Can Physics Explain the Complexities of Our World?

  • Thread starter interestedman
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In summary, Physics is considered the fundamental science and has contributed to explaining the complexities of our world by discovering the four fundamental forces in the universe and formulating equations to combine them. The search for the "super force" continues, with the book "Super Force" by Paul Davies being a recommended read. Physics is also closely related to engineering, with many technological advances being a result of applying physics principles. Without physics, our standard of living would not be the same.
  • #1
how has physics actually contributed in explaining the complexities of our world,what are the latest developments that have at least theoretically attempted an explanation?
Physics news on
  • #2
Physics, in my opinion, is the fundamental science because it is the basic of them all, chemistry doesn't even come close to how in-debt physics goes. As for how it has explained somethings, yes it has. We have figured out that there are 4 fundamental forces in the universe, Gravity, Electromagnetic, Strong-nuclear and Weak-nuclear. We have also formulated equations where we can combine Electro, Strong-n, and Weak-n into one force! which is pretty amazing, the final step is finding the so called Super Force, the one that started it all. We are getting closer to finding it
  • #3
thanks foxcommander,thanks a lot ,i find your post more understandable than the others,i want to make use of this,and kindly ask you what could i read to eluminate me on the super force,and what is your opinion.
  • #4
interestedman said:
i find your post more understandable than the others

Umm, that's because he's the only one that posted, you probably we're seeing the physicsorg links. Sorry but I had to point it out. :wink:
  • #5
Try the book called Super Force by Paul Davies. You can find it on Amazon. I have actually read most of it, that's where i learned most of it. Its one of the best books I have ever read. hope you enjoy it

  • #6
i've heard people describe it as physics is the science behind engineering.
if you look at it that way, which makes sense, because many of today's technological advances comes from the field of engineering without the study of physics our standard of living would not be the same without phyics.
  • #7
dnp33 is right. Engineering is basically just applied physics. A world without physics would be a world without refrigerators, microwaves, electricity, cars, airplanes, telephones, radio/television, computers, etc. Harnessing the power of the atom in the last century had a huge political and social impact. Although physics can often seem aloof and highly theoretical, it has enormous practical applications.
  • #8
I totally agree with these guys 100%. Thats why I am becoming an engineer. All those other professions can suck it! ha ha

FAQ: Can Physics Explain the Complexities of Our World?

What is the contribution of physics to society?

Physics has contributed greatly to society in many ways. Some examples include the development of technologies such as electricity and electronics, which have revolutionized communication and transportation. Physics has also played a crucial role in medical advancements, such as the development of X-rays and MRI machines. Additionally, the principles of physics have helped us understand the natural world and make predictions about phenomena such as weather patterns and natural disasters.

How has physics contributed to the development of new materials?

The study of physics has led to the discovery and understanding of many new materials. For example, the study of thermodynamics has led to the development of new alloys and polymers, while the study of quantum mechanics has led to the discovery of new semiconductors and superconductors. These materials have a wide range of applications, from building materials to electronics to medical devices, and have greatly improved our quality of life.

What impact has physics had on our understanding of the universe?

Physics has played a crucial role in helping us understand the universe and our place in it. The study of physics has led to the development of theories such as the Big Bang theory, which explain the origins of the universe, and the theory of relativity, which explains the relationship between space and time. Physics has also helped us discover and understand fundamental particles and forces that make up the universe, such as quarks and gravity.

How has physics contributed to technological advancements?

Physics has been instrumental in the development of many technologies that we rely on today. For example, the principles of electricity and magnetism have led to the development of devices such as computers, smartphones, and electric motors. The study of mechanics and thermodynamics has also contributed to the development of transportation technologies like cars and airplanes. Furthermore, the principles of physics are constantly being applied to create new and innovative technologies.

What role does physics play in other scientific fields?

Physics is often referred to as the "fundamental science" because it provides the foundation for many other scientific fields. For example, chemistry relies on the principles of physics to understand the behavior of atoms and molecules. Biology also utilizes the principles of physics to study the movement of living organisms. Additionally, physics plays a role in fields such as geology, astronomy, and meteorology, helping us understand the natural world and make predictions about future events.
