Centripetal Force and Tangential Velocity

Next, use this same tension to find the maximum tangential velocity that the string can withstand without breaking. This should lead you to the answer of the mass of the weight.In summary, to find the mass of the weight that can be spun horizontally on a string without breaking, begin by finding the tension in the string when a 25 g mass is suspended vertically. Then, use this tension to calculate the maximum tangential velocity that the string can withstand. This will give you the mass of the weight.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Suppose a string of negligible mass can support a mass of .025 kg when hanging vertically. The string is 4.23 m long (radius). If you add another weight and spin the string horizontally in a circular pattern above your head, the string will break upon reaching a tangential velocity of 5.1 m/s. What is the mass of the weight?

Homework Equations

Angular displacement = (arc length) / (radius)
Centripetal Force = (mass)(tangential velocity)(tangential velocity) / (radius)
Centripetal Force= (mass)(radius)(angular speed)(angular speed)
Tangential Velocity=(angular speed)(radius)

The Attempt at a Solution

I have no idea where to get started, considering you're given neither the mass nor the force to work with. I'm thinking that you need to start by using the fact that it can support a 25 g mass vertically, but i don't know how to calculate the force from that, given that the tangential velocity is zero. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! :)
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Start by drawing the free-body diagram for the 25-g mass when it's suspended vertically. You should be able to find the tension in the string easily.

FAQ: Centripetal Force and Tangential Velocity

1. What is centripetal force?

Centripetal force is the force that keeps an object moving in a circular path. It is always directed towards the center of the circle and is essential for maintaining the object's circular motion.

2. How is centripetal force related to tangential velocity?

Centripetal force and tangential velocity are related through the equation Fc = mv^2/r, where Fc is the centripetal force, m is the mass of the object, v is the tangential velocity, and r is the radius of the circle. This equation shows that an increase in tangential velocity or radius will result in a greater centripetal force needed to keep the object in circular motion.

3. Can an object have a centripetal force without a tangential velocity?

No, an object must have both centripetal force and tangential velocity to maintain circular motion. If there is no tangential velocity, the object will move in a straight line and not in a circular path, regardless of the presence of a centripetal force.

4. How does centripetal force affect the shape of a circular orbit?

Centripetal force is responsible for keeping an object in a circular orbit around another object, such as a planet orbiting a star. The strength of the centripetal force will determine the size and shape of the orbit. A stronger centripetal force will result in a smaller orbit, while a weaker force will result in a larger orbit.

5. Can centripetal force cause an object to change direction?

Yes, centripetal force can cause an object to continuously change direction as it moves in a circular path. This is because the force is always directed towards the center of the circle, causing the object to constantly change its velocity vector and therefore its direction of motion.
