The exact difference between Chemistry and Physics

In summary, the conversation discusses the blurring of boundaries between chemistry and physics. The speaker expresses their interest in quantum physics and questions whether there is a clear separation between the two sciences. They also mention that some sub-branches of chemistry, such as physical chemistry, involve more physics-related knowledge. The discussion also touches on the opinions of famous physicists and chemists, and the roles of mathematics and psychology in science.
  • #1
I came to think about Chemistry, from the elementary 'electrons (Moons) orbiting the planet (nucleus)' To somewhat complicated chemistry such as Sub-atomic orbitals, and Hybrid orbitals etc.

Now, i noticed that as chemistry gets more 'complicated', it just about becomes like physics. Even famous 'chemists' such as schrodinger (sp?) as shown in my textbook are really chemists working on quantum physics (which i privately am interested in)

So my question is: Is there a clear border-line between the sciences? Or does it all end up being the same thing in a different form.

EDIT: Just another thing to add, would it appropriate to say 'inorganic' chemistry is more towards physics than 'organic' (study of carbon) chemistry is?
Chemistry news on
  • #2
Bladibla said:
So my question is: Is there a clear border-line between the sciences? Or does it all end up being the same thing in a different form.

EDIT: Just another thing to add, would it appropriate to say 'inorganic' chemistry is more towards physics than 'organic' (study of carbon) chemistry is?

There is not a clear border-line. For example, physical chemistry, chemical physics, physical organic chemistry, metal-organic chemistry, etc. sub branches are present to deal with the selected science branches.

Inorganic chemistry textbooks start the "physical-looking" lecture with Schrödinger's famous equation; but this is pure physics, no chemistry is involved (this is my opinion). So you are partly right about this, in inorganic chemistry, we use more physics-related knowledge than we do in organic chemistry (although in some cases, we are using some physics in the latter).
  • #3

Hello. Thanks for the reply.

I am for one, glad that the reponse (in your opinion, which would be far supierior than mine since you are doing a higher level of education and therefore have more experience) because i as a student, although i don't do Physics, (i do Chemistry and Bio) I am still interested in its components, especially in the quantum physics.

I've asked this question because lots of people seem to view like 'one or the another, no both'. So for me, i would do chemistry, but in NO way would i be interested or good (i don't know whether i am) at physics. Of course, my thoughts lie for all the sciences.
  • #4
All I have to say is take an entire year sequence of physical chemistry. Then tell me what you think chemistry is after taking P-chem.
  • #5
Bladibla said:
Even famous 'chemists' such as schrodinger (sp?) as shown in my textbook are really chemists working on quantum physics

Aargh ! Sacrilege ! : Schrodinger is a physicist. I get mad at chem textbooks claiming all the great physicists from around 1900 as chemists.

When Rutherford (of the gold-foil, alpha particle scattering experiment) was given the Nobel Prize for Chemistry, he was very upset, and said (approximately) : "All science is either physics or stamp collecting." :cool:
  • #6
Gokul43201 said:
Aargh ! Sacrilege ! : Schrodinger is a physicist. I get mad at chem textbooks claiming all the great physicists from around 1900 as chemists.

When Rutherford (of the gold-foil, alpha particle scattering experiment) was given the Nobel Prize for Chemistry, he was very upset, and said (approximately) : "All science is either physics or stamp collecting." :cool:

I never heard that before. Just shows that not even the nobel prizers can show the exact difference.
  • #7
Bladibla said:
I never heard that before. Just shows that not even the nobel prizers can show the exact difference.

1.The Nobel Foundation made a bunch of errors in its existence.This one and the refusal to give Arnold Sommerfeld a Nobel Prize on multiple (round 30(sic))occasions seem to me the greatest.

2.Foundation of chemistry comprize three notions:atom,molecule,chemical bond.All of the three are analyzed by physics.Fundamental chemistry is physics (quantum mechanics to be more exact).Names like Heitler,London,Hueckel sound as good for physics as for chemistry.But they were physicists.

  • #8
Physicists wanted to be mathematiciansm, but math was too hard
Chemists wanted to be physicists, but physics was too hard
Biologists wanted to be chemists, but chemistry was too hard
Mathematicians wanted to be scientists, but are incapable of dealing with the real world ;-)
  • #9
so-crates said:
Physicists wanted to be mathematiciansm, but math was too hard
Chemists wanted to be physicists, but physics was too hard
Biologists wanted to be chemists, but chemistry was too hard
Mathematicians wanted to be scientists, but are incapable of dealing with the real world ;-)
And psychologists want to be considered scientists, without having to master any science!
  • #10
so-crates said:
Physicists wanted to be mathematiciansm, but math was too hard
Chemists wanted to be physicists, but physics was too hard
Biologists wanted to be chemists, but chemistry was too hard
Mathematicians wanted to be scientists, but are incapable of dealing with the real world ;-)

Physicists wanted to become mathematicians, but math was too hard? Evidently you have never met a real physicists.

  • #11
nautica said:
Physicists wanted to become mathematicians, but math was too hard? Evidently you have never met a real physicists.


You're right, I probably should have said, 'Physicists wanted to be mathematicians, but were too sloppy for mathematics''

FAQ: The exact difference between Chemistry and Physics

What is the difference between Chemistry and Physics?

Chemistry and Physics are both branches of science that deal with the study of matter and energy. However, the main difference between them is the approach they take in understanding and explaining the behavior of matter and energy.

What is the focus of Chemistry?

Chemistry focuses on the composition, structure, and properties of substances, as well as the changes they undergo. It explores the interactions between atoms and molecules to understand how these elements form compounds and how they react with each other.

What is the focus of Physics?

Physics, on the other hand, focuses on the fundamental principles and laws that govern the behavior of matter and energy in the universe. It seeks to understand the fundamental forces of nature, such as gravity, electromagnetism, and nuclear forces, and how they interact with matter and energy.

What are the main methods used in Chemistry and Physics?

Chemistry relies heavily on experimentation and observation to gather data and make conclusions about the behavior of matter and energy. It also uses mathematical models to explain and predict chemical phenomena. Physics, on the other hand, uses mathematical equations and theories to describe and predict the behavior of matter and energy.

How do Chemistry and Physics overlap?

Although Chemistry and Physics are distinct branches of science, they often overlap in their studies. For example, physical chemistry combines the principles of both Chemistry and Physics to understand the physical properties of matter and the laws that govern their behavior. Additionally, many scientific discoveries and advancements in one field can have implications and applications in the other field.

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