Am I an Angry Person? Perceptions of Others

  • Thread starter gravenewworld
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation revolves around a member asking for others' perceptions of them based on their posting style. Some say they are angry while others say they are not. The member shares personal experiences of being angry and how it may be perceived differently online. Some speculate on the meaning of the member's username. The expert summarizer notes that the member's posts can come across as angry, but also acknowledges that it is difficult to accurately judge someone's tone online. The summary also mentions the member's potential reference to Aldous Huxley's book "Brave New World" with their username.

Is GNW an angry person?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 47.6%
  • No

    Votes: 11 52.4%

  • Total voters
  • #1
Yes or No based on how I post. I would like to know how others perceive me.
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Physics news on
  • #2
Hyuk, hyuk!
  • #3
I try to have no memory of members.

I have arguments with some, but I find if I forget who it is I argued with, it doesn't colour my future dealings with them. Especially when its a moderator... :rolleyes:

And I have no memory of discussions with you.
  • #4
I voted no, but I would say sometimes if there were an option for it. I have found some of your posts very informative and friendly, and others sounding very angry and bitter. (Of course, some of the angry and bitter ones were still informative).
  • #5
Just some recent ones have sounded very angry. Maybe you're just under stress about something, or your words aren't conveying your real mood well. I can't say if you're an angry person...I'd hope not. :smile:
  • #6
You're the scum of the earth! :smile:
  • #7
Angry in which sense? You can post with a certain tone and not be angry. However, if you say that you enjoy harming animals for pleasure, I'd say you're angry. To be honest, your posts seem "normal" to me. Cool poll!
  • #8
I picked 'yes'. I think if I had to compile a 10 angriest people in PF'd be on it. Ummm...I think I'd make it too!
  • #9
I voted no. Perhaps one is just a tad bit irritable - once in a while.

Have a nice day! :smile:
  • #10
I don't think I ever had a conversation with you before.

I wouldn't take the judgements of people online too seriously. Sometimes it's easier to get angry online and so we come out more of an angrier person than in general. We are not free to express anger in public, which is good to certain extent. I express disappointment in public because I'm human and I can get disapointed.

I was angry at one of my profs. awhile ago because he kept putting me down and doing things that just wasn't fair and probably some comments were unethical (angry enough I cursed in class because it was just pathetic). I know he hates me, which is fine, but don't disrespect me or do things that's just uncalled for. I think he respects me a little bit more now because I did really good on the final exam. It's a really weird situation. He's doing me a big favour now which I really appreciate though. It still bothers me inside though because it was just getting out of hand (I was going to talk to the Dean about it). I'm not even sure where it all started either, well I sort of know, but that's no reason to downplay me. AArrggh! It just irritated me. I dropped the whole ordeal now though. So much politics among students/grades/profs. and so on it drives me nuts, like honestly who gives a ****.

Anyways, see how I probably sound like an angry person now. Honestly people see me as so chill and friendly that I get along with just about everyone. People get disapointed in life and that's just reality. No reason to cover it up. (Don't go and like punch people or insult people. You can be upset/disapointed without harming someone.)
  • #11
You are a livid person, my screen starts glowing whenever some post of yours appears, so I tend to scroll hastily past them.
  • #12
Astronuc said:
Have a nice day! :smile:

The straw that breaks the irritable camels back.

I obviously pay no attention to you gravenewworld because I couldn't honestly choose. :-p
  • #13
He's a real scrooge when it comes to Christmas threads, so I voted yes. I think lately he's sounded pretty angry, but maybe there have been times when he wasn't angry. :wink:
  • #14
gravenewworld said:
Yes or No based on how I post. I would like to know how others perceive me.

Last February, you made a post in" thread in the Biology forum. I resolved to have nothing to do with you ever since!
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  • #15
50% say I am angry 50% say I am not

LOL no one can figure me out. GOOD.
  • #16
You just need to find that significant other with whom you can share your happiness and cheery mood. :approve:

  • #17
gravenewworld said:
50% say I am angry 50% say I am not

LOL no one can figure me out. GOOD.

:smile: It can be good to keep people guessing. :smile:
  • #18
gravenewworld said:
LOL no one can figure me out. GOOD.
Let me take a stab at it (the sacrificial lamb, whose entrails I shall need for this).

