General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Motion and Virtual Particles Oh my

In summary: Virtual particles are often presented as 'popping in and out of existence' in the vacuum. But this would imply, as mentioned in JDude13's original post, that the background of 'space' can be used as a reference. Or, e.g., the way in which a real particle is moving would determine how many 'virtual particles' it runs into etc. But if all motion is relative, then this can't be the case.As a layman, I think my confusion comes from reading too much into the popular (intuitive) descriptions of virtual particles.The virtual particle imagery stems from the 1940s and 1950s when people tried to understand how quantum electrodynamics and its general
  • #1
In the quantum world, is all motion absolute? As in, can you pinpoint whether or not a particle is actually moving using space as a reference point? Or is it like in general relativity where the only motion that matters is motion relative to other particles?

If it is like the model of motion in general relativity, then what direction are virtual particles moving relative to other particles?

As I understand it, when a virtual particle is created, so is its virtual anti-particle moving in opposite directions. Is this motion unique to each observer? or does their wave-function mean they move in every direction to each observer?

Or am I being naive, mentioning observers because virtual particles cannot be observed because, if they are, the consequences of their existence is prolonged to such a degree that the cannot be virtual?
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  • #2
JDude13 said:
In the quantum world, is all motion absolute? As in, can you pinpoint whether or not a particle is actually moving using space as a reference point? Or is it like in general relativity where the only motion that matters is motion relative to other particles?

The latter.

JDude13 said:
Or am I being naive, mentioning observers because virtual particles cannot be observed

Yes. Look at Chapter A7: ''Virtual particles and vacuum fluctuations'' of my theoretical physics FAQ at
  • #3
A. Neumaier said:
The latter.

Yes. Look at Chapter A7: ''Virtual particles and vacuum fluctuations'' of my theoretical physics FAQ at

I just read the (very helpful) FAQ. So, if I understand correctly, only relative motion matters (as per general relativity) because virtual particles are 'exchanged', but do not have a definite direction of motion, speed, etc.?

  • #4
asimov42 said:
I just read the (very helpful) FAQ. So, if I understand correctly, only relative motion matters (as per general relativity) because virtual particles are 'exchanged', but do not have a definite direction of motion, speed, etc.?

Your statement about virtual particles is a correct inference from my FAQ.

But the question of relativity is unrelated to virtual particles.

The laws of mechanics are relative, whether in Newtonian mechanics, classical relativity,
quantum mechanics, or relativistic quantum field theory. In each case you need to define a frame of reference before you can talk about position.
  • #5
A. Neumaier said:
The latter.

Yes. Look at Chapter A7: ''Virtual particles and vacuum fluctuations'' of my theoretical physics FAQ at

A. Neumaier said:
Your statement about virtual particles is a correct inference from my FAQ.

But the question of relativity is unrelated to virtual particles.

The laws of mechanics are relative, whether in Newtonian mechanics, classical relativity,
quantum mechanics, or relativistic quantum field theory. In each case you need to define a frame of reference before you can talk about position.

Ah, right. I guess my question is more about the interpretation of 'virtual particles'.

Virtual particles are often presented as 'popping in and out of existence' in the vacuum. But this would imply, as mentioned in JDude13's original post, that the background of 'space' can be used as a reference. Or, e.g., the way in which a real particle is moving would determine how many 'virtual particles' it runs into etc. But if all motion is relative, then this can't be the case.

As a layman, I think my confusion comes from reading too much into the popular (intuitive) descriptions of virtual particles.
  • #6
asimov42 said:
Ah, right. I guess my question is more about the interpretation of 'virtual particles'.

Virtual particles are often presented as 'popping in and out of existence' in the vacuum. But this would imply, as mentioned in JDude13's original post, that the background of 'space' can be used as a reference. Or, e.g., the way in which a real particle is moving would determine how many 'virtual particles' it runs into etc. But if all motion is relative, then this can't be the case.

As a layman, I think my confusion comes from reading too much into the popular (intuitive) descriptions of virtual particles.

The virtual particle imagery stems from the 1940s and 1950s when people tried to understand how quantum electrodynamics and its generalizations can make sense. For the experts of today, the term is fully exchangable with ''internal lines in a Feynman diagram'', without any intended meaning beyond that.

Popularizations take the imagery for real since it seems far more understandable that the formal stuff, but these popularization pay for it by having to ascribe to the virtual particles very strange properties far from both ordinary experience and measurable facts.

But quantum mechanics is much more rational and intelligible if one avoids such spurious imagery. So it is best to unlearn it as soon as possible.

FAQ: General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Motion and Virtual Particles Oh my

1. What is the difference between General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics?

General Relativity is a theory of gravity that explains the behavior of large objects, such as planets and galaxies, while Quantum Mechanics is a theory that describes the behavior of particles at a subatomic level. They are both successful theories in their respective areas, but they are currently incompatible with each other.

2. Can you explain the concept of motion in General Relativity?

In General Relativity, motion is not absolute, meaning that there is no preferred frame of reference. Instead, motion is relative and is influenced by the distribution of matter and energy in the universe. This is described by the curvature of spacetime, which is affected by the presence of massive objects.

3. What are virtual particles and how do they relate to quantum mechanics?

Virtual particles are particles that are not directly detectable, but are created and destroyed continuously in empty space. They are a manifestation of quantum mechanics, where particles can pop in and out of existence due to the uncertainty principle. These virtual particles play a role in various phenomena, such as the Casimir effect and Hawking radiation.

4. How does General Relativity explain the bending of light near massive objects?

In General Relativity, massive objects cause spacetime to curve. Light follows the curvature of spacetime, so when it passes near a massive object, it will appear to bend due to the curvature. This effect is known as gravitational lensing and has been observed in various astronomical phenomena, providing evidence for the validity of General Relativity.

5. Can you give an example of how General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are both needed to fully understand a phenomenon?

One example is the study of black holes. General Relativity explains the behavior of the spacetime around a black hole, while Quantum Mechanics is needed to understand the particles and energy that are emitted from the black hole's event horizon. Combining these theories has led to important insights into the nature of black holes and their role in the universe.

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