Balancing coulomb and gravitational force

In summary: Joules?Since a Coulomb is 6.24x10^18 electrons and a mole has 6 x 10^23 atoms, one mole of ions each with a charge of +1 has a charge of 10^5 coulomb. This means that 5 x10^8 moles of ionized hydrogen, (about 5x10^5 Kg or 500 Tonnes of ionized hydrogen) on the Earth and moon would do it.
  • #1
I am supposed to balance the coulomb repulsive and gravitational force in a way that both forces between the Earth and the moon have the same amount.
For that I can just use

[tex]F_C = F_G[/tex]
[tex]1/(4\pi\epsilon_0) * (Q_1*Q_2)/(r^2) = f (m_1 * m_2)/r^2[/tex]

and then put Q_1*Q_2 on one side.

Now I have to assign a charge to the Earth and the moon, which is where I am at a loss. My thought was that the coloumb repulsive force of the moon has to be equal to the Earth's gravitational force and vice versa, so that I can do something like [tex]F_C_E / F_C_M = F_G_M / F_G_E[/tex] and with that calculate Q_1 and Q_2. However, I can just calculate the gravitational force between Earth and moon and not only the force that the Earth exerts on the moon, which I would need for the approach used above.

Would it be sufficient to relate the masses of Earth and moon to each other and the ratio of both coulomb forces would be equal to that?
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  • #2
Icheb said:
I am supposed to balance the coulomb repulsive and gravitational force in a way that both forces between the Earth and the moon have the same amount.
For that I can just use

[tex]F_C = F_G[/tex]
[tex]1/(4\pi\epsilon_0) * (Q_1*Q_2)/(r^2) = f (m_1 * m_2)/r^2[/tex]

and then put Q_1*Q_2 on one side.

Now I have to assign a charge to the Earth and the moon, which is where I am at a loss. My thought was that the coloumb repulsive force of the moon has to be equal to the Earth's gravitational force and vice versa, so that I can do something like [tex]F_C_E / F_C_M = F_G_M / F_G_E[/tex] and with that calculate Q_1 and Q_2. However, I can just calculate the gravitational force between Earth and moon and not only the force that the Earth exerts on the moon, which I would need for the approach used above.

Would it be sufficient to relate the masses of Earth and moon to each other and the ratio of both coulomb forces would be equal to that?
There is only one coulomb force between the charged Earth and the charged moon. Assume that you have the same charge on the Earth and the moon. If the Coulomb force balances gravity:

[tex]kQ^2 = GMm[/tex]

[tex]Q = \sqrt{GMm/k}[/tex] where [itex]k = 9 x 10^9 Nm^2/C^2[/itex]

  • #3
Andrew Mason said:
There is only one coulomb force between the charged Earth and the charged moon.
I worded it wrong, that's of course what I meant. However, in another part of the exercise I have to balance the coulomb force between the Earth and the moon, and for that I need some kind of ratio. Would this ratio be equivalent to the ratio Earth's mass / moon's mass or doesn't it matter? I mean something like [tex]Q = Q_E / Q_M = Mass_M / Mass_E[/tex].
They specifically asked for this and I've never seen them ask for something that doesn't matter, which is why I am asking.
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  • #4
Icheb said:
I worded it wrong, that's of course what I meant. However, in another part of the exercise I have to balance the coulomb force between the Earth and the moon, and for that I need some kind of ratio. Would this ratio be equivalent to the ratio Earth's mass / moon's mass or doesn't it matter? I mean something like [tex]Q = Q_E / Q_M = Mass_M / Mass_E[/tex].
They specifically asked for this and I've never seen them ask for something that doesn't matter, which is why I am asking.
?? You balance the force by making the coulomb force equal to the gravitational force. You can do that by adding the same charge Q to each of the moon and earth. Why would you add different charges?

  • #5
You're right. I'm stupid. ;)
The question specifically asked for how Q has to be divided between Earth and moon and I guess I got hung up on that.
Thanks for the help! :)
  • #6
Icheb said:
You're right. I'm stupid. ;)
The question specifically asked for how Q has to be divided between Earth and moon and I guess I got hung up on that.
Thanks for the help! :)
Well you certainly aren't stupid. I hope I did not make you feel that way. The question demonstrates the tremendous difference between the coulomb and gravitational forces. The charge required is on the order of 5x10^13 Coulomb.

Since a Coulomb is 6.24x10^18 electrons and a mole has 6 x 10^23 atoms, one mole of ions each with a charge of +1 has a charge of 10^5 coulomb. This means that 5 x10^8 moles of ionized hydrogen, (about 5x10^5 Kg or 500 Tonnes of ionized hydrogen) on the Earth and moon would do it.

  • #7
What would be the total potential energy of the system, seeing as there would be a +ve electrostatic potential energy and a -ve gravitational energy? Would the total be zero?

FAQ: Balancing coulomb and gravitational force

1. What is Coulomb's Law and how does it relate to gravitational force?

Coulomb's Law states that the force between two charged particles is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This law is similar to the law of universal gravitation, which states that the force between two masses is directly proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

2. How do you calculate the net force between two charged particles with both Coulomb and gravitational forces present?

To calculate the net force, you would need to use vector addition. This means finding the magnitude and direction of each force and adding them together using vector addition techniques. The resulting vector will be the net force between the charged particles.

3. How does increasing the distance between two charged particles affect the balance between Coulomb and gravitational forces?

As distance increases, both Coulomb and gravitational forces decrease in strength. However, Coulomb's Law states that the force decreases faster with distance than the force of gravity. Therefore, as the distance between the particles increases, the Coulomb force decreases faster, causing the net force to be dominated by the force of gravity.

4. What happens when the charges of two particles are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign?

If the charges are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign, then the net force between them will be zero. This is because the Coulomb force will be attractive, while the gravitational force will be repulsive, canceling each other out. This is known as an electrically neutral system.

5. Can Coulomb and gravitational forces ever be perfectly balanced?

Yes, it is possible for Coulomb and gravitational forces to be perfectly balanced. This occurs when the distance between the charged particles is such that the force of gravity is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the Coulomb force. This is known as an electrically neutral and gravitationally neutral system.
