Why doesn't light interact with dark matter?

In summary: The second question is “if a photon were to collide with a dark particle, would they be unaffected?”. This is a more complicated question and I will try to answer it as best as I can. If a photon were to collide with a dark particle, the answer is that they would be affected. However, the amount of affect would be very small. In summary, photons do interact with dark matter, but the interaction is very small.
  • #1

Do we understand why light doesn't interact with dark matter? If a photon were to collide with a dark particle, would they be unaffected?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
In first approximation anything interacting with electromagnetic fields needs some dipole moment. That means it should not be electrically neutral. When having a closer look even particles which are neutral only on average (think about a simple hydrogen atom for example) may interact with light due to fluctuations which induce temporary dipole moments. However, particles which do not carry any electric charge at all will not interact with light and are thus dark. Neutrinos are a good example for that.
  • #3
but I've read some where that neutrinos do .
even if it has to travel great lengths.
but probability tells me it could also happen twice in a short distance maybe
i read that if a neutrino were to go through lead it could go many light years in distance before actually doing so.if this is true then is this not still frequent in the grand size of things?
  • #4
lostprophets said:
but I've read some where that neutrinos do .
even if it has to travel great lengths.
but probability tells me it could also happen twice in a short distance maybe
i read that if a neutrino were to go through lead it could go many light years in distance before actually doing so.if this is true then is this not still frequent in the grand size of things?

Neutrinos have nothing to do with dark matter.
  • #5
lostprophets said:
but I've read some where that neutrinos do .
Neutrinos do interact - but not with photons. They interact via the weak interaction (and gravity), which is the exchange of W- and Z-bosons.
As the weak interaction is weak, these reactions are very unlikely. A neutrino has a very small probability to interact with an object in its way.

"If a photon were to collide with a dark particle"
There is no collision. They just continue to fly in their direction, without any interaction.

Dark matter does not interact with photons because it is uncharged. Charged particles can be seen, therefore they are not called "dark matter" (which is quite trivial, once you think about it ;) ).
  • #6
Let's look at another example. One could ask why electrons aren't affected by the strong nuclear force. While I'm sure there's some complicated answer involving all kinds of quantum mechanics, the simple answer is that they simply don't interact via that force. Similarly, dark matter doesn't interact via the electromagnetic force.
  • #7
uniquestring said:

Do we understand why light doesn't interact with dark matter? If a photon were to collide with a dark particle, would they be unaffected?

Namaste. Welcome to Physics Forums!

Of course light DOES interact with dark matter! Gravitational lensing is the most convincing evidence.

"That's what Dan Coe and his colleagues at JPL have done in their study of Abell 1689. The cluster's mass bent the surrounding space time and thus the light from even more distant galaxies behind it produced warped and greatly magnified images of those galaxies. Coe and company were able to analyze those distorted images and estimate how much dark matter should be present within the cluster. And the image definitely provides further evidence that dark matter does, indeed, exist; if the gravitational effects were only due to the visible matter, the lensing effect would be much weaker, with less distortion."

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  • #8
Bobbywhy said:
Namaste. Welcome to Physics Forums!

Of course light DOES interact with dark matter! Gravitational lensing is the most convincing evidence.

"That's what Dan Coe and his colleagues at JPL have done in their study of Abell 1689. The cluster's mass bent the surrounding space time and thus the light from even more distant galaxies behind it produced warped and greatly magnified images of those galaxies. Coe and company were able to analyze those distorted images and estimate how much dark matter should be present within the cluster. And the image definitely provides further evidence that dark matter does, indeed, exist; if the gravitational effects were only due to the visible matter, the lensing effect would be much weaker, with less distortion."


Well, this is unfair, since this is a gravitational rather than electromagnetic interaction. Surely the OP is aware that dark matter interacts gravitationally, so the fact that lensing takes place is obvious.
  • #9
Nabeshin said:
Well, this is unfair, since this is a gravitational rather than electromagnetic interaction. Surely the OP is aware that dark matter interacts gravitationally, so the fact that lensing takes place is obvious.

I am not presumptuous enough to know “Surely the OP is aware” of anything.

Two questions were posted in the OP. The first, “Do we understand why light doesn't interact with dark matter?” is not ambiguous. The answer to that question, as in my post #7, is that light does interact with dark matter during the gravitational lensing process. If that was an incorrect answer then I await correction from more educated members here.

The second question in the OP, “If a photon were to collide with a dark particle, would they be unaffected?” apparently requires a different answer. I suspect that since no one knows the nature of that “dark particle” it is impossible to answer this question definitively.
  • #10
Bobbywhy said:
The second question in the OP, “If a photon were to collide with a dark particle, would they be unaffected?” apparently requires a different answer. I suspect that since no one knows the nature of that “dark particle” it is impossible to answer this question definitively.

Except that current theories say that light simply doesn't interact with dark matter at all. So we can say that pretty definitively.
  • #11
Drakkith said:
Except that current theories say that light simply doesn't interact with dark matter at all. So we can say that pretty definitively.

Definition: Interact: to act one upon another

Statement: The curvature of space-time near any gravitating mass (including dark matter) deflects passing rays of light - observably shifting, distorting and magnifying the images of background galaxies.

Therefore: Light interacts with dark matter.

Dark matter appears not to interact via the electromagnetic force, and therefore neither emits nor reflects light.
  • #12
Bobbywhy said:
Definition: Interact: to act one upon another

Statement: The curvature of space-time near any gravitating mass (including dark matter) deflects passing rays of light - observably shifting, distorting and magnifying the images of background galaxies.

