NASA - The Political/Semi-Science Organization

  • NASA
  • Thread starter funniew
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In summary: You're gonna criticize NASA but can't even spell or use proper grammar?In summary, the conversation discusses various criticisms and thoughts about NASA, including their disregard for human life, lack of focus, and contradiction to their family-centric policies. The speaker also suggests that NASA should not pursue missions to the moon or Mars until they have developed necessary technologies and have enough funding. However, there are also conflicting comments about NASA and its capabilities. Overall, the conversation highlights a mix of opinions and concerns about NASA and its operations.
  • #1
NASA -- The Political/Semi-Science Organization


I have these thoughts about NASA.
  1. They Have a disrespect for life
    • The flew the Space Shuttle when they were warned not .. twice killing all on board
      Suddenly, they are trying to get to Moon but are using old Apollo technology because it is EASY to throw to together and would get them there faster. What is wrong with taking the time to develop the new technology --- so what if I takes 30 to 40 years... what is the RUSH? Trying to improve a model T for NASCAR is dumb even if one has built millions.
  2. Lack Focus
    • They have too many programs that amount to nothing. And now with brilliant Chinese and Japanese space programs on the rise with gravity systems it's surely an embarrassment.
    • They think of lame brain ideas just to keep funding.
  3. Contradiction to their family centric policy
    • Willingness to take chances lives of others is not family centric
    • Not managing people resources is not family centric; The Diapernaut lady. I think NASA thought the competition was healthy.

NASA should not be thinking about going to the moon or Mars until they;
1) develop a way to counter lack of gravity or people will DIE. AND NO, It is not acceptable to say space is dangerous and people will DIE. If one can't cook get OUT THE KITCHEN so to speak!
2) build real space vehicles that use non chemical means and fuel that has high Power/mass ratio so one can turn around and come back to earth.
3) wait until money is not issue or join up with 3 other countries to offset cost. Taking shortcuts and trying to have an economical space program is an embarrassment of poverty and poor judgment; especially when human lives on on the line.

By the way, that Aries 5 Rocket is nothing but a 400 FT Bomb and the ubiquity of insanity -- LUNACY PROGRAM -- Houston NASA HAS PROBLEMS. I bet it takes out 5 city blocks when it explodes on launchpad ... HA HA!

HAHAHAHA , that is what I think about NASA the little red caboose that couldn't make it up the hill. If I get job offer from NASA I'd surely turn it down I want to work from innovative companies which means I'll be leaving the USA.

"Gonna enter the grand prix motorsports in a revamped model-T and win! I understand this system and its SIMPLE. One can spend 5 years improving it and building worthless mockups until I'm satisfied i will not feel bad when the driver dies in it!"

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  • #2

I have these thoughts about you:

Your spelling sucks
Your facts are wrong
Your logic is flawed
You are a dropout

  • #3

Ok, but saying my facts are wrong is not enough. Also, I rushed to type this in so yeah my spelling would suck maybe even some of the grammar too.
  • #4

No references.

  • #5

lol guis liek NASA sux!11!

Seriously man?

FAQ: NASA - The Political/Semi-Science Organization

What is NASA and what is its purpose?

NASA, or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, is a government agency in the United States that is responsible for the nation's civilian space program and for aeronautics and aerospace research. Its purpose is to explore space and conduct scientific research for the benefit of humanity.

Is NASA a political or a scientific organization?

NASA can be seen as both a political and a scientific organization. While its primary mission is to conduct scientific research and exploration, it is also funded and overseen by the government, making it subject to political influences and decisions.

What are some notable accomplishments of NASA?

NASA has achieved many notable accomplishments throughout its history, including putting the first humans on the moon, launching the Hubble Space Telescope, and sending rovers to explore the surface of Mars. It has also contributed to advancements in aeronautics and developed technologies for use in everyday life, such as memory foam and smoke detectors.

How does NASA contribute to society?

NASA's contributions to society are vast and varied. Its scientific research has led to advancements in medicine, environmental protection, and disaster response. It has also inspired generations of people to pursue careers in STEM fields and has sparked public interest and wonder in the mysteries of space.

What challenges does NASA face?

NASA faces many challenges, including securing funding for its programs, developing new technologies and spacecraft, and managing the risks associated with space exploration. It also faces criticism and pressure from politicians and the public to justify its budget and mission objectives.
