Operator in exponential function and generating function

In summary, the given equations show that the eigenstate |a'> of the observable A is also an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian H, with the eigenvalue Ea'. This means that the observable A and the Hamiltonian H commute. Additionally, the exponential expression exp(-iHt/h)|a'> can be simplified to exp (-iEa't/h)|a'>, where h is the reduced Planck's constant. This can be shown using the definition of the exponential function and the fact that the eigenstate |a'> is also an eigenstate of H.
  • #1
J.J. Sakurai Modern Quantum Mechanics p. 74
It says,
[A,H] = 0;
H|a'> = Ea' |a'>
where H is the Hamiltonian A is any observable |a'> is eigenket of A


exp ( -iHt/h)|a'> = exp (-iEa't/h)|a'>

where h is the reduced Planck's constant.
I want to know WHY ?
and besides, I would like to ask what is generating function means?
I have encountered
xnew= x + dx
pnew = p
then generating function for infinitesimal translation is
F(x,P) = x · P + p · dx
How can I understand it ?

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  • #2
ChrisLM said:
J.J. Sakurai Modern Quantum Mechanics p. 74
It says,
[A,H] = 0;
H|a'> = Ea' |a'>
where H is the Hamiltonian A is any observable |a'> is eigenket of A


exp ( -iHt/h)|a'> = exp (-iEa't/h)|a'>

where h is the reduced Planck's constant.
I want to know WHY ?

You can use the definition:

[tex]e^{-iHt/h} = \sum_{n = 0}^\infty \frac{1}{n!} \left( -\frac{i}{h} H t \right)^n[/tex]
Now t and i/h are numbers, so
[tex]\left( -\frac{i}{h} H t \right)^n = \left( -\frac{i}{h} t \right)^n H^n[/tex]
and you can easily show that
[tex]H^n |a'\rangle = E_{a'}^n |a'\rangle[/tex]
to get
[tex]\sum_{n = 0}^\infty \frac{1}{n!} \left( -\frac{i}{h} E_{a'} t \right)^n = e^{-i E_{a'} t / h}[/tex]
  • #3

I am happy to provide a response to your question about the operator in exponential function and generating function.

Firstly, let's start with the operator in exponential function. In quantum mechanics, operators are mathematical objects that represent physical observables, such as position, momentum, and energy. The exponential function is a mathematical function that can be used to describe the time evolution of a quantum state.

In the provided equation, [A,H] = 0, we see that the commutator of the operator A and the Hamiltonian H is equal to zero. This means that A and H can be measured simultaneously, without any uncertainty. This leads to the second equation, H|a'> = Ea' |a'>, where |a'> is an eigenket of A and Ea' is the corresponding eigenvalue. This equation tells us that the state |a'> is an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian, with an energy eigenvalue of Ea'.

Now, let's move on to the exponential function. In quantum mechanics, the time evolution of a quantum state is given by the Schrodinger equation, which contains the Hamiltonian operator. By applying the operator in exponential form, exp ( -iHt/h), to the state |a'>, we can describe the time evolution of this state. The h in the denominator is the reduced Planck's constant, and it appears due to the quantization of energy in quantum mechanics.

Regarding the generating function, it is a mathematical tool used to describe the transformation of variables in a system. In the case of infinitesimal translation, the generating function is given by F(x,P) = x · P + p · dx. This means that the new position, xnew, is equal to the old position, x, plus an infinitesimal change, dx. Similarly, the new momentum, pnew, remains unchanged. This generating function is useful in understanding the transformation of variables in a quantum system and can be applied to various physical systems.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the concepts of operator in exponential function and generating function. As always, it is important to continue learning and exploring these concepts to gain a deeper understanding. Happy studying!

FAQ: Operator in exponential function and generating function

1. What is the role of the operator in exponential function and generating function?

The operator in exponential function and generating function is used to perform operations on a given function. It can be used to shift, scale, or differentiate the function, which helps in solving complex mathematical problems.

2. How is the operator used in exponential function and generating function?

The operator is used to manipulate the given function in order to obtain new functions that are easier to work with. It can be applied to both the dependent and independent variables of the function.

3. What is the difference between an operator in exponential function and generating function?

The main difference between the two is that an operator in exponential function is used to manipulate exponential functions, while an operator in generating function is used to manipulate generating functions. Exponential functions involve powers of a variable, while generating functions involve power series.

4. Can an operator be applied to any type of function?

Yes, an operator can be applied to any type of function, as long as the function is well-defined and has the necessary properties to be operated on. However, the effects of the operator may differ depending on the type of function being used.

5. How can operators be useful in solving mathematical problems?

Operators allow us to transform a complex function into a simpler form, making it easier to solve. They also help in identifying patterns and relationships between functions, which can be useful in finding solutions to mathematical problems.

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