Simulatenous Conservation of Momentum and Conservation of Energy

In summary: D. Clearly, the force F must be greater than the rope tension T, and the angle between them less than 90 degrees. The relevant force is what you apply with your muscles. The rope tension T is not your force. Re Q1, the product F x D is not significant. It has no real name. It's just a number. It's the magnitude of the component of F in the direction of D, but that's all. It comes up in the work formula because the work done depends on the part of the force that is in the direction of the motion. This is the work formula for a straight line path. If
  • #1
Say I have three wheels. Their characteristics are the following:

20 kg mass
10 cm radius
Accelerated from 0 to 10 m/s in one second

10 kg mass
20 cm radius
Accelerated from 0 to 10 m/s in one second

10 kg mass
10 cm radius
Accelerated from 0 to 20 m/s in one second

We assume all wheels are close enough to uniform mass density and that their moment of inertia is calculated according to (mass*radius^2), the case for a cylinder. The values above were specifically chosen so that the final angular momentum for all three wheels are the same. We now determine the rotational kinetic energy for all three wheels.

20 kg mass
10 cm radius
Accelerated from 0 to 10 m/s in one second
Angular Momentum = 20 kg*m/s^2
Final Rotational Kinetic Energy = (1/2) * (20 kg * (10 cm)^2) * ((10 m/s)/(10 cm))^2 = 1000 Joules

10 kg mass
20 cm radius
Accelerated from 0 to 10 m/s in one second
Angular Momentum = 20 kg*m/s^2
Final Rotational Kinetic Energy = (1/2) * (10 kg * (20 cm)^2) * ((10 m/s)/(20 cm))^2 = 500 Joules

10 kg mass
10 cm radius
Accelerated from 0 to 20 m/s in one second
Angular Momentum = 20 kg*m/s^2
Final Rotational Kinetic Energy = (1/2) * (10 kg * (10 cm)^2) * ((20 m/s)/(10 cm))^2 = 2000 Joules

Consider that angular momentum was transferred from one wheel to the other. Apparently what I said suggests that the rotational kinetic energy does not follow a one-to-one relationship with angular momentum. What other forms of energy should be present in this scenario?
Engineering news on
  • #2
> "What other forms of energy should be present in this scenario?"


This is similar to linear momentum problems involving collisions between different masses. Linear momentum is conserved. But kinetic energy is either conserved (elastic collision) or reduced (inelastic), with the lost kinetic energy converted to heat.

p.s. FYI, units of angular momentum are kg*m^2 / s, as seen from the equation
(moment of inertia) x (angular speed)
= (kg*m^2) x (1/s)
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  • #3
How about regular kinetic energy? You say you set it up so they would have the same angular momentum at the end, that means that they're all traveling at different speeds. So (1/2) M V^2 where v is the center of mass.
  • #4
Wow, I didn't even think of translational kinetic energy. I interpreted the description as the wheels were stationary but rotating, and the given speeds were just the speed at the wheels' rims. But yes, if he meant that the wheels were moving translationally as well as rotating, regular kinetic energy has to be accounted for too.
  • #5
Redbelly98 said:
> "What other forms of energy should be present in this scenario?"


This is similar to linear momentum problems involving collisions between different masses. Linear momentum is conserved. But kinetic energy is either conserved (elastic collision) or reduced (inelastic), with the lost kinetic energy converted to heat.

p.s. FYI, units of angular momentum are kg*m^2 / s, as seen from the equation
(moment of inertia) x (angular speed)
= (kg*m^2) x (1/s)

If I am a figure skater and I reduce my moment of inertia by a factor of two while spinning, I would have to spin twice as fast right? If so, my rotational kinetic energy would have to double. I presume that because of the so-called centripetal forces, that it would require work in order to reduce my moment of inertia. Is that basically why?
  • #6
kmarinas86 said:
If I am a figure skater and I reduce my moment of inertia by a factor of two while spinning, I would have to spin twice as fast right?

If so, my rotational kinetic energy would have to double. I presume that because of the so-called centripetal forces, that it would require work in order to reduce my moment of inertia. Is that basically why?

Yes, the muscles in your shoulders and elbows do work on your arms, increasing the kinetic energy.

To simplify the picture, think of a ball swinging around on a rope. Imagine the rope is being drawn in while the ball circles around; the ball's path is then an inward spiral. There is work done on the ball because the angle between rope tension and the ball's direction is not 90 degrees (as it is for purely circular motion), so the work formula:
W = F x D x cos(angle)
is nonzero.
  • #7
Redbelly98 said:
Yes.Yes, the muscles in your shoulders and elbows do work on your arms, increasing the kinetic energy.

To simplify the picture, think of a ball swinging around on a rope. Imagine the rope is being drawn in while the ball circles around; the ball's path is then an inward spiral. There is work done on the ball because the angle between rope tension and the ball's direction is not 90 degrees (as it is for purely circular motion), so the work formula:
W = F x D x cos(angle)
is nonzero.

Ok. Then what is:
1) The significance, if any, of F x D?
2) The significance, if any, of F x D minus the work done on the ball?
3) The significance, if any, of F x D x sin(angle)?
4) The significance, if any, of F x D x sin(angle) plus the work done on the ball?
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  • #8
Redbelly98 said:
Wow, I didn't even think of translational kinetic energy. I interpreted the description as the wheels were stationary but rotating, and the given speeds were just the speed at the wheels' rims. But yes, if he meant that the wheels were moving translationally as well as rotating, regular kinetic energy has to be accounted for too.

I only meant free-spinning wheels.
  • #9
kmarinas86 said:
Ok. Then what is:
1) The significance, if any, of F x D?
2) The significance, if any, of F x D minus the work done on the ball?
3) The significance, if any, of F x D x sin(angle)?
4) The significance, if any, of F x D x sin(angle) plus the work done on the ball?

The only expression of significance is
F x D x cos(angle)
and this equals the work done on the ball when it travels a short distance D in its trajectory.

See the included figure. Pulling in on the rope results in a non-zero value for the cos(angle) factor, so that work is done on the ball. The work increases the kinetic energy, and thus also the velocity of the ball.

How much does the velocity increase by? By exactly enough so that angular momentum is conserved! :smile:


  • BallOnRope_2008-04-22.gif
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  • #10
application engineering in hydrodynamic fluid film bearings

Request to explain as to how to start on these subjects.

The bearing calculations, FEA, bearing design etc.

FAQ: Simulatenous Conservation of Momentum and Conservation of Energy

1. What