Calculating Electric Field Strength using Electric Potential?

In summary, to calculate the field strength from the potential, one must take the derivative of the potential with respect to the distance r from the charge. This can be done using the equation E = -dV/dr. In the case of a half ball with uniform charge distribution, the potential varies with distance from the center and can be calculated using the charge density and volume element in spherical coordinates. The electric field at the origin will only have a z component, which can be found by taking the derivative of the potential with respect to z.
  • #1

Homework Statement

How do I calculate the Field Strength if I know the Potential?

Homework Equations

E = -[itex]\nabla[/itex]V
V = Electric Potential
E = Electric Field Strength

The Attempt at a Solution

There's a problem in which I calculated the Potential, it's constant however. So according to the equation that means that the Field Strength is 0?
In the solution they calculated them individually, and the Field Strength wasn't equal to 0.
In the problem, the "body" is a ball and I calculated the potential with respect to origo (centrum of the ball) and so in my answer all I got was in terms of the largest radius (constant) and the volume charge distribution. My potential is correct too, according to the solution, and is a constant.
I think they got that the Field Strength is equal to the potential (in magnitude) in the direction of the negative z-axis.
So how do I get the Field Strength by using the Potential I calculated?
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  • #2
For a uniform E field (as between parallel plates), E = V/d where V is the potential difference between plates and d the distance between them.

It isn't clear to me what problem you are working on, but if it involves a sphere, likely the potential varies with distance r from the center. In that case you can find the E if you know how V(r) varies. E = dV/dr.
  • #3
Delphi51 said:
For a uniform E field (as between parallel plates), E = V/d where V is the potential difference between plates and d the distance between them.

It isn't clear to me what problem you are working on, but if it involves a sphere, likely the potential varies with distance r from the center. In that case you can find the E if you know how V(r) varies. E = dV/dr.

The problem I was working on involves a ball (not a sphere since then there's only charge on the surface?) with a uniform charge distribution. So my volume charge density is the total charge divided by the volume of the sphere. The thing is that in my answer (which is correct) I get that the potential is constant. So I'm not sure how I can calculate the field strength by taking the derivative of a constant. In the solution they calculated the field strength separately and didn't get that it was equal 0.
As I said, they got that the field strength only has a z-component, which is equal to the potential, in the direction of the negative z-axis.
  • #4
The potential of a charged ball is not constant. Perhaps you get the value of the potential at a given distance from the centre of the ball. Show the text of the problem and your work.

  • #5
ehild said:
The potential of a charged ball is not constant. Perhaps you get the value of the potential at a given distance from the centre of the ball. Show the text of the problem and your work.


Sorry, my mistake. It's a half ball. Well what I did was I changed dq into ρdxdydz, ρ is the volume charge distribution (uniform). Then switched to spherical coordinates. dxdydz = r2sin(θ)drdθdψ and then I let r vary from 0 to a (the maximum radius), θ from 0 to π/2 and ψ from 0 to 2π. The 1/r from the formula for calculating the potential turns r2 into r. So what I got was that V = (ρ/4πε0)*(a2/2)*2π. ρ = Q * 1/(2πa3/3).
  • #6
I still do not know what was the question. I guess you had to find the potential outside the half ball, on the axis? Do not mix the position of a point you need the potential at with the radius of the ball. The "r" in the formula for the electric field refers to the distance from the point charge.

You can consider the charged ball as a lot of tiny charges dq. Their contribution to the potential at a distance d is k dq/r. Integrate this expression for the half ball using the charge density and the volume element in spherical coordinates.

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  • #7
ehild said:
I still do not know what was the question. I guess you had to find the potential outside the half ball, on the axis? Do not mix the position of a point you need the potential at with the radius of the ball. The "r" in the formula for the electric field refers to the distance from the point charge.

You can consider the charged ball as a lot of tiny charges dq. Their contribution to the potential at a distance d is k dq/r. Integrate this expression for the half ball using the charge density and the volume element in spherical coordinates.


The question is to find the potential at origo, I did pretty much what you said also.
  • #8
So you got the potential at the origin, but you need to know the potential function to get the field strength, by taking the negative gradient at the point of question. Where do you need the field strength?

  • #9
ehild said:
So you got the potential at the origin, but you need to know the potential function to get the field strength, by taking the negative gradient at the point of question. Where do you need the field strength?


Is potential not a function?
I need to find the field strength at origo as well.

Edit: Oh right, the potential depends on the point and the potential I calculated is for origo.
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  • #10
At the origin, the electric field has only z component, because of symmetry.
Ez=-dU/dz. Calculate the potential at a point z on the axis, then take the derivative with respect to z.


FAQ: Calculating Electric Field Strength using Electric Potential?

1. How do you calculate electric field strength using electric potential?

Electric field strength can be calculated by dividing the change in electric potential (ΔV) by the change in distance (Δr) between two points. This can be represented by the equation E = ΔV/Δr.

2. What is the unit of measurement for electric field strength?

The unit of measurement for electric field strength is newtons per coulomb (N/C).

3. Can electric field strength be negative?

Yes, electric field strength can be negative if the direction of the electric field is opposite to the direction of the electric charge. This is also known as an attractive field.

4. How is electric field strength related to electric potential?

Electric field strength and electric potential are directly related and can be calculated using the equation E = -ΔV/Δr. This means that the higher the electric potential, the stronger the electric field will be.

5. What are some real-life applications of calculating electric field strength using electric potential?

Calculating electric field strength using electric potential is important in many areas of science and technology, such as in the design of electrical circuits and devices, calculating the force on charged particles in electric fields, and understanding the behavior of lightning and other atmospheric phenomena.
