Database Solutions for Logging Sample Information (Windows)

In summary, the conversation discusses the need to create a database for storing information about a variety of samples. The poster is seeking suggestions for software that would be suitable for this task, specifically within the Windows operating system. Various options are mentioned, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, mdb, Microsoft Database, Foxpro, Access, Java, HSQLDB, firebird, and filemaker. It is noted that PostgreSQL and MySQL are both geared towards UNIX, but can also be used on Windows with some limitations. It is also mentioned that MySQL is open source and free for non-corporate use, but a license is required for corporate use. Lastly, it is noted that PostgreSQL can be built for Windows as well.
  • #1
I need to make a database of a bunch of samples and log several bits of info about each sample. Any software suggestions on how to do this? A spreadsheet really doesn't work and I want to keep this within Windows.
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  • #2
PostgreSQL or MySQL
  • #3
You mean making your own database using a programming language, or using something like mdb or Microsoft Database?
  • #5
PostgreSQL and MySQL are both tailored towards UNIX, which the poster desires something more tailored towards Windows. Last time I checked, PostgreSQL did not have a Windows port, and MySQL charged for a Win32 version (client was free). I could be out of date here, but I think Foxpro or Access would be the better route to go. Also, experience with SQL is very useful to have with PostgreSQL or MySQL. If the poster doesn't have this experience then, again, Access is the best in this situation.
  • #6
graphic7 said:
PostgreSQL and MySQL are both tailored towards UNIX, which the poster desires something more tailored towards Windows. Last time I checked, PostgreSQL did not have a Windows port, and MySQL charged for a Win32 version (client was free). I could be out of date here, but I think Foxpro or Access would be the better route to go. Also, experience with SQL is very useful to have with PostgreSQL or MySQL. If the poster doesn't have this experience then, again, Access is the best in this situation.

No, MySQL only charges for corporate licenses(I think the lowest level is $200 at least that's what it used to be). MySQL is open source and free to use on all platforms for non-corporate uses. In fact MySQL has better support of MS and Apple than it does for Linux. Actually, MySQL may be used by corporations as long as the use does not violate the GPL. If a corporation wants to develope a piece of software based on MySQL and keep the code secret then a MySQL license is required.

[edit]PostGRE can be built under Windows as well:
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FAQ: Database Solutions for Logging Sample Information (Windows)

1. What is a database solution for logging sample information on Windows?

A database solution for logging sample information on Windows is a software program that allows you to store and organize data related to samples, such as their attributes, origin, and testing results. It helps you to easily access and manage large amounts of data, as well as perform analysis and generate reports.

2. How does a database solution for logging sample information work?

A database solution for logging sample information works by creating a structured system to store and retrieve data. It uses tables, fields, and relationships to organize and link information, making it easier to search and filter data. Users can input data through a user-friendly interface and run queries to retrieve specific information.

3. What are the benefits of using a database solution for logging sample information on Windows?

There are several benefits to using a database solution for logging sample information on Windows. These include:

  • Efficient data organization and management
  • Improved data accuracy and consistency
  • Streamlined data entry and retrieval
  • Ability to generate reports and perform analysis
  • Secure storage and backup of data

4. What types of data can be stored in a database solution for logging sample information on Windows?

A database solution for logging sample information on Windows can store a wide range of data, including but not limited to:

  • Sample identification numbers
  • Sample attributes (e.g. type, size, weight)
  • Origin and collection information
  • Testing and analysis results
  • Date and time stamps
  • User and operator information

5. Are there any specific database solutions for logging sample information on Windows?

Yes, there are many database solutions specifically designed for logging sample information on Windows. Some popular options include Microsoft Access, MySQL, and FileMaker Pro. It is important to research and choose a solution that best fits your specific needs and requirements.
