How to calculate the interest forumula

  • Thread starter Banaticus
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Here is the first time a formula is mentioned in your conversation, as far as I can tell: "If you deposit $deposit into a bank account each year and get y% annual interest, the simple formula is \frac{deposit((1+y)^{years}-1)}{y}". The next time a formula is mentioned, it is the one I provided. I was not able to find a formula that matched your description of the problem. So, if you want me to explain other formulas, please tell me which ones you want to understand.In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of a formula for depositing money into a bank account and earning annual interest. The formula is derived through a series of steps and simplifications,
  • #1

Homework Statement

If you deposit $deposit into a bank account each year and get y% annual interest, the simple formula is
How is this formula calculated? What's going on?

Let's look at $50, 6% interest, two years.
Maybe I'm supposed to be dropping $50 in just as the first year ends, so I don't build any interest on it the first year. I then build interest on it the second year, then drop in another $50 just as the year ends:
[tex]=(0*1.06+50)*1.06+50[/tex] no interest the first year + 50, then interest on that and another 50
That squares with the formula given earlier. So, let's look at three years
That could be rewritten as
[tex]=50x^2+50x+50[/tex] where x is 1+interest and the variable is (years-1, years-2... 1)
That comes to the same answer as the original formula, $159.18, so things are working out.

Let's look at 7 years. How does:
get turned into:

Let's play around with it.
right? Maybe if I explicitly state the interest...
This isn't helping, it's not taking me in the direction that I want to go. How does:
which is 419.6918825 get turned into:
which is 419.6918825? How is that original equation calculated?
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  • #2
If T(i) is the total after year i:

you start off with D - that would be T(0)=D.
after one year you have the original deposit, plus the interest, which is rD, where r=y/100 (since y is a percentage)
so in year 1 you have T(1)=(1+r)D

year two you have the amount in T(1) plus interest on that:
T(2)=(1+r)T(1) = D(1+r)2

which would kinda suggest that [itex]T(n)=D(1+r)^n[/itex]

The amount of interest that has been earned must be the total in your bank account less the initial deposit: I = T(n)-D

[tex]I = D \big [ (1+r)^n - 1 \big ][/tex]

Which would be the usual formula for finding the interest earned after n compounding periods (in this case, annually).
This has a similar shape to the formula you are examining.
What was that formula supposed to find out, exactly?
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  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
If T(i) is the total after year i:

you start off with D - that would be T(0)=D.
after one year you have the original deposit, plus the interest, which is rD, where r=y/100 (since y is a percentage)
so in year 1 you have T(1)=(1+r)D

year two you have the amount in T(1) plus interest on that:
T(2)=(1+r)T(1) = D(1+r)2

which would kinda suggest that [itex]T(n)=D(1+r)^n[/itex]

The amount of interest that has been earned must be the total in your bank account less the initial deposit: I = T(n)-D

[tex]I = D \big [ (1+r)^n - 1 \big ][/tex]

Which would be the usual formula for finding the interest earned after n compounding periods (in this case, annually).
This has a similar shape to the formula you are examining.
What was that formula supposed to find out, exactly?

According to the description given by the OP, D gets deposited each year, so at the end of year 2 the account contains [itex] T(2) = D(1+r) + D(1+r)^2, [/itex] etc. This leads to [tex] T(n) = D(x + x^2 + ... + x^n) = D\frac{x^{n+1}-1}{x-1},[/tex] where x = r+1. The value of T(n-1) [= amount at start of year n] would match the formula given by the OP.

