Finding time average Poynting vector

In summary, the conversation discusses how to calculate the time average of the Poynting vector, given the fields E and H. The equation N' = 0.5* Re{ F x I* } is mentioned, but it is not applicable in this situation. The speaker suggests using the RMS values of E and B to calculate the average Poynting vector, and mentions different equations that can be used for this calculation. They also mention the need to time average the non-constant parts of the equation, which often involves using a multiplicative factor of 0.5.
  • #1
Given E and H, obviously you can calculate Poynting vector (N=ExH), but then how do you find the time average of N (N')?

(I won't write all the question I'm trying to answer here but basically I'm trying the verify an equation, the says N' = 0.5* Re{ F x I* } where F and I are fields such that E= Re{F} and H=Re{H}. So obviously I can't use that equation. How else can I find N'?
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  • #2
I memorized those things using B instead of H, but you can convert. Can you write the RMS values of the electric field and magnetic field? You will get the average of the poynting vector S (intensity, or energy per unit time per unit area) if you plug in the RMS values of E and B into any of these:

S = E B / mu0 = E^2 / mu0 c = c B^2 / mu0
  • #3
Usually vector E and H are made up and constant (eg E0) multiplied by phase and time dependent parts. You must time average these non-constant parts of the equation. Often this comes down to time-averaging the square of sine/cosine, which gives a multiplicative factor of 0.5.

FAQ: Finding time average Poynting vector

1. What is the time average Poynting vector?

The time average Poynting vector is a measure of the average rate of energy flow through a given area in an electromagnetic field. It is represented by the symbol S and is expressed in units of watts per square meter (W/m²).

2. How is the time average Poynting vector calculated?

The time average Poynting vector is calculated by taking the average of the instantaneous Poynting vector over a specified time period. This involves integrating the Poynting vector over time and dividing by the duration of the time period.

3. Why is the time average Poynting vector important?

The time average Poynting vector is important because it gives insight into the amount of energy that is being transmitted through a given area in an electromagnetic field. It is also used in the calculation of the average power transmitted by an electromagnetic wave.

4. What is the relationship between the time average Poynting vector and the electric and magnetic fields?

The time average Poynting vector is related to the electric and magnetic fields through the cross product of these two vector quantities. It is given by the equation S = E x B, where E is the electric field and B is the magnetic field.

5. How can the time average Poynting vector be used in practical applications?

The time average Poynting vector can be used in various practical applications, such as in the design and optimization of antennas, calculation of radiation patterns, and analysis of electromagnetic interference. It is also used in the study of electromagnetic radiation and its effects on biological systems.

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