Building a Vehicle for Mass Loads with Flight Capabilities

In summary, the conversation is about a person seeking help with a small project for their company involving goods movement. The project involves creating a manually operated flying vehicle that can carry a maximum weight of 120 kg and can travel at speeds up to 40-50 km/hr. The person is seeking advice and resources to build this project, and some experts suggest using existing systems such as helicopters instead. There is also discussion about the project's budget and the company's R&D department.
  • #1
Hi Experts!
I have my own company and we are working on small project for goods movement.
I would require your valuable help to achieve this...
A vehicle which can carry mass load and can fly from one point to other. Direction is changable. Which can be controlled. This is manually operated. This can be battery operated or fuel like usaual vehicle.
I can stop this vehicle, slow down its speed and get down on Earth slowly.

Can u suggest any directions? which resources are useful to build this project?

Thanks in advance.
Physics news on
  • #2
ummm... "small project?"

1)how much money are you looking to spend?
2)how much payload weight are we talking?
3)what is the transport distance?
  • #3
Agreed; far too little information provided. My first thought is a blimp, but they don't work so well on a small scale.
  • #4
you are basically trying to build a cargo helicopter.
  • #5
Is this a serious thread?
  • #6
I can't tell. I was trying to treat it as such, but the lack of the OP showing up again makes me suspicious.
  • #7
Yes, definitely more information required. Surely, you know what existing options there are - helicopter, blimp, etc. so why do these not fit your needs?
  • #8
The design is complete - we just need to find a source of flying monkeys!
  • #9
Check out my wife's family... :rolleyes:
  • #10
Hi Experts!
Extremly Sorry and
agreed that i have not provided adequate information. And i thought may be for you all experts it is small project :-)
Actually yes it is like cargo helicopter but not such a huge in size.

Some more details:
It should carry a weight upto 120 kg maximum. Excluding object's body parts. It should not fly on much height from ground - 20 to 30 fts max. Can be moved as per desired direction. Maximum 40-50 km/hr speed. Simply work like flying vehicle = bike.
There is no limit for transport distance. It will fly till fuel burns out.
Money Budget is management decision. But seems no problem.

Waiting for guidelines. Please treat it seriously coz i have to present this in front of management.
  • #11
You're looking to invent a helicopter alternative. And this is going to save the company money, even though it's in the cargo business, not the invention business...

Seriously, the only way is to use existing system, which has the huge advantge of having already bene operating.
  • #12
Actually it is manufacturing industry. Also we have R&D department.
@DaveC426913 : Pardon, but i didnt get the meaning of "Existing system" ! do you mean helicopter?
  • #13
If you're asking on a physics forum on how to build an anti-gravity object, you might have slight problems with the R&D, without even beginning on the "manufacturing".

FAQ: Building a Vehicle for Mass Loads with Flight Capabilities

1. How do you determine the maximum weight a vehicle can carry while still being able to fly?

The maximum weight a vehicle can carry while still being able to fly is determined by several factors, such as the engine power, aerodynamics, and structural strength of the vehicle. Engineers use mathematical models and simulations to calculate the maximum weight that can be safely carried by the vehicle.

2. What materials are commonly used to build a vehicle for mass loads with flight capabilities?

Common materials used to build a vehicle for mass loads with flight capabilities include lightweight metals such as aluminum and titanium, as well as composite materials like carbon fiber. These materials are strong and durable while also being lightweight, allowing for efficient flight.

3. How is the balance and stability of the vehicle maintained while carrying heavy loads during flight?

The balance and stability of a vehicle carrying heavy loads during flight are maintained through various mechanisms such as control surfaces, weight distribution, and flight control systems. These systems work together to adjust the vehicle's center of gravity and maintain stability during flight.

4. How does the design of the vehicle impact its ability to carry mass loads and fly?

The design of the vehicle plays a crucial role in its ability to carry mass loads and fly. It must be aerodynamically efficient to reduce drag and allow for smooth flight. The structure must also be strong and lightweight to support the weight of the loads. Additionally, the placement of the loads must be carefully considered to maintain balance and stability during flight.

5. What safety measures are in place to ensure the vehicle can safely carry mass loads and fly?

Safety measures for a vehicle designed to carry mass loads and fly include thorough testing and inspections to ensure structural integrity and proper functioning of all systems. Emergency protocols and redundant systems may also be in place to handle unforeseen circumstances during flight. Additionally, strict regulations and certification processes must be followed to ensure the vehicle meets all safety standards before being used for mass load transportation.
