General relativity matter warps space

In summary: The EFEs tell us how to calculate the effects of matter on spacetime, but they don't really explain why that's the case, as opposed to some other relationship. I don't know what kind of explanation we could give, I'm just wondering whether this would be a more accurate phrasing of the question.In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of general relativity and how it explains the relationship between matter and gravity through the warping of space and time. The question of which particles are responsible for this warping is raised, with the possibility of quarks being considered. However, there is no clear answer
  • #1
According to general relativity matter warps space and time and result is gravity,
but how matter warps space and time? Which particles are responsible for warping?
If quarks are considered as responsible particles then how warping of space time is done by these particles.

I have a lot of confusion about this, so please guide me.

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Physics news on
  • #2
welcome to pf!

hi varuncsed1! welcome to pf! :smile:
varuncsed1 said:
Which particles are responsible for warping?

all particles are responsible, and responsible equally …

the effect only depends on their mass

in fact, all forms of energy are responsible … a field of any sort has energy, and energy is mass :wink:
  • #3

Ya sure...all particles are responsible.
But i want to know about their interaction with space and time, How these particle are interacting with space and time to provide the outcome as gravity?
  • #4

varuncsed1 said:
Ya sure...all particles are responsible.
But i want to know about their interaction with space and time, How these particle are interacting with space and time to provide the outcome as gravity?
Physics theories just give mathematical relationships between the behavior of various entities, they don't tell you why those relationships, and not some others, are the "laws of nature" in our universe (you'd have to ask God, I suppose!) There is a certain mathematical relationship between mass/energy distributions and spacetime curvature, that's all we know. Even if there was a new theory that explained this relationship as an emergent consequence of some more basic type of interaction, the laws governing the more basic type of interaction would still be unexplained.
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  • #5
varuncsed1 said:
how matter warps space and time?
How matter warps spacetime is described by the Einstein field equations.
  • #6

DaleSpam said:
How matter warps spacetime is described by the Einstein field equations.

JesseM had the right answer to his question. I don't think he is so interested in the description as presented in Einstein's equations as he is about why or how this happens. He should perhaps pose the question to the philosophy forum. And JesseM's answer would be just as relevant there.
  • #7

I don't understand your objection. The EFE describes how matter warps spacetime, so that is the answer. We don't need to go to philosophy, we have a scientific answer to this question.

You seem to be a person who enjoys philosophizing and speculation, but that doesn't mean that everyone here wants the same. I agree with JesseM's answer re: why matter warps spacetime, but I think how is answered by the EFE.
  • #8

varuncsed1 said:
According to general relativity matter warps space and time and result is gravity,
but how matter warps space and time? Which particles are responsible for warping?
If quarks are considered as responsible particles then how warping of space time is done by these particles.

I have a lot of confusion about this, so please guide me.


Hi the reason for your confusion is that nobody knows the answer - not yet, and perhaps not for another century to come. Imagine ancient Greece, and someone asking Plato what matter is made of, what particles are responsible for the elements and HOW they do that!

The only thing that we are pretty sure of, is that "empty space" isn't a true void: even when it's empty of matter it's not completely empty. But whatever particles or stuff there is that we cannot see, it certainly affects the natural size and shape of objects as well as the frequency at which clocks tick. And somehow it also makes that objects gravitate towards each other...

Einstein (1920) put it like this (compressed and slightly rephrased for simplicity):

"[Our measurement tools] are partly conditioned by the matter existing outside of the territory under consideration. This .. variability of the .. relations of the standards of space and time, or, perhaps, the recognition of the fact that ''empty space'' in its physical relation is neither homogeneous nor isotropic .., has, I think, finally disposed of the view that space is physically empty.
The ether of ..general..relativity is a medium which is itself devoid of all mechanical and kinematical qualities.. [The state of] the ether ... is at every place determined by connections with the matter and the state of the ether in neighbouring places ..".

Now we only need a super microscope :-p
  • #9

harrylin said:
Hi the reason for your confusion is that nobody knows the answer - not yet, and perhaps not for another century to come. Imagine ancient Greece, and someone asking Plato what matter is made of, what particles are responsible for the elements and HOW they do that!

The only thing that we are pretty sure of, is that "empty space" isn't a true void: even when it's empty of matter it's not completely empty. But whatever particles or stuff there is that we cannot see, it certainly affects the natural size and shape of objects as well as the frequency at which clocks tick. And somehow it also makes that objects gravitate towards each other...

Einstein (1920) put it like this (compressed and slightly rephrased for simplicity):

"[Our measurement tools] are partly conditioned by the matter existing outside of the territory under consideration. This .. variability of the .. relations of the standards of space and time, or, perhaps, the recognition of the fact that ''empty space'' in its physical relation is neither homogeneous nor isotropic .., has, I think, finally disposed of the view that space is physically empty.
The ether of ..general..relativity is a medium which is itself devoid of all mechanical and kinematical qualities.. [The state of] the ether ... is at every place determined by connections with the matter and the state of the ether in neighbouring places ..".

Now we only need a super microscope :-p

Thanks for those refreshing comments, harrylin.
  • #10

DaleSpam said:
You seem to be a person who enjoys philosophizing and speculation, but that doesn't mean that everyone here wants the same. I agree with JesseM's answer re: why matter warps spacetime, but I think how is answered by the EFE.
But I think from the wording of the OP that when varuncsed1 asked "how" matter warps spacetime, the question was equivalent to what you mean by "why"; in other words varuncsed1 was looking for some kind of meta-explanation of how matter pulls off the trick of bending spacetime, not just a mathematical description of the relationship between matter distribution and spacetime curvature.
  • #11

That is certainly possible, at least bobc2 seems to think the same.

FAQ: General relativity matter warps space

1. What is general relativity?

General relativity is a theory developed by Albert Einstein that explains the force of gravity as a result of the curvature of space and time caused by the presence of matter and energy.

2. How does matter warp space?

According to general relativity, matter and energy create a distortion in the fabric of space-time, causing it to curve. This curvature is what we experience as the force of gravity.

3. How is general relativity different from Newton's theory of gravity?

Newton's theory of gravity describes gravity as a force acting between masses, while general relativity explains it as a result of the curvature of space-time caused by matter and energy.

4. Can you give an example of matter warping space?

One example of matter warping space is the bending of light around a massive object, such as a star. This phenomenon, known as gravitational lensing, is a direct result of the warping of space by the star's mass.

5. How does general relativity affect our understanding of the universe?

General relativity has revolutionized our understanding of the universe by providing a more accurate explanation of gravity and its effects. It has also allowed for the prediction and discovery of phenomena such as black holes and gravitational waves.

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