Sun Open Sources Solaris: Legal Challenges Ahead

In summary, Sun has decided to open source Solaris. This move will finally give x86 Solaris a chance to compete with other operating systems. Some have questioned the potential legal issues surrounding UNIX, but it is unlikely that there will be any problems as Solaris is compliant with industry standards. Additionally, Sun will have time to remove any proprietary code before releasing the open source version. Overall, this is a promising development for Solaris on x86.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
I don't know what Sun is thinking but they have decided to open source solaris:'Open+Source+Solaris'+to+debut+this+year/2100-7344_3-5364052.html

What I'm wondering is how they are going to get through all the legal issues involving UNIX(tm).
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  • #2
This will finally give x86 Solaris a chance.

I don't know of any possible legal issues that might arise. I don't think Sun claims that Solaris is UNIX. In fact, the Linux kernel has many features that allow AT&T SVR4 binary compability. Linux, unlike BSD's, also has a very System 5ish-like features (init.d and such). You don't see anybody suing (except SCO) the Linux developers (not that a centralized orgainzation to sue exists, anyways). I remember reading somewhere that SGI owned the UNIX trademark for awhile, I imagine OG owns it now.

Open sourcing a real UNIX, shouldn't be an issue. Solaris is just complying with all the standards, POSIX, XPG3, which aren't propiertary. If Solaris does contain some private code, from AT&T for example, they'll have plenty of time to weed it out before they release "Open Source Solaris."

Solaris is starting to look *very* promising (for x86, at least).
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  • #3
If it's not done right, it could be a disaster for Sun.

Opening up Solaris as an open source platform is a bold move by Sun. It shows their commitment to embracing the open source community and potentially expanding their user base. However, as mentioned in the article, there are definitely legal challenges that lie ahead for Sun. The issue of UNIX trademarks and intellectual property rights is a complex one, and if not handled carefully, it could indeed be a disaster for Sun.

It is important for Sun to thoroughly review and address any legal concerns before making Solaris open source. This includes ensuring that all necessary licenses and permissions are obtained, and that there is no infringement on any existing patents or trademarks. Any potential legal issues must be identified and resolved before the code is released to the public.

In addition, Sun must also consider the impact of this move on their business model and revenue streams. Open sourcing Solaris could potentially lead to a decrease in sales of their proprietary version, and they will need to find alternative ways to generate income. This could include offering support and services for the open source version, or developing additional products and services that complement Solaris.

Overall, while opening up Solaris has its benefits, it is crucial for Sun to handle the legal aspects carefully and strategically. By doing so, they can avoid any potential legal challenges and ensure a successful transition to an open source platform.

FAQ: Sun Open Sources Solaris: Legal Challenges Ahead

1. Is Sun Open Sourcing Solaris a legal decision?

Yes, Sun's decision to open source Solaris is a legal decision. The company has made the code available under the terms of an open source license, which allows for the free use, modification, and distribution of the software.

2. What are the potential legal challenges that Sun may face by Open Sourcing Solaris?

Some potential legal challenges that Sun may face include copyright infringement claims from third parties, potential conflicts with existing software licenses, and the possibility of patent lawsuits.

3. How does open sourcing Solaris affect its users and developers?

Open sourcing Solaris allows users and developers to access and modify the source code, resulting in increased flexibility and customization. It also encourages collaboration and innovation within the community.

4. Can users still purchase a commercial license for Solaris?

Yes, users can still purchase a commercial license for Solaris if they prefer to use the software without the restrictions of an open source license. However, open sourcing the software provides more options for users and developers.

5. Is Sun Open Sourcing Solaris a common practice in the tech industry?

Yes, open sourcing software has become a common practice in the tech industry as it allows for greater collaboration and innovation, and often leads to more widespread adoption of the software. Companies like Google, Microsoft, and IBM have also open sourced some of their software in recent years.

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