<somber, telepathic voice>
You've had too much Iron Maiden (or too much Aldous Huxley), my child!
<voice off>

How'd I do? :-p

PS: The people that said you're not angry...they'd call Lewis Black a lighthearted little sprite. :biggrin:
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  • #19
gravenewworld said:
Am I an angry person?

I'm... I'm too scared of you to even answer the question!
  • #20
No gravenewworld, you ... you done good. You done real good - makin' that three-headed gopher...

How 'bout ice cream for dinner again huh gravenewworld, would you like that?
  • #21
well to be honest :devil: someone told me i "get to live omars life" ahh hemm. :rolleyes:
  • #22
I said yes, because of your reactions towards those that have a different opinion of you or that make stupid comments.

Your username indicates some intolerance, as well. The "graven" part indicating you already know that your opinions tend to be engraved in stone (I'm totally boggled by the "ewworld" part - does that refer to living via e-mail or something?)
  • #23
Unless you're pulling GNW's leg Bob, I believe the name is in reference to an Aldous Huxley book, Brave New World.
  • #24
BobG said:
Your username indicates some intolerance, as well. The "graven" part indicating you already know that your opinions tend to be engraved in stone (I'm totally boggled by the "ewworld" part - does that refer to living via e-mail or something?)

:smile: I think we need to have an award category for the most often misinterpreted/mispronounced user name. It's "grave new world." I'm not really sure what it means, but it sounds more like real words than "graven ewworld." :smile:
  • #25
Kurdt said:
Unless you're pulling GNW's leg Bob, I believe the name is in reference to an Aldous Huxley book, Brave New World.

I'm trying to ensure my answer would be the correct one.
  • #26
BobG said:
I'm trying to ensure my answer would be the correct one.

Damn I've probably ruined it now then. :smile: You'll have to pinch GNW again when they don't expect it.
  • #27
I don't know about Graven ewworld's anger, but I also like the name of the member 'confused a shell'.
  • #28
fi said:
I don't know about Graven ewworld's anger, but I also like the name of the member 'confused a shell'.
That's cute. I like "moo of doom".
  • #29
Another member's name I've seen that I liked was 'Harold Holt', an Australian Prime Minister that went for a swim at the beach and disappeared in the 60s. Funny place for him to show up again.
  • #30
Moonbear said:
:smile: I think we need to have an award category for the most often misinterpreted/mispronounced user name. It's "grave new world." I'm not really sure what it means, but it sounds more like real words than "graven ewworld." :smile:
This even adds more to my mystery. Closing in even closer on 50:50.
  • #31
BobG said:
Your username indicates some intolerance, as well. The "graven" part indicating you already know that your opinions tend to be engraved in stone (I'm totally boggled by the "ewworld" part - does that refer to living via e-mail or something?)
I was equally boggled by ewworld. It took me about a year to figure out that it wasn't graven ewworld, but grave new world. But then knowing this place, where the obvious isn't necessarily, I could be totally wrong, and it could be grav enew world or grav e new world or even grav eneww orld.
  • #32
gravenewworld said:
50% say I am angry 50% say I am not

LOL no one can figure me out. GOOD.

If you're asking if you are an agry person, then chances are you're not. Angry people don't realize half the time that they're angry.. Also since, to me this is an attention seeking thread i say I've figured you out..
  • #33
I voted that you are an angry person because I am angry and if you are angry it makes me look less angry. :mad:

FAQ: Am I an Angry Person? Perceptions of Others

1. What are some signs that I may be perceived as an angry person by others?

Some signs that you may be perceived as an angry person by others include frequent outbursts of anger, difficulty controlling your emotions, and a tendency to lash out at others verbally or physically.

2. How can I determine if others see me as an angry person?

One way to determine if others see you as an angry person is to ask for honest feedback from friends, family, or coworkers. You can also reflect on past interactions and consider if you have a pattern of displaying anger in your relationships.

3. Can being perceived as an angry person have negative consequences?

Yes, being perceived as an angry person can have negative consequences such as damaging relationships, hindering career advancement, and causing others to avoid interacting with you. It can also lead to increased stress and health problems for yourself.

4. What are some ways to address being perceived as an angry person?

Some ways to address being perceived as an angry person include seeking professional help to better manage your emotions, practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques, and actively working on improving communication and conflict resolution skills.

5. Is it possible to change how others perceive me as an angry person?

Yes, it is possible to change how others perceive you as an angry person. It may take time and effort, but by addressing the root causes of your anger and actively working on improving your behavior and communication, you can change how others perceive you and improve your relationships.

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