severed right feet have washed ashore on the Gulf Islands in the past six months, in what police say is one of the most bizarre cases in recent memory.

The latest foot, still in its sneaker, was found last Friday on Valdes Island, a small community near Nanaimo that does not have regular ferry service and is accessible only by private boat or float plane.

RCMP say they're not sure whether foul play is involved and are trying to match any missing-person cases to the severed foot.

Two other right feet, both in size 12 men's sneakers, washed ashore on Gabriola and Jedediah islands last August. RCMP collected DNA from the grisly remains but could not match them to anyone in police databases. The three islands are within 60 kilometres of each other.
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  • #2
fourier jr said:
Since Canada is full of serial killers & pedophiles

But the Fat Man said it's such a peaceful place! Nobody needs guns and you all keep your front doors unlocked!
  • #3
It's rather hard to imagine a scenario NOT involving foul play that would result in a bunch of right feet washing ashore, unless Canada has a lot of one-legged boaters hopping around.
  • #4
Maybe a medical waste company has found a disposal method that's cheaper than incineration?
  • #5
lisab said:
Maybe a medical waste company has found a disposal method that's cheaper than incineration?
They were all wearing sneakers?
  • #6
Could be a really fussy shark. More likely some foul play going on.
  • #7
Evo said:
They were all wearing sneakers?

Yeah, good point. Probably not a medical-waste-and-sneaker disposal company.
  • #8
Since when did sharks become picky eaters?
  • #9
That area is home to the world's largest octopus - the Pacific Octopus. They ARE picky eaters, and do not like sneakers. Especially Nike. :smile:
  • #10
It dosent say if they are male or female feet, that's interesting. I'm sure DNA testing is well on the way, but you can learn a lot about a person by their feet.
  • #11
hypatia said:
It dosent say if they are male or female feet, that's interesting. I'm sure DNA testing is well on the way, but you can learn a lot about a person by their feet.
Two were wearing size 12 men's sneakers.
  • #12
It's also interesting that a serial killer would attack men; most unfortunately take advantage of the difference in strength between men and women.

Many serial killers are narcissists, though, so I can totally believe that one would "plant" these feet in order to become "famous" in the media.

- Warren
  • #13
chroot said:
It's also interesting that a serial killer would attack men; most unfortunately take advantage of the difference in strength between men and women.

Many serial killers are narcissists, though, so I can totally believe that one would "plant" these feet in order to become "famous" in the media.

- Warren

It's true that women end up victims of serial killers more often then men, but I don't think that's because of the strength advantage. I think it's deep, strongly held misogyny.

I believe that because very often, the serial killer sexually assaults his victims as part of the attack, and misogyny is the root cause of rape.
  • #14
Moonbear said:
unless Canada has a lot of one-legged boaters hopping around.

If they didn't before, they do now.
  • #15
Maybe there is a psycho med student at the UW School of Medicine. There was one at CMDNJ who stole a left hand from a cadaver and mailed it to his ex-girlfriend.

Other than getting him expelled, I don't see what that accomplished...
  • #16
Wait. This means the perpetrator, if there is one, now has at least three left feet.

If he wants to play one-upmanship, he can say he has three left feet. When somebody laughs, he can go over to a desk and say, "And I keep them here". When some foolish person calls him on it, he can open the drawer, and voila! One quick trip to jail. (He failed to think about the last part.)
  • #17
jim mcnamara said:
Maybe there is a psycho med student at the UW School of Medicine. There was one at CMDNJ who stole a left hand from a cadaver and mailed it to his ex-girlfriend.

Other than getting him expelled, I don't see what that accomplished...
She probably complained that he never gave her a hand.
  • #18
jim mcnamara said:
Wait. This means the perpetrator, if there is one, now has at least three left feet.

Police should focus their attention on suspects who don't like dancing. Maybe they can ask the public to submit information on people with two left feet.
  • #19
A possibility that just crossed my mind... What if the left foot is encased in concrete? But that doesn't explain why other parts aren't washing ashore.
  • #20
It's not mine, I have both, just checked.

How bizarre. Maybe someone has some sort of mutilation fetish? Or could just be your run of the mill psycho.
  • #21
It is obvious the other feet were left so they would only find right feet.
  • #22
I knew it was only a matter of time before something like this happened. I'll bet the sneakers were Puma's. Puma's are carnivores.
  • #23
wolram said:
It is obvious the other feet were left so they would only find right feet.

Do you think he's hoarding left feet, that's quite sinister. :wink:

Worst joke of the day, I think so.
  • #24
Schrodinger's Dog said:
Worst joke of the day, I think so.

I don't know, Evo's is pretty bad as well.
  • #25
tribdog said:
I don't know, Evo's is pretty bad as well.

That was yesterdays worst joke. :-p
  • #26
I also half to wonder if the feet in the size 12 mens sneekers, actually fit them.
  • #27
Thinking about it again it could have been a trio of method actors that were due to appear in a theatrical production of "My Left Foot" who hadn't read the script before hastily getting into character.
  • #28
hypatia said:
I also half to wonder if the feet in the size 12 mens sneekers, actually fit them.

That's a good question. If they do, my first suspects would be salesmen in shoestores. I'm not sure how many other ways there are to stalk victims all with the same size shoe (though I suppose it could be chance)...maybe in bowling alleys where shoe size is stamped on the rental shoes for all to see?

If the rest of the body isn't washing ashore, I would hazard the guess that the rest of the body isn't disposed of in the same place as the feet.
  • #29
Kurdt said:
Thinking about it again it could have been a trio of method actors that were due to appear in a theatrical production of "My Left Foot" who hadn't read the script before hastily getting into character.

I yield the floor, todays worst joke. :smile:
  • #31
Has any of the investigators mentioned how the feet appear to have been severed? by cutting, sawing, breaking... any bite marks?
  • #32
The link in the OP didn't say much about how they were severed. If they'd been in the water a while, it might be hard to tell. I guess the shoe provides enough protection that the foot doesn't get eaten.
  • #33
I guess it's safe to say that something fishy is afoot.
  • #34
B. Elliott said:
Has any of the investigators mentioned how the feet appear to have been severed? by cutting, sawing, breaking... any bite marks?
They said no sign of "forcible" removal of the foot. Apparently, they're considering the possibility that the feet are just popping off of their own free will or something. :confused:

morphism said:
I guess it's safe to say that something fishy is afoot.

<<<<<<<<groan>>>>>>>> :rolleyes:
  • #35
lisab said:
I think it's deep, strongly held misogyny.

I believe that because very often, the serial killer sexually assaults his victims as part of the attack, and misogyny is the root cause of rape.
People don't rape people because they hate them. Men don't rape men in prison because they hate them. People rape people because they can't control their want to feel powerful.