Black hole why wouldn't this work

In summary, no matter what force or acceleration is applied, it is impossible to escape a black hole once you pass the no-escape-boundary due to the infinite force required to keep an object stationary at the event horizon. Even photons cannot escape the black hole, as they slow down and hover near the event horizon. This concept is illustrated by the example of a falling object on a planet with an event horizon, where the object's kinetic energy is converted into potential energy and it remains trapped. Additionally, the singularity of a black hole is constantly moving towards an object inside the event horizon, making escape impossible.
  • #1
I read that there is no way to escape a black hole once you enter the no-escape-boundary, no matter what you do.
Your ship travels directly towards the center point of the black hole so that it doesn't orbit it. After it passes the no-escape-boundary, you thrust in the opposite direction with a slightly greater force than the gravity pulling it in. So you slowly move from the black hole's center and escape the black hole. Why wouldn't this work?
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  • #2
Because it would require an infinite amount of acceleration. Photons can not even escape the black hole - as they approach the event horizon they slow down and simply hover near it, never actually passing it. If a photon can't escape, nothing with mass has any chance to.
  • #3
I could see if the ship were orbiting the black hole. But what if it were traveling towards it like a 1-dimensional line. The force pulling you in is finite, if you push back with a slightly greater force you should still get sucked in?
  • #4
vdub said:
The force pulling you in is finite
That's basically where you go wrong. Force required to keep an object stationary at event horizon is infinite.
  • #5
This bugs me also. I keep envisioning an Earth with a hole running through it. After falling in, I continue to fall until I reach ground-level on the opposite side. At this point, all of my kinetic energy has been converted to potential energy again before falling back into the Earth. If at any time during my fall, I were to hit my jet pack accelerator, I would be able to get much higher than just ground-level.

Now, crank up the density of the planet until ground-level becomes an event horizon. My potential energy while standing on the surface has increased dramatically, but so will the amount of kinetic energy gained from my fall.

I can only suspect that falling beyond the event horizon would want to accelerate the object beyond the speed of light, which is impossible. Instead, energy is transferred to the object by a different means than kinetic energy, such as mass. Now that the object has increased mass at the expense of original potential energy, it no longer has enough kinetic energy to reach the event horizon, and will remain trapped.

So, yeah.. it bugs me that I should know better.
  • #6
There are nice coordinates where this problem can be shown.


If you happen to be at the event horizon, it appears to you that this is moving away from you with the speed of light (lines in a 45°-angle are "moving" with the speed of light) and that the singularity moves towards you even faster than the speed of light. Note that the event horizon and the singularity does not actually move around - it is more like "the space moves towards it". And you are limited to the speed of light relative to this moving space. Once you are inside, there is no way out. Every direction of movement is towards the singularity.
  • #7
dipole said:
Photons can not even escape the black hole - as they approach the event horizon they slow down and simply hover near it, never actually passing it. .

HUH ? Where did you get this idea? Can you site any references?
  • #8
phinds said:
HUH ? Where did you get this idea? Can you site any references?

Phinds is right to question this. As shown in mfb's picture (based in Kruskal coordinates), any light emitted inside the event horizon soon meets the singularity.
  • #9
PAllen said:
Phinds is right to question this. As shown in mfb's picture (based in Kruskal coordinates), any light emitted inside the event horizon soon meets the singularity.

Well no, not necessarily. In general a light signal will intercept the singularity but one which starts exactly at the event horizon will neither propagate inward or out, it will remain stationary forever.

So I guess what I said was misleading, which is my fault, but the point I was making that even in the best possible scenario photons can't escape, so no spaceship could either.
  • #10
dipole said:
Well no, not necessarily. In general a light signal will intercept the singularity but one which starts exactly at the event horizon will neither propagate inward or out, it will remain stationary forever.

So I guess what I said was misleading, which is my fault, but the point I was making that even in the best possible scenario photons can't escape, so no spaceship could either.

Please read what you quoted: "any light emitted inside the event horizon soon meets the singularity".

Is light emitted at the event horizon the same a light emitted inside the event horizon? There is no exception to my statement in the black hole region of SC geometry.

FAQ: Black hole why wouldn't this work

1. What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape from it. It is formed when a massive star dies and collapses under its own gravity.

2. Why wouldn't this work?

The term "this" is quite broad and could refer to a variety of things related to black holes. In general, the concept of a black hole is based on well-established theories and observations in physics and astronomy. However, there are still many unanswered questions and mysteries surrounding black holes, so there may be some limitations or unknown factors that could affect certain theories or predictions.

3. Can anything survive a black hole?

According to our current understanding of physics, nothing can survive a black hole. The intense gravitational pull would tear apart any object, including atoms, as they approach the event horizon (the point of no return). However, some theories suggest that there may be alternate universes or dimensions beyond the event horizon, but this is purely speculative at this point.

4. How big can a black hole get?

The size of a black hole depends on the amount of matter it contains. The more mass it has, the larger it will be. Supermassive black holes, found in the center of most galaxies, can have a mass equivalent to billions of suns and can be as large as our entire solar system. However, there is a theoretical limit to how large a black hole can grow, known as the Eddington limit.

5. Can black holes be used for time travel?

There is currently no evidence or scientific theory that suggests black holes can be used for time travel. The intense gravitational pull of a black hole would cause time dilation, where time would move slower for an observer near the black hole compared to someone further away. However, this does not allow for travel through time in the traditional sense.

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