Can Solubility Laws Determine the Amount of Helium Gas in 3000 Litres of Water?

In summary, the solubility of helium gas in water is affected by various factors and can be calculated using appropriate equations and theories. Henry's law can be used to estimate the degasification rate of solubilized helium from water under different gas pressure conditions. Thank you.
  • #1
Dear Forum members,

Situation: 3000 litre of water is pressurized with 1 bar helium gas in closed tank.

question 1: My question is that, if i know the solubility of helium gas in water at 1 bar partial pressure of helium over water at temp of 25 deg is 0.00145 g/litre, Whether i can apply this solubility law to entire volume of water.

Solubility value for 3000 litre of water = 0.00145*3000 = ?

Whether solubility of helium gas depends upon the surface area of exposure of water, resistance offered by the liquid to transfer the solute from water interface to its bulk volume.

or either i should interphase mass transfer theories to calculate the exact amount of soluble gases in 3000 litre of water.

question 2: If we have estimated the solubility in 3000 litres of water, how can we similarly estimate the degasification rate of solublized helium from water, if same water is kept under different conditions of nitrogen gas pressure or in a vacuum condition (after achieving sufficient solubility with helium gas). Is there any law to calculate the amount of solublized gas transfer from water to gas phase.
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  • #2

Dear Forum members,

Thank you for your question. I can provide some information and insights on the solubility of helium gas in water.

To answer your first question, the solubility law can be applied to the entire volume of water in the closed tank. However, it is important to note that the solubility of helium gas in water is affected by various factors such as temperature, pressure, and surface area. Therefore, the solubility value for 3000 litres of water may not be exactly 0.00145*3000, as the conditions may differ from the standard conditions at which the solubility value was determined. It is recommended to use the appropriate equations and factors to calculate the solubility under the specific conditions in your closed tank.

Furthermore, the solubility of helium gas in water can also be affected by the surface area of exposure of water and the resistance offered by the liquid to transfer the solute from the water interface to its bulk volume. These factors can be taken into consideration by using mass transfer theories, as you mentioned.

Moving on to your second question, there is a law that can be used to estimate the degasification rate of solubilized helium from water. It is known as Henry's law, which states that the amount of gas dissolved in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of the gas above the liquid. Therefore, if the water is kept under different conditions of nitrogen gas pressure or in a vacuum, the degasification rate of solubilized helium can be estimated using Henry's law.

I hope this information helps in addressing your questions. Please let me know if you have any further inquiries.

FAQ: Can Solubility Laws Determine the Amount of Helium Gas in 3000 Litres of Water?

1. What is the solubility of helium in water?

The solubility of helium in water is very low. At room temperature and sea level, only about 0.0056 g of helium can dissolve in 1 kg of water.

2. Why is the solubility of helium in water so low?

The low solubility of helium in water is due to its low molecular weight and weak intermolecular forces. This makes it difficult for helium molecules to interact with water molecules and dissolve.

3. Does the solubility of helium in water change with temperature?

Yes, the solubility of helium in water decreases as temperature increases. This is because the kinetic energy of the helium molecules increases, making it harder for them to stay dissolved in the water.

4. Can helium be forced to dissolve in water under high pressure?

Yes, under high pressure, the solubility of helium in water can increase. However, once the pressure is released, the excess helium will quickly come out of solution, potentially causing bubbles or foam.

5. What are some practical applications of the solubility of helium in water?

The solubility of helium in water is important for underwater breathing apparatus and diving equipment. It is also used in certain medical procedures, such as ultrasound imaging, where small amounts of helium gas are injected into the body and dissolved in the blood to enhance the images.