  • #4
Ah thank you - misread - except for [itex]years = n+1[/itex] (the exponent).
But that would match the comment about missing a year's interest I guess.
Would also make y the interest rate represented as a fraction rather than as a percentage ... which was puzzling me. Both descriptions are used but I see that it is common to refer to a "percentage" and write a fraction (and call it the decimal form of the percentage).
  • #5
Thanks. I got the original formula from and it seems to be the same formula that my teacher was using (he didn't mandated anything, he just suggested that we use massive Excel tables to calculate it, so I went out looking for a multiple payment interest generating formula that gave the same answer that my tables were giving), but I just can't see how it was derived, how it was put together. Well, the formula as presented on that webpage was actually:
[tex]P=M((1+\frac{i}{q})^{nq}-1)(\frac{q}{i})[/tex] where q was the number of periods in the year, etc., but since I was working with only one interest generating period (simple annual interest) and only one deposit during that time period, I simplified the formula by putting in 1 for q and then removing it from the equation.
Ray Vickson said:
This leads to [tex] T(n) = D(x + x^2 + ... + x^n) = D\frac{x^{n+1}-1}{x-1},[/tex] where x = r+1. The value of T(n-1) [= amount at start of year n] would match the formula given by the OP.
Thanks. :) I don't see how the second formula was calculated from the first though.
  • #6
Banaticus said:
Thanks. I got the original formula from and it seems to be the same formula that my teacher was using (he didn't mandated anything, he just suggested that we use massive Excel tables to calculate it, so I went out looking for a multiple payment interest generating formula that gave the same answer that my tables were giving), but I just can't see how it was derived, how it was put together. Well, the formula as presented on that webpage was actually:
[tex]P=M((1+\frac{i}{q})^{nq}-1)(\frac{q}{i})[/tex] where q was the number of periods in the year, etc., but since I was working with only one interest generating period (simple annual interest) and only one deposit during that time period, I simplified the formula by putting in 1 for q and then removing it from the equation.

Thanks. :) I don't see how the second formula was calculated from the first though.

I don't know what your "second" and "first" refer to, since you cite several posts, each having some formulas.

  • #7
Ray Vickson said:
I don't know what your "second" and "first" refer to
They refer to the portion of your post quoted immediately above the words "second" and "first" in the post you quoted. The inability of this forum to display a quote in a quoted post can swiftly become confusing, so let me just repost it:
Ray Vickson said:
[tex]D(x + x^2 + ... + x^n) = D\frac{x^{n+1}-1}{x-1},[/tex]
Where does the x^{n+1}-1, etc., come from, how was that formula generated?
  • #8
let [itex]s=x+x^2+\ldots +x^{n-1}+x^n[/itex]

then [itex]xs=x^2+x^3+\ldots + x^n + x^{n+1}[/itex]

then [itex]xs-s = x^{n+1}-x[/itex] or:


hmmm ... did I miss something again?
(That extra factor of x would be the interest in the (n+1)th year, so it doesn't count?)

anyway: think "geometric series".
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FAQ: How to calculate the interest forumula

1. What is the formula for calculating simple interest?

The simple interest formula is:
I = P * r * t
where I is the interest, P is the principal amount, r is the interest rate per period, and t is the number of time periods.

2. How do you calculate compound interest?

To calculate compound interest, you can use the formula:
A = P*(1 + r/n)^(nt)
where A is the final amount, P is the principal amount, r is the annual interest rate, n is the number of times the interest is compounded per year, and t is the number of years.

3. Can you give an example of calculating interest?

For example, if you borrow $1000 at an annual interest rate of 5%, and the interest is compounded monthly for 2 years, the interest would be calculated as:
A = 1000*(1 + 0.05/12)^(12*2)
= $1105.17
Therefore, the total amount you would have to pay back after 2 years would be $2105.17.

4. How do I calculate interest on a loan with a varying interest rate?

If the interest rate on a loan varies over time, you can use the Average Daily Balance method to calculate the interest. This involves multiplying the average daily balance by the daily interest rate and the number of days in the billing cycle.

5. How do I calculate interest when making periodic payments?

To calculate interest when making periodic payments, you can use the Present Value of an Annuity formula:
P = (A/r) * (1 - (1+r)^-n)
where P is the present value, A is the periodic payment amount, r is the interest rate per period, and n is the number of periods. This formula takes into account both the principal amount and the interest on the periodic payments.
