Entropy of canonical ensemble - invariant wrt energy shift?

In summary: The summary is as follows:The entropy of a system does not change when all the energy levels are shifted by the same amount.
  • #1
I have a short question which I have been discussing with a fellow student and a professor. The question (which is not a homework question!), is as follows:

If you shift all the energies [itex]E_i \to E_i + E_0[/itex] (thus also shifting the mean energy [itex]U \to U + E_0[/itex]), does the entropy of the system remain the same?

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
##Z = \sum e^{-\beta E'_i} = e^{-\beta E_0}\sum e^{-\beta E_i} \\ \Rightarrow \ln Z' = \ln Z-\beta E_0 \\ \Rightarrow\bar{E}'=-\partial_{\beta}\ln Z' = E + E_0 \\ \Rightarrow S' = k_B(\ln Z' + \beta \bar{E}) = k_B(\ln Z - \beta E_0 + \beta E + \beta E_0) = S##

Now why doesn't the entropy change? Well remember ##S = k_B \ln \Omega(\bar{E})## and ##\Omega(\bar{E})## is the volume between ##\bar{E}## and ##\bar{E} + \delta\bar{E}## in phase space i.e. of an infinitesimal energy shell of microstates accessible to the system. So if you shift all energy eigenvalues of the system by the same constant, thus shifting the average energy by the same amount, then the volume in phase space in between two infinitesimally separated values of average energy will remain unchanged.
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  • #3
To give another view to WannabeNewton's very good explanation, one could say that a shift in energy levels of a system will not alter the occupation of the levels and therefore not change the entropy of the system. I guess your question seems like a specific case of the consequence that a perturbation to a system in the form of heat changes the distribution/occupation of levels without changing the energy levels themselves, whereas a perturbation in the form of reversible work changes the energy levels without affecting their distribution.
In other words the changes in energy levels of a system must come from a change to the Hamiltonian i.e. change in interactions between the particles or interaction with external fields, so from the effect of work on a system, and this doesn't change entropy. A change in entropy arises from the effect of heat and this changes the energy of the system by repopulating to higher energy levels without changing the levels themselves (doesn't change the form of the Hamiltonian).

FAQ: Entropy of canonical ensemble - invariant wrt energy shift?

1. What is the concept of entropy in the canonical ensemble?

The concept of entropy in the canonical ensemble refers to the measure of disorder or randomness in a system at a constant temperature, volume, and number of particles. It is a thermodynamic quantity that reflects the number of possible microstates of a system and how likely they are to occur.

2. How is the entropy of a canonical ensemble calculated?

The entropy of a canonical ensemble can be calculated using the Boltzmann formula, S = kBlnΩ, where kB is the Boltzmann constant and Ω is the number of microstates of the system. It can also be calculated using the partition function, Z = Σie-Ei/kBT, where Ei is the energy of the ith microstate and T is the temperature.

3. Why is the entropy of a canonical ensemble invariant with respect to energy shift?

The entropy of a canonical ensemble is invariant with respect to energy shift because it is based on the number of microstates, which is independent of the energy of the system. This means that any energy shift will not change the number of microstates and therefore will not affect the entropy.

4. How does the entropy of a canonical ensemble relate to the second law of thermodynamics?

The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of a closed system will always increase over time, or remain constant in an ideal case. In the case of a canonical ensemble, the total entropy is constant, as it is a closed system at a constant temperature. Therefore, the concept of entropy in the canonical ensemble is a manifestation of the second law of thermodynamics.

5. How does the concept of entropy in the canonical ensemble apply to real-life systems?

The concept of entropy in the canonical ensemble is widely applicable to real-life systems, as it helps to understand and predict the behavior of complex systems such as gases, liquids, and solids. It also plays a crucial role in fields such as statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, and information theory. The calculation of entropy in the canonical ensemble can provide insights into the stability, equilibria, and other thermodynamic properties of real-life systems.
