Conflict between the conscious and the sub-conscious

  • Medical
  • Thread starter Sandeep Chalia
  • Start date
In summary: In summation, it sounds like you may be struggling with ADHD. There are some discussions about it on the forum already. Try doing a search.
  • #1
Sandeep Chalia
I'm having trouble concentrating. When I do something, my conscious mind is involved in it, but my subconsciousmind is playing something different. And in most of the cases, it overpowers the conscious one. I want both of them to go in the same direction. This is causing havoc in me. Is there someone who can help me uproot this problem.You can email the solution to me at <address removed by cristo>
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Biology news on
  • #2
It sounds like you may be talking about ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.) There are some discussions about it on the forum already. Try doing a search.
  • #3
I don't have ADD but I do always seem to have at least three different things happening in my mind at once.

If there is something you have to do, you should be able to exert your will power to pull your attention together to get it done. This is a matter of focusing.

When I don't have to concentrate, I usually don't exert myself, and let my mind wander quite a bit. I'm usually half consciously working on something, half letting my thoughts meander, and there is usually some piece of music running through some other part of my mind.

If you absolutely can't focus on something that has to get done, then you may have ADD. The other possibility is that there is something at the back of your mind bothering you, which, if it were solved, would stop distracting you.
  • #4
I have a conflict with concentration, and doing, and agreement to invest in the moment's exertions. So I have tried to make my life more of a thing that I willingly participate in. I know this is a luxury item, in its self. However, I am having some luck stalking that tendency of mine, since I am allegedly doing what I want to do for a living at this point in time. I am paying close attention to this, and trying to suss out, just what part of me it is that disrupts my ongoing plans, and efforts.

I have found that playing music really soothes this in me, and quiets internal dialogue that ranges all over the place once I get on task. This allows me better focus, because this tendency must be assuaged some how, at least for now. I still haven't fully identified what or which child part of me this is.

Typically a disruptor would have to be from one's past as a two or three year old. Bright kids develop hard wired things at ages as early as these, and it takes some talking and courting and big time somatic memory search to find out why the kid in you might have developed a habit like this.

It resembles lack of focus or inattention, but I think it might be a defensive posture say, an inattentive state that is an environmental filter. It might be, that you as an adult might resemble a powerful parent, that the child in you disliked, or feared. That adult state of silence and concentration, and internal dialogue might happen in a "virtual room" which contains a child that you used to be, who never integrated with the adult you have become. That child often is the key to everything, if the integration can compassionately happen. Then you get the full backing of all your parts, as you collect them one by one.

Anytime regular activity grinds to a halt, and it is not hunger, or exhaustion, or real adult concerns; it is time to take an inner poll to see who is in the "virtual room" with you, and what their unmet needs might be. Always bring candy for the child in you, and that "candy" is a willingness to sink back in a chair and let your self range across all seemingly latent emotion, and find an absolute joy, and acceptance of self, all parts of self, and see what your self has to offer by way of explanation.
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FAQ: Conflict between the conscious and the sub-conscious

1. What is the difference between the conscious and the sub-conscious mind?

The conscious mind is the part of our awareness that is active and focused on our current thoughts and actions. It is responsible for rational and logical thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving. On the other hand, the sub-conscious mind operates below the level of our conscious awareness and controls our automatic behaviors, emotions, and instincts.

2. How do conflicts arise between the conscious and the sub-conscious mind?

Conflicts can arise between the conscious and sub-conscious mind when they have different goals, beliefs, or desires. The sub-conscious mind may hold onto past experiences or beliefs that contradict the conscious mind's current thoughts and actions, leading to inner turmoil and confusion.

3. What are the effects of unresolved conflicts between the conscious and sub-conscious mind?

Unresolved conflicts between the conscious and sub-conscious mind can lead to negative emotions, such as anxiety, stress, and self-doubt. It can also result in self-sabotaging behaviors, internal struggles, and difficulty making decisions.

4. How can one resolve conflicts between the conscious and sub-conscious mind?

One way to resolve conflicts between the two is through self-awareness and introspection. By examining our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors, we can identify potential conflicts and work towards resolving them. Seeking therapy or counseling can also be helpful in addressing and resolving these conflicts.

5. Can the conscious and sub-conscious mind work together harmoniously?

Yes, with self-awareness and understanding, the conscious and sub-conscious mind can work together harmoniously. By recognizing and acknowledging the role of the sub-conscious mind in our thoughts and behaviors, we can integrate it with our conscious mind and create a more unified and balanced sense of self.

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