What are the forces acting on the rope in Atwood's machine?

In summary: Now when you ask what force makes the rope move, I answer that the rope doesn't need any force to move. It's massless, so ##F=ma## reduces to ##F=0## no matter what the value of ##a## is; I can accelerate the rope at any rate that I please even with a zero force.But of course in the real world, the rope isn't massless. So consider how you'd solve the problem if you weren't allowed to ignore the... mass of the rope.You might think that you could ignore the mass of the rope by imposing some boundary condition on it, like making sure that the tension in the rope
  • #1
I'm having trouble with the concept. I have two questions. According to various internet posts, the force of gravity of the masses attached to the Atwood machine does not act on the rope whatsoever.

Is this correct? It is kind of confusing to me, because the rope is attached to these masses. So shouldn't the force of gravity on the masses effect the rope too?

This means the only force acting on the rope is reactant force of Tension from the mass. But these two forces cancel each other out.

If one of the masses goes up and the other goes down, this means the rope HAS TO MOVE.

So, then how does the rope move? There are no forces acting on the rope, so how does it move?
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  • #2
It's an idealized massless, unstretchable rope with negligible size. If you were using a real line ... imagine heaving too on a sailing ship: lines are heavy, they stretch, they have friction going through the blocks, and you get blisters on your hands until the skin toughens up!
  • #3
Oh, and the tension on the rope doesn't cancel out - the opposing forces of Newton's third law are acting on two different bodies. In the case of tension the rope is the intermediate body, carrying the force from the first two the second, and from the second to the first. So no cancelation.

You can solve these problems with real ropes and chains - but they are more complicated.
  • #4
UltrafastPED said:
Oh, and the tension on the rope doesn't cancel out - the opposing forces of Newton's third law are acting on two different bodies. In the case of tension the rope is the intermediate body, carrying the force from the first two the second, and from the second to the first. So no cancelation.

You can solve these problems with real ropes and chains - but they are more complicated.

I drew a picture


You are saying T1 does not cancel T2, because both of these Tension forces are transferred to the masses connected to the ropes?

Also, what causes the rope to move with the masses? If tension is equal on the rope, then the rope would not move- only the masses would move.

I've thought that the heavier mass is what makes the rope move, that it "pulls" on the rope somehow, and that this pull has something to do with the force of gravity acting on the mass.
  • #5
x86 said:
You are saying T1 does not cancel T2, because both of these Tension forces are transferred to the masses connected to the ropes?

Also, what causes the rope to move with the masses? If tension is equal on the rope, then the rope would not move- only the masses would move.

I've thought that the heavier mass is what makes the rope move, that it "pulls" on the rope somehow, and that this pull has something to do with the force of gravity acting on the mass.

Start by assuming that the rope has no mass. That's not true, of course, but it's a good approximation (and we can always make it better by using larger masses so that the mass of the rope becomes relatively less significant), and it makes the solution much much easier:

Let the tension in the rope be ##T##, the force of gravity on mass 1 be ##w_1##, and the force of gravity on mass 2 be ##w_2##.

What forces are acting on mass 1? Gravity pulling down and the tension of the rope pulling up. The net force on mass 1 is ##F_1=w_1-T## after I've made the (arbitrary, but i have to be consistent about it) choice to make the positive direction downwards.

What forces are acting on mass 2? Again, gravity pulling down and the tension of the rope pulling up, so we have ##F_2=w_2-T##.

Now we can use ##F=ma## to calculate the accelerations ##a_1## and ##a_2## in terms of ##w_1##, ##w_2##, and ##T##. Then we use the requirement that ##a_1=-a_2## (if one side is going down the other side is going up) to solve for ##T## and we have the accelerations of both objects in terms of their weights.

This is the simple solution, in which we assume that the rope is massless, or at least so close to massless that we can ignore its weight and mass. Now when you ask what force makes the rope move, I answer that the rope doesn't need any force to move. It's massless, so ##F=ma## reduces to ##F=0## no matter what the value of ##a## is; I can accelerate the rope at any rate that I please even with a zero force.

But of course in the real world, the rope isn't massless. So consider how you'd solve the problem if you weren't allowed to ignore the mass of the rope... The first thing you would discover is that the tension in the rope is no longer constant along the length of the rope; at every point on the rope, the tension must be sufficient to accelerate the object at the end of the rope AND the mass of the rope below that point. Furthermore, the tension in the rope will vary in a complicated way with time, as the amount of rope and hence the mass on each side of the pulley changes with time.

You can still solve this more complicated problem, but we don't need to here. Instead, we just need to remember that the tension in the rope is no longer constant along its length. In particular, the tension in the rope at mass 1, which we'll call ##T_1##, is different from the tension at mass 2, which we'll call ##T_2##.

Ok, what's the force that mass 1 exerts on the rope? Well, the rope is pulling on mass 1 with a force of ##T_1##, so by Newton's second law, mass 1 is exerting an equal and opposite force on the rope. Likewise, mass 2 is exerting a force that is equal and opposite to ##T_2## on the other end of the rope. ##T_1## and ##T_2## are not the same so their equal and opposite forces are also not the same; they don't cancel and there's a net force on the rope. It's just enough to accelerate the rope as needed to keep everything moving together.
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FAQ: What are the forces acting on the rope in Atwood's machine?

1. What is an Atwood's machine?

An Atwood's machine is a simple mechanical device used to demonstrate the principles of tension and acceleration in a pulley system. It consists of two masses connected by a string that runs over a pulley, with one mass hanging freely and the other attached to a weight or surface.

2. What causes tension in an Atwood's machine?

Tension in an Atwood's machine is caused by the weight of the hanging mass pulling down on the string, which in turn pulls on the stationary mass and creates an equal and opposite force. This tension is what allows the two masses to move and accelerates the system.

3. How does the mass of the hanging weight affect tension in an Atwood's machine?

The mass of the hanging weight directly affects the tension in an Atwood's machine. As the weight increases, so does the tension in the string, resulting in a higher acceleration of the system. This can be seen in the equation T = (m1 - m2)g, where T is tension, m1 is the hanging mass, m2 is the stationary mass, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

4. What is the relationship between tension and acceleration in an Atwood's machine?

In an Atwood's machine, the tension and acceleration are directly proportional. This means that as tension increases, so does acceleration. This can be seen in the equation F = ma, where F is the force (tension), m is the mass, and a is the acceleration. As tension increases, so does the force, resulting in a higher acceleration of the system.

5. What factors can affect tension in an Atwood's machine?

The tension in an Atwood's machine can be affected by various factors, including the mass of the hanging weight, the mass of the stationary weight, the length and weight of the string, and the friction in the pulley system. Any changes in these factors can result in a change in tension and ultimately affect the acceleration of the system.

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