Is the Search for Life's Meaning Designed to Be Unattainable?

  • Thread starter scott_sieger
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In summary, the conversation discussed why God would give us the intelligence to search for the meaning of life but make it impossible to find. The question was posed in a way that suggested sadness and frustration, which prompted the speaker to write a poem about eternity and the endless search for answers. The conversation also touched on the belief that sentient life keeps the universe perpetual and that the search for the future is what ensures its continuation. The speaker asks for others' thoughts on this matter.
  • #1

Some one recently asked me a question.

He asked me "Why would God gives us the intelligence to search for the meaning of life and yet make it impoossible to find"?

To me this question was said in a way that suggested sadness and frustration.

It prompted me to write this little poem


** A song that will never be sung,
**** so melodic so beautiful the heart does sigh
** A poem that will never be posed,
**** so rhythmic so profound
** A word that will never be spoken
**** so full of meaning that it makes you cry
** An answer so wanted
**** but never be found


** A feeling that will never be felt
**** so strong so intense
** A love that will never come to you
**** so sweet so full
** A future that is always there
**** an adventure so immense
** A curiosity that is never quenched
**** A heat that never will cool


** There is no better way
**** as none have shown
** How to keep our noses to the wind
**** and our eyes beyond
** There is always something
**** that can never be done
** A game that can only be played
************** and never lost or won

The philosophy behind this is the belief that sentient life in fact ultimately keeps the universe perpetual.

When the search for the future dies then so to does the universe.

Also when in frustration we feel the futility of our endless quest it is worth remembering that our search is what ensures the future.

Any one else have thoughts along these lines?
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  • #2
First, I think it is odd that you up and wrote a little poem, and second, it's a real quandery.
  • #3

Hi there,

I really appreciate the sentiment and emotion behind your poem. It is true that sometimes in our search for answers and meaning, we can feel overwhelmed and frustrated by the seemingly impossible task. But I believe that the pursuit itself is what gives our lives purpose and drives us forward. Without it, we may become stagnant and lose our sense of direction. And as you mentioned, this search for the future is what keeps the universe in motion. So, even though we may never find all the answers we seek, the journey itself is what matters most. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and perspective.

FAQ: Is the Search for Life's Meaning Designed to Be Unattainable?

What does the phrase "To dream the impossible dream" mean?

The phrase "To dream the impossible dream" is a line from the song "The Impossible Dream" from the musical Man of La Mancha. It means to have a grand and ambitious aspiration or goal that may seem unachievable or unrealistic.

Where did the phrase "To dream the impossible dream" originate from?

The phrase "To dream the impossible dream" originated from the musical Man of La Mancha, which was written by Dale Wasserman and composed by Mitch Leigh in 1965. It was first performed on Broadway in 1965 and has since become a popular song and phrase.

What is the significance of the phrase "To dream the impossible dream"?

The phrase "To dream the impossible dream" is significant because it encourages people to pursue their dreams and not be held back by perceived limitations. It promotes the idea of having a strong will and determination to achieve something despite the challenges and obstacles that may come along the way.

What are some examples of "the impossible dream"?

Some examples of "the impossible dream" could include achieving world peace, finding a cure for a terminal illness, or reaching the top of Mount Everest. These are all ambitious and challenging goals that may seem impossible, but with determination and hard work, they can be achieved.

How can one apply the phrase "To dream the impossible dream" in their life?

One can apply the phrase "To dream the impossible dream" in their life by setting ambitious goals for themselves and not being discouraged by setbacks or doubts. It is also important to have a strong belief in oneself and to never give up on one's dreams, no matter how impossible they may seem.
