Why discontinue(quantum)characteristic ultimately relates with probability in QM?

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between discontinuity and probability characteristic in Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory. It explains that due to the probabilistic nature of what is being measured, there is no specific value and results will only yield within a certain probability range. This is similar to flipping a coin and not being able to predict the exact outcome. The conversation also touches on the difference between classical physics and QM, where discontinuity is not an essential property in QM and many observables can still obey the uncertainty principle. Finally, it mentions that the probability of creation or annihilation processes of a quantum of field is based on the uncertainty principle in QM.
  • #1
Please teach me this:
Why discontinue(quantum) characteristic ultimately relates with probability characteristic in Quantum Mechanics(and Quantum Field Theory).It seem to me the discontinue spectral of an observation correspond with a ''integral measure'' of a type of integral.So the probability of finding the observation has a eigenvalue(meaning a certain value) in reality is this ''measure''.
Thank you very much in advanced.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
(Apologies if I've misunderestood the question, please let me know if I have)

Because the nature of what is being measured is inherently probabilistic, any results will yield only within the probability range. Whether or not this value was expected or not, before the measurement is made, there is no specific value.

Similar to flipping a coin. You can flip a coin once and get heads or tails. You KNOW both before and after it would be Heads or Tails, but stuill could never predict precisely what (ignoring the actual method of flipping, coin composition and environment).
So when numerous results yield ratio of 1:1 Heads:Tails, they fit perfectly with expected values, though ultimaterly, individual results are entirely probabilistic.
  • #3
Dear Sir,
Please explain for me why in classical physics(non quantum mechanics in which a spectral of values of an observation is continue) there is the determinant characteristic(in imaginary experiment),but in the physics of the discontinue spectral value there is the uncertainty characteristic.Because I do not know clearly how to derive wave characteristic in QM from the discontinue characteristic of observation values.
  • #4
It seem to me that the discontinue values of an observation correspond to ''creation and anhialation'' operators, so we have a changeable number of ''quantums'' system.Maybe the statistical characteristic of QM arise from this changeable system.
  • #5
It seem that the particle-wave dual leads to probability characteristic and the wave function together the correspondence principle (wave functions+operators) leads to quantum characteristic(spectral of values) in Quantum Mechanics.But how about the probability characteristic of the creation and anhilation of particles(quantum) processes in Quantum Field Theory?
  • #6
ndung200790 said:
Dear Sir,
Please explain for me why in classical physics(non quantum mechanics in which a spectral of values of an observation is continue) there is the determinant characteristic(in imaginary experiment),but in the physics of the discontinue spectral value there is the uncertainty characteristic.
There is no any direct relation between discontinuity and uncertainty. In fact, "quantum mechanics" (QM) is an inappropriate name because discontinuity is actually NOT an essential property of QM. Indeed, many observables in QM are continuous, and still obey the uncertainty principle. In fact, the inappropriate name "quantum mechanics" is stuck due to historical reasons, when it was thought a long time ago that discontinuity is more important than it really is.
  • #7
So,the probability of creation or anhilation processes of a quantum of field(in Quantum Field Theory) is an a priori assumption which is generalized from the ''uncertainty'' in Quantum Mechanics?
  • #8
ndung200790 said:
So,the probability of creation or anhilation processes of a quantum of field(in Quantum Field Theory) is an a priori assumption which is generalized from the ''uncertainty'' in Quantum Mechanics?
Yes (more or less).

FAQ: Why discontinue(quantum)characteristic ultimately relates with probability in QM?

1. Why is probability important in quantum mechanics?

Probability is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics that describes the likelihood of a particular outcome or event occurring. This is due to the inherent uncertainty and indeterminacy of quantum systems, which cannot be predicted with certainty but can only be described in terms of probabilities.

2. How does the discontinuity of a quantum characteristic relate to probability?

In quantum mechanics, certain properties of particles, such as their position and momentum, cannot be simultaneously measured with precision. This means that there is a limit to the amount of information that can be known about a particle, and this uncertainty is described by probability distributions. The discontinuity of a quantum characteristic reflects this underlying probabilistic nature of quantum systems.

3. What is the role of quantum characteristics in determining probabilities?

Quantum characteristics, such as spin and energy levels, play a crucial role in determining the probabilities of different outcomes in quantum systems. These characteristics are described by mathematical operators that act on the wavefunction of a system, and the probabilities of different outcomes are determined by the overlap between the initial and final states of the system.

4. Can the discontinuity of quantum characteristics be explained by classical physics?

No, the discontinuity of quantum characteristics cannot be explained by classical physics. Classical physics operates on a deterministic framework, where the state of a system can be precisely determined at any given time. In contrast, quantum mechanics operates on a probabilistic framework, where the behavior of particles is inherently uncertain and described by probability distributions.

5. How does the discontinuity of quantum characteristics impact our understanding of the physical world?

The discontinuity of quantum characteristics challenges our traditional understanding of the physical world, as it suggests that the behavior of particles is fundamentally probabilistic rather than deterministic. This has profound implications for our understanding of reality and has led to ongoing debates and discussions in the scientific community.

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