Twin Co-Twin and Twin minus Co-Twin (IQ Question)

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  • Thread starter Dooga Blackrazor
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In summary, Record argues that the IQ of twins who had their twin die pre-natal is higher than twin pairs. Myrianthropoulos did a similar study with conflicting results and low variances.
  • #1
Dooga Blackrazor
I am reading a book that is a bit old, and it presents studies by Record and Myrianthopoulos about twin IQ differences. Record argues that the IQ of twins who had their twin die pre-natal is higher than twin pairs. Myrianthopoulos did a similar study with conflicting results and low variances.

I am learning toward Record, but I am wondering if further studies have been done on the matter.

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  • #2
Were these monozygotic ("identical") twins?

Jensen, in The g Factor references Myrianthropoulos only in connection with a low birth weight study in connection with black-white IQ differences [note 95 in Chapter 12, Population Differences in g: Causal Hypotheses]. He doesn't reference Record at all.
  • #3
I guess a lot would depend on what stage of development the twin died. Especially if it's an old study, I would suspect part of the explanation could be attributed to nutritional effects in utero. I don't know whether it's different now that women know they are bearing twins early enough in pregnancy to adjust their nutrition for feeding two fetuses, but it used to be that twins were smaller than singletons at birth. So, if a twin dies in utero, it would make sense to me that the remaining twin would be developing more like a singleton, with a greater birth weight.

I don't know if this is the explanation though, I'm just guessing that this would seem like a reasonable explanation. Did the study take into account birth weight?

On the social side, it also might make a difference if parents have to divide their time between two twins vs nurturing only one; twins are especially demanding to raise, particularly while still infants, so neither may get quite as much stimulation while young as a singleton would. And again, if it was a very old study, it could have been at a time when fathers didn't contribute as much to child care, so only one parent was providing the majority of interaction and stimulation to the infants during critical developmental stages.

Did either look at factors such as birth weight or time spend interacting with parents, or types of activities engaged in while infants?
  • #4
Monozygotic twins. Sorry about the wait - been terribly busy. Moonbear, that is an interesting hypothesis regarding birth weight. However, in Record's study, the twin minus co-twin weight was less. 2.28 kg to 2.52 kg.

The singletons were stillborn, died at birth, or died within a month of birth.

FAQ: Twin Co-Twin and Twin minus Co-Twin (IQ Question)

What is the concept of Twin Co-Twin and Twin minus Co-Twin in an IQ question?

The concept of Twin Co-Twin and Twin minus Co-Twin in an IQ question is a mathematical problem that involves identifying and solving for two sets of numbers that are related to each other in a specific way. These sets of numbers are referred to as Twin Co-Twin and Twin minus Co-Twin because they share a common factor and have a difference of one, respectively.

How do you identify the Twin Co-Twin and Twin minus Co-Twin numbers in an IQ question?

To identify the Twin Co-Twin and Twin minus Co-Twin numbers in an IQ question, you must first look for a set of numbers that have a common factor and a difference of one. For example, in the equation 6, 12, 18, 24, the numbers 6 and 12 are Twin Co-Twin numbers and 12 and 18 are Twin minus Co-Twin numbers.

What is the significance of Twin Co-Twin and Twin minus Co-Twin in an IQ question?

The significance of Twin Co-Twin and Twin minus Co-Twin in an IQ question is that they can help improve your problem-solving skills and mathematical reasoning. By identifying and solving for these numbers, you can train your brain to think critically and logically.

Are there any tips for solving Twin Co-Twin and Twin minus Co-Twin problems?

Yes, there are a few tips for solving Twin Co-Twin and Twin minus Co-Twin problems. First, try to find a pattern in the numbers and use it to solve the problem. Second, use mental math techniques to simplify the calculation. Lastly, check your answer by plugging it back into the original equation to ensure it is correct.

Can Twin Co-Twin and Twin minus Co-Twin be applied in real-life situations?

Yes, Twin Co-Twin and Twin minus Co-Twin can be applied in real-life situations, such as calculating distances between two cities or finding the time difference between two events. These concepts can also be used in various fields, including finance, engineering, and computer science, to solve complex problems.

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