Your practical tips for energy efficiency

In summary, adopting habits and technology that reduce personal energy consumption can help save on resources. Some recommendations include replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescents, turning off devices when not in use, driving at a slower speed, and avoiding quick acceleration or frequent changes in speed.
  • #1
Loren Booda
What habits and technology can we adopt to reduce personal energy consumption?
Physics news on
  • #2
Car pool
Generate electricity from exercise equipment
  • #3
I once met a guy who put small, closed, empty boxes in all the space in his freezer that wasn't being used. That way, he said, he didn't let all that cold air out each time he opened it.
  • #5
Don't leave things on standby.
  • #6
matthyaouw said:
Don't leave things on standby.
Could you please show your math?
  • #7
  • #8
Replace incandescant light bulbs with compact fluorescents. Can give 60 watts equivalent light with about 13 watts. The new color corrected quick lighting fluorescent bulbs give off light that looks almost the same as incandescant light bulbs.

Wrap hot water piping with insulation.

If you use an air conditioner, turn up the temperature to only 10 deg F below the outside temperature (95 deg F day would be set on 85 deg F etc.) with a low point setting of 80 deg F and supplement with ceiling fans.
  • #9
Keep your car tuned, and don't leave it full of un necessary stuff

Measure how much water needed to be boiled

Use low energy lamp bulbs, i think 25W =60W
  • #10
Opt out of the consumer lifestyle. If no-one buys all this stuff we don't need, they might stop making it.

Hang your clothes up (not in your wardrobe) while still damp to save ironing.

Get into reading. It'll stop you watching so much daft television.

Install solar panels on your roof. In the UK you can sell your excess back to the national grid. Don't know about the US.

Have baths, not showers.

Socialise. Don't sit in front of the TV or at your PC all night on... uh... forums. Fora?

Drive at about 60 to 65 mph where possible - get the most mileage for the least amount of petrol consumed. Optimum speed for fuel consumption may vary country to country though.

Wash clothes by hand. No, I don't see me doing that one either.

Ultimately, get out of the rat race. We use most technologies to free up time. If we can afford to spend time walking to the shops instead of driving, etc then we will save on resources using these time-saving solutions and won't be cramming instant no-brainer entertainment into a busy schedules. On the down side, we'd probably live longer, so will spend more time using energy.
  • #11
El Hombre Invisible said:
Have baths, not showers.
Showers can actually use much less water if you use a flow restricted head. So I would add to my list:

Install flow restricting shower heads.
  • #12
Use cloth bags at the store, or reuse the plastic ones (they're a petroleum product.)

Grow some your own food (reduce packaging and transport of food).

Buy seventh generation or other green source (post consumer recycled content etc - so fewer trees cut down - so more CO2 fixers left on the planet. )
  • #13
El Hombre Invisible

Hang your clothes up (not in your wardrobe) while still damp to save ironing.

I thought that was my secret ironing method, i hang my shirts on the line
buttoned up on a hanger :biggrin:
  • #14
wolram said:
El Hombre Invisible

Hang your clothes up (not in your wardrobe) while still damp to save ironing.

I thought that was my secret ironing method, i hang my shirts on the line
buttoned up on a hanger :biggrin:
Do you ever get the feeling you're being watched?
  • #15
Find non-fossil fuels, fund fusion reactors research, and build lots and lots of ultrasafe nuclear reactors. Might want to use a certain design of nuclear reactor (forgot the name) in which the neutron flux automatically goes to zero if the temperature goes above a critical its impossible to overload. It happens because the crystalline structure of the reactor core changes at the critical temperature.
  • #16
A couple of things I do:

All of my windows face north and we're surrounded by trees, so I didn't use an AC or even a single fan all summer. I don't use a heater during the winter (I actually like the cold). I hand-wash a lot of my clothes. I don't drive. I don't ever wash cups or glasses that I only drink water out of. I mostly eat food that requires little to no cooking. That's about it. We're not allowed to install new showerheads or insultate the pipes or anything here, but if we could, I would.
  • #17
If you drive:

Don't race your engine at stops.

Don't race up on red lights, but slow down and attempt to keep your wheels in motion so when the light turns green you are still moving.

Don't jackrabbit start.

Try and avoid quick acceleration or frequent changes in speed.

Leave space and try and keep moving in slow traffic.

Carpool when possible.
  • #18
Quickest payback (6 months) for an energy retrofit investment: an LED exit sign saves on maintainance, deterioration from heat, bulbs, electricity, air conditioning and emergencies over a traditional sign.

FAQ: Your practical tips for energy efficiency

1. How can I reduce my energy consumption at home?

There are several practical tips for energy efficiency that you can implement at home. These include turning off lights and electronics when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, sealing air leaks, and adjusting your thermostat to save energy. You can also consider using natural light instead of electric lights during the day and line-drying your clothes instead of using a dryer.

2. What are some ways to save energy at work?

To save energy at work, you can make sure to turn off lights and equipment when not in use, use natural light when possible, and adjust the thermostat to a slightly higher temperature. You can also encourage your coworkers to use energy-efficient practices and consider using laptops instead of desktop computers, as they use less energy.

3. Is it worth investing in energy-efficient appliances?

Yes, investing in energy-efficient appliances can save you a significant amount of money in the long run. These appliances use less energy, which means lower utility bills. They also have a longer lifespan, reducing the need for frequent replacements. Additionally, many energy-efficient appliances come with rebates and tax incentives, making them a worthwhile investment.

4. How can I make my home more energy-efficient without spending a lot of money?

There are several low-cost ways to make your home more energy-efficient. These include using weather stripping and caulk to seal air leaks, installing a programmable thermostat, and using LED light bulbs. You can also adjust your daily habits, such as turning off lights and unplugging electronics when not in use, to save energy.

5. Are there any government programs or incentives for energy efficiency?

Yes, there are various government programs and incentives for energy efficiency. These include tax credits for energy-efficient home improvements, rebates for purchasing energy-efficient appliances, and assistance programs for low-income households. You can also check with your local utility company for any energy-saving programs or incentives they may offer.
