How often are mars and earth diametrically apart

  • Thread starter epicbattle
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    Earth Mars
In summary, Mars orbits the sun at a distance of 228 Gm and has an orbital period of 687 days. Earth orbits at a distance of 149.6 Gm and has an orbital period of 365 days. The angle swept by the Earth-Sun line in one Earth year is 360 degrees, and the angle swept by the Mars-Sun line is approximately 191 degrees. To calculate how often Mars and the Sun are diametrically opposed, we can use the formula 1/T = 1/E - 1/M, where T is the time between oppositions, E is the Earth's orbital period, and M is Mars' orbital period. This results in a time of approximately 779 days between opposition
  • #1

Homework Statement

Mars orbits the sun at a mean orbital radius of 228 Gm ( 1 G = 10^9 m) and has an orbital radius of 687 days. Earth orbits the sun at a mean orbital radius of 149.6 Gm.
The earth-sun line sweeps out an angle of 360 during one Earth year. Approximately what line is swept out by the Mars-Sun line during one Earth-year?
How frequently are Mars and the Sun in opposition (on diametrically opposite sides of the earth?)

Homework Equations

365 days = 360 degrees for earth
687 days = 360 degrees for Mars

The Attempt at a Solution

(360 degrees/ 687 days)x 365 day = 191 degrees for Mars sweeping.
That's cool. I get that.

It's the diametrically opposed part that I am having issues with comprehending. Yahoo answers gave a solution:

"Mars and the Sun are in opposition every T days where T is given by 1/T = 1/E - 1/M where E =365 days is the Earth year and M=687 days is the Mars year. This works out to T = 779 days, slightly more than 2 years. "

This works. But this formula seemed out of the blue to me. Where did they come up with this? Am I missing something really simple? (Probably...)

No need to solve the problem, it's on where they got that formula. Thank you very much.
Physics news on
  • #2
hi epicbattle! :smile:
epicbattle said:
1/T = 1/E - 1/M where E =365 days is the Earth year and M=687 days is the Mars year.

hint: angular speed = 2π/D radians per day …

and how do you find the relative angular speed of two bodies? :wink:
  • #3
Ah hah, thank you.

[2pi/Days(Earth) - 2pi/Days(Mars)]*180/2pi degrees per day. The 2pi cancels leaving the formula. Thank you.

So .2311 degrees per day is relative angular velocity

So how often are they diametrically apart 180/.2311 which solves for 779 days. Thank you very much. I won't forget this.

FAQ: How often are mars and earth diametrically apart

1. How often do Mars and Earth have their maximum distance (diametrically apart)?

The maximum distance between Mars and Earth, also known as the opposition, occurs approximately every 26 months. This is because Mars takes longer to orbit the sun, and Earth catches up to it at this point.

2. Is there a specific time of year when Mars and Earth are diametrically apart?

No, the opposition can occur at any time of the year. It depends on the alignment of the planets in their orbits.

3. How far apart are Mars and Earth when they are diametrically apart?

The average distance between Mars and Earth during the opposition is about 140 million miles. However, this distance can vary depending on the positions of the planets in their orbits.

4. Can we see Mars and Earth being diametrically apart with the naked eye?

Yes, during the opposition, Mars is at its closest point to Earth and appears as a bright red dot in the night sky. It is one of the best times to observe and study Mars with a telescope or even with the naked eye.

5. How does the distance between Mars and Earth during the opposition affect space missions?

The distance between Mars and Earth during the opposition can greatly impact the duration and success of space missions. Launches during this time require less energy, making it more efficient and cost-effective. However, it also means that there is a limited window for launches to reach Mars, as the planets quickly move out of alignment.

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