Bad Modern Algebra Book, but good choice

In summary: Your Name]In summary, the conversation discusses the difficulty of Modern Algebra and the speaker's personal experience with the course. They initially underestimated the course but realized its importance in developing critical thinking skills and providing a strong foundation for future studies and careers. While the speaker ultimately dropped the course, there is a suggestion to reconsider taking it in the future for its valuable applications in various fields. The conversation also highlights the importance of carefully considering the necessity of a course before taking it.
  • #1
I went into this semester ignoring many remarks that Modern Alg. is a very hard course. I think the course material was a difficult at times but certainly not impossible. Like all math courses it required time and patience.
However, I have had a rude awakening. I have never had such a course where there was practically nothing in worked out examples. Virtually everything hinged on what the professor said which at times contrast the blatantly obvious and the nearly incoherent.
But this wasn't all terrible for me. As I was studying awhile ago I felt that there was almost nothing practical coming out of this course. I simply wish to be a high school math teacher, nothing more. So this led me to change my degree from a B.S., which required MA among other theoretical courses, to a B.A., which focuses more on applied mathematics. I want a strong background in something practical incase I do not wish to teach so that I can go to IBM or wherever.
In the end I dropped modern algebra, but it turned out to be a good thing. So this just goes to show you should really check out if you really need a course before you take it.
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  • #2

Thank you for sharing your experience with Modern Algebra. I can understand your frustrations with the lack of worked out examples and reliance on the professor's explanation. However, I would like to offer a different perspective on the importance of this course.

Modern Algebra is a fundamental subject in mathematics, and its concepts are essential in various fields of science and technology. While it may not have immediate practical applications, it provides a basis for understanding more advanced topics in mathematics and other sciences. It also helps develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are valuable in any career.

I would also like to point out that a B.S. degree provides a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of mathematics, which will be beneficial in your future endeavors. As a high school math teacher, you will be responsible for teaching a wide range of mathematical concepts, and a strong background in Modern Algebra will only enhance your ability to do so effectively.

I understand your decision to switch to a B.A. degree, and I commend you for being proactive in your academic journey. However, I would encourage you to reconsider taking Modern Algebra in the future, as its value goes beyond just practical applications. It is a challenging course, but with determination and hard work, it can be mastered.

I wish you all the best in your studies and future career as a math teacher.
  • #3

I can understand your frustration with the Modern Algebra course and the lack of worked out examples. It is important to have practical applications and real-world examples in order to fully grasp mathematical concepts. However, I would caution against dropping a course solely based on its difficulty level. Math can be challenging, but with time and patience, it can be conquered. Additionally, having a strong theoretical background in mathematics is crucial for any career, even if your current goal is to become a high school math teacher. It is important to keep your options open and have a diverse skill set in today's job market. I would suggest seeking out additional resources, such as tutoring or online practice problems, to help you succeed in the Modern Algebra course. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide what is best for your academic and career goals, but I would encourage you to not give up on challenging courses and to continue to strive for a well-rounded education.

Related to Bad Modern Algebra Book, but good choice

1. Why is this book considered a "bad" modern algebra book?

This book may be considered "bad" because it may lack clear explanations, have difficult exercises, or use outdated methods.

2. What makes it a good choice despite its flaws?

Despite its flaws, this book may still be a good choice because it covers important topics in modern algebra and may have a unique perspective.

3. Can I still learn from this book even if I am a beginner in modern algebra?

It is possible to learn from this book as a beginner, but it may be more challenging and you may need to supplement your learning with additional resources.

4. Are there any specific prerequisites for understanding this book?

Typically, a strong background in linear algebra and basic abstract algebra is recommended for understanding and getting the most out of this book.

5. Are there any alternative modern algebra books that you would recommend?

Yes, there are many alternative modern algebra books available. It is best to do some research and read reviews to find one that aligns with your learning style and goals.

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