Math courses recommended for electrical engineering major?

In summary, taking Algebra 1 and 2, Geometry, Functions/Stats/Trig next year is a good idea. Other classes you should take if you want to major in electrical engineering include Calculus 1 and 2, Linear Algebra, Mathematical Statistics, and Statistical Methods II.
  • #1
So far, I've taken Algebra 1 and 2, and Geometry. I'm taking Functions/Stats/Trig next year, and there's a great chance I'll be taking calc 1 senior year. (high school, of course)

What other classes should I be taking, if I want to major in electrical engineering? I've heard calc is a BIG one, but I'm getting opinions from you guys.

Sorry I didn't go into much detail, I'm a bit tired tonight. (:
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  • #2
Trig is big, algebra too. The calculus is very big as well, and don't forget complex numbers. They are second nature to a EE because they are everywhere. You're always dealing with the magnitude and phase of something as a EE.

Stats less so for a starting EE but you'll need it eventually so pay attention to it.
  • #3
The whole point of the mathematics curriculum is to reach calculus, so the majority of the courses you take in high school are meant to prepare you for calculus. Also calculus is the basic fundamental subject for engineers of most, if not all types. From calculus onwards, topics such as differential equations and related tools such as transforms are also fundamental, but calculus is the basic prerequisite.

As for the topics before calculus, algebra 1 and 2 and functions are essential to learning calculus and solving calculus problems. Geometry is not directly useful, but geometric intuition and reasoning can be carried over to calculus. You only need to know the basics of trigonometry to learn calculus (sometimes you don't need any) for the first time. However I think trig is important for many disciplines including engineering because it really is a great way to get used to deriving various formulas given only a few basic identities.
  • #4
Well, I can get calc 1 and 2 in before college. Would that be the best thing to do?
  • #5
From a pedagogical point of view, it's never a particularly good idea to rush to get to calculus. Learning to attack a problem effectively is more fundamental, and problem solving skills are arguably easier to obtain in elementary mathematics (i.e. subjects taught before calculus). However if you are fairly sure you want to be an engineer, I would say understanding calculus is as equally important as becoming better at solving problems. If you work out a lot of problems in your textbook, keep it up and you should be able to achieve both ends.

Calc 1 and 2 is basically AP Calculus BC right? If so, this is certainly a reasonable thing to understand before heading off to college provided that you have a good grasp of all of the other subjects you mentioned.
  • #6
Linear Algebra
  • #7
My EE program requires differential calc, integral calc, series calc, vector calc, differential eq's, linear algebra, mathematical statistics,and statistical methods II. And most technical classes involve tons of applied math.
  • #8
deadkitty said:
My EE program requires differential calc, integral calc, series calc, vector calc, differential eq's, linear algebra, mathematical statistics,and statistical methods II. And most technical classes involve tons of applied math.

Same with the one at my college, except for the last two I think. I would recommend taking some sort of calculus in high school to at least expose yourself to them, and if you're good at it, claim AP credit (assuming your school has AP calculus). I don't think it's necessary to go past AP level calculus (which covers up to integral calculus). Even if you do go over vector calculus or linear algebra, your college will most likely make you take those classes anyways, so there isn't too much of an advantage other than just being ahead knowledge wise. There's no dire need to rush.

FAQ: Math courses recommended for electrical engineering major?

1. What math courses are typically recommended for an electrical engineering major?

Most electrical engineering programs require students to take courses in calculus, linear algebra, differential equations, and probability and statistics. Some programs may also recommend or require courses in discrete mathematics, complex analysis, and numerical methods.

2. Why are these specific math courses important for an electrical engineering major?

Math courses are important for an electrical engineering major because they provide the necessary foundations for understanding and analyzing complex electrical systems and circuits. Calculus and differential equations are particularly useful for modeling and solving problems in circuit analysis and signal processing. Linear algebra is essential for understanding the principles of circuit design and control systems. Probability and statistics are important for analyzing and predicting the behavior of electrical systems.

3. Can I substitute any of these math courses with other courses?

It is not recommended to substitute any of the required math courses for an electrical engineering major. These courses are specifically chosen to provide the foundational knowledge and skills necessary for success in the field. However, some programs may offer alternative versions of these courses or allow students to place out of certain courses through advanced placement or transfer credits.

4. How can I prepare for these math courses before starting my electrical engineering major?

One way to prepare for math courses in an electrical engineering major is to review and strengthen your algebra and trigonometry skills. These topics are essential for understanding and applying concepts in calculus and other higher-level math courses. You can also practice solving problems and equations to improve your problem-solving skills.

5. Are there any resources available to help me with these math courses?

Most universities have resources available to help students with their math courses, such as tutoring services, study groups, and online resources. Additionally, many textbooks and online resources provide practice problems, explanations, and step-by-step solutions to help you better understand and master the material. It is also recommended to communicate with your professors and classmates for additional support and resources.

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