What is the Closest We Have to AI (within normal human g range)?

In summary: With that much computing power, it is not surprising that scientists are working on creating artificial neural networks that act and think like humans. Neural networks are a type of artificial intelligence that are modeled after the way the brain works. Basically, they are a collection of interconnected nodes that can learn and understand information.
  • #1
Friendly Immigrant
What is the Closest We Have to AI (within normal human "g" range)?

Requesting info. please, thanks.

Also, second question: I heard something about scientists mapping every human synapses and neurons in the brain and then somehow transforming these into artificial neural nets. How do they do this, the mapping part and then converting it to identical artificial neural nets? What type of math equations do they use to represent the human brain and then apply this to chip circuits? Maybe I can just be directed to a link.

Computer science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Friendly Immigrant said:
Requesting info. please, thanks.

Also, second question: I heard something about scientists mapping every human synapses and neurons in the brain and then somehow transforming these into artificial neural nets. How do they do this, the mapping part and then converting it to identical artificial neural nets? What type of math equations do they use to represent the human brain and then apply this to chip circuits? Maybe I can just be directed to a link.


the closest we have? I would say a trained rat (rats are smart for animals)

as for the second one... that was a star trek episode.
  • #3
I'm not sure how that neural net thing would work. Neurons are pretty analog, so even simulating one would be a lot of work. Also, it seems to me that it would be difficult to tell if the AI worked or not. It takes years of interactions with other people for our brains to collect enough information to know how to function and to think critically. Even if one was to simulate a brain perfectly, it may be as functional as a newborn baby.
  • #4
Also, second question: I heard something about scientists mapping every human synapses and neurons in the brain and then somehow transforming these into artificial neural nets. How do they do this, the mapping part and then converting it to identical artificial neural nets? What type of math equations do they use to represent the human brain and then apply this to chip circuits?

Mapping every synapes with our current technology and understanding of the brain is far from possible. We actually know little about how the brain actually works. Really, just seeing what part of the brain is active when doing certain functions and determining that part of the brain has something to do with carring out that function is just about all we know how to do. As far as what goes on in the mircoscopic scale with individual neurons, we know, for the most part, the mechanics of how neurons send signals but not so much how neurons interprete these signals and act together as a whole.

The brain is the most complex structure that we know. It has been estimated that one average human brain has the computing power of all the world's processors put together, times 16 million.

FAQ: What is the Closest We Have to AI (within normal human g range)?

1. What exactly is AI?

AI stands for artificial intelligence and refers to the ability of a computer or machine to think and learn like a human, including the ability to make decisions and solve problems.

2. What is the closest we have to AI within normal human range?

The closest we have to AI within normal human range is known as narrow AI, which is a type of artificial intelligence that is programmed for a specific task or set of tasks. This includes technologies like virtual assistants, chatbots, and self-driving cars.

3. How is narrow AI different from general AI?

While narrow AI is programmed for specific tasks, general AI refers to a machine or computer that possesses intelligence and cognitive abilities similar to a human. This type of AI is still in the development and research stage and is not yet within normal human range.

4. Can narrow AI become general AI in the future?

There is ongoing research and development in the field of AI, and it is possible that narrow AI could evolve and advance to the level of general AI in the future. However, it is difficult to predict if and when this may happen.

5. Are there any ethical concerns surrounding AI?

Yes, there are significant ethical concerns surrounding AI, particularly with the potential for machines or computers to make decisions that could have a major impact on human lives. There is also concern about job displacement and the potential for AI to perpetuate biases and discrimination. It is important for scientists and engineers to consider these ethical implications when developing and implementing AI technologies.