Therefore: Light interacts with dark matter.

Dark matter appears not to interact via the electromagnetic force, and therefore neither emits nor reflects light.

Sorry, I meant "Doesn't interact with dark matter, other than gravity, at all".
  • #13
Drakkith said:
Sorry, I meant "Doesn't interact with dark matter, other than gravity, at all".

No problemo! What is important is that OP gets answered...correctly, if at all possible.

  • #14
Question: gluons are electrically neutral. So, a glueball should not scatter light, should it? Or, are there radiative corrections of quark-antiquark virtual pairs, which carry electric charge, that would lead to some sattering?

Come to think of it, similar corrections for the neutrino due to charged W vector bosons should make the neutrino scatter light, shouldn't they?
  • #15
Bobbywhy said:
Definition: Interact: to act one upon another

Statement: The curvature of space-time near any gravitating mass (including dark matter) deflects passing rays of light - observably shifting, distorting and magnifying the images of background galaxies.

Therefore: Light interacts with dark matter.

Dark matter appears not to interact via the electromagnetic force, and therefore neither emits nor reflects light.

Eh, this is fine. I just don't want the OP to be confused and think dark matter couples to the electromagnetic force, that's all.
  • #16
Dickfore said:
Or, are there radiative corrections of quark-antiquark virtual pairs, which carry electric charge, that would lead to some sattering?
Maybe you can get some dipole moment out of the calculation. Similar for neutrinos. Maybe.
But I think you would have to do the actual calculations for this. Maybe positive and negative contributions just cancel each other, and the result is 0.
  • #17
The reason it is called dark matter is because it does not appear to interact with photons, ordinary matter or even other dark matter particles.
  • #18
Dark matter DOES interact with photons. In post # 7 of this thread I wrote “Of course light DOES interact with dark matter! Gravitational lensing is the most convincing evidence.”

In post # 8 Nabeshin remarked that “dark matter interacts gravitationally”

In my post #9 I reaffirmed the fact that Dark Matter does indeed interact with photons (light rays).

In post #10 Drakkith took issue with that statement.

In post #11 I elaborated, defined terms, made a statement of scientific fact, and concluded: “Therefore: Light interacts with dark matter.”

In post #12 Drakkith corrected his statement and wrote “Sorry, I meant "Doesn't interact with dark matter, other than gravity, at all.”

In post #15 Nabeshin, referencing my conclusion that dark matter interacts with light in post #11, agreed with my conclusion when he wrote “Eh, this is fine. I just don't want the OP to be confused and think dark matter couples to the electromagnetic force, that's all.”

Now, this:

Chronos said:
The reason it is called dark matter is because it does not appear to interact with photons, ordinary matter or even other dark matter particles.

I repeat: Dark Matter interacts with light rays (photons) during gravitational lensing.
If this is mistaken, will you please correct it with evidence to the contrary?
If it is accurate, will you please revise your post so as to clearly describe this natural process?

Thank you, Bobbywhy
  • #19
Photons do not interact with anything during gravitational lensing. They follow the geodesics in curved space-time caused by the presence of matter/energy, and we interpret it as their deflection from the original path. But no event of absorption, and re-emission, whether its elastic or inelastic, of a photon took place during such a process. The gravitational interaction is not incorporated in the current scheme of interactions (the Standard Model), simply because it is not treated as a true force, but as a classical theory whose effect looks as a pseudoforce.
  • #20
Bobby, everyone understands what is meant by "doesn't interact with". There is no reason to get bent out of shape.
  • #21
Yes, of course dark matter has a gravitational affect - how would we otherwise suspect its existence? Technicaly speaking, dark matter is thought to be weakly interactive [emphasis on weakly]. Detection of dark matter annihilations is an active area of research, although evidence to date suggests it is a rare occurence.
  • #22
Drakkith said:
Except that current theories say that light simply doesn't interact with dark matter at all. So we can say that pretty definitively.

Some current theories might say that, but let us not forget that our conjectures about dark matter are based on observational constraints from indirect inference rather than direct detection of dark matter particles. We do not have some firm reasoning motivated in fundamental physical theory like the Standard Model that predicts that dark matter particles do not couple to the electromagnetic field. Our prediction that dark matter does not interact electromagnetically is based on discrepancies between what we expect based on our knowledge of the gravitational field and what we observe in galaxies. So a more general response to the OP is that our best models of other physics place tight constraints on how strongly dark matter can participate in electromagnetic physics.

FAQ: Why doesn't light interact with dark matter?

What is dark matter?

Dark matter is a type of matter that makes up about 85% of the total mass of the universe. It is called "dark" because it does not interact with light and therefore cannot be seen directly.

Why doesn't light interact with dark matter?

Light is made up of particles called photons, which have no mass. Dark matter, on the other hand, is made up of particles with mass. Since light and dark matter have different properties, they do not interact with each other.

How do we know that dark matter exists if it doesn't interact with light?

Scientists have observed the effects of dark matter on the movement of galaxies and the bending of light in the universe. These observations provide strong evidence for the existence of dark matter, even though it cannot be directly seen.

Can dark matter be detected in any way?

While dark matter does not interact with light, it can be detected through its gravitational effects on visible matter. Scientists also use specialized instruments, such as particle detectors, to look for evidence of dark matter particles.

Why is understanding dark matter important?

Dark matter plays a crucial role in the structure and evolution of the universe. Studying dark matter can help us understand the formation of galaxies and the distribution of matter in the universe. It can also provide insights into the fundamental laws of physics and the nature of the universe.

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