Does a hydrogen-oxygen mixture require ignition to react?

In summary, the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen does not spontaneously react at any concentration. However, in theory, the reaction can occur at room temperature, albeit very slowly. The hydrogen autoignition temperature is approximately 500 °C (932 °F), but this is only an approximation as it is dependent on the mixture composition.
  • #1
Does mixture of hydrogen and oxygen actually has to be ignited or the reaction occurs even without ignition when some critical H:O proportion is reached?
Chemistry news on
  • #2
Nope, it doesn't spontaneously react at any concentration.
  • #3
In theory such mixture reacts even at room temperature, albeit very slowly. But I don't have access to any kinetic data, so I have no idea whether the reaction at room temperature is observable or not.
  • #4
Which reminds me: if you heat the mixture continuously (starting at room temperature and gradually increasing but not to slow) at what temperature would it ignite?
  • #5
Borek said:
In theory such mixture reacts even at room temperature, albeit very slowly.

In theory, diamonds turn into graphite at room temperature, albeit very slowly :wink:

Thank god for slow reaction kinetics - or we'd all instantly die in a ball of flame.
  • #6
Actually I think I've found it:

"The hydrogen autoignition temperature, the temperature of spontaneous ignition in air, is 500 °C (932 °F)."

That high! ...I would have thought it's much lower. ...No way; that must be wrong. (?)
  • #7
SAZAR said:
"The hydrogen autoignition temperature, the temperature of spontaneous ignition in air, is 500 °C (932 °F)."

This is only some kind of approximation, as autoignition temperature is surely a function of the mixture composition.

  • #8
SAZAR said:
That high! ...I would have thought it's much lower. ...No way; that must be wrong. (?)

Sounds about right to me.

As Borek said, it changes a bit with composition though.

FAQ: Does a hydrogen-oxygen mixture require ignition to react?

What is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen?

A mixture of hydrogen and oxygen is a combination of these two gases in varying proportions. It is not a compound, as the two gases do not chemically react with each other, but rather a physical mixture.

What are the properties of a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen?

A mixture of hydrogen and oxygen has properties that depend on the proportions of each gas present. It can be colorless, odorless, and tasteless, and can exist in gaseous or liquid states. It is also highly flammable.

How is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen created?

A mixture of hydrogen and oxygen can be created through various methods, such as electrolysis of water or the decomposition of certain compounds. It can also be created by separating the two gases in their liquid states and then mixing them together.

What are the uses of a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen?

A mixture of hydrogen and oxygen has many industrial and scientific uses. It is commonly used in fuel cells to produce electricity, in welding and cutting processes, and in the production of fertilizers and other chemicals.

Is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen safe to handle?

While hydrogen and oxygen are both relatively safe gases to handle individually, a mixture of the two can be highly explosive. It should be handled with caution and proper safety precautions should be taken to avoid accidents.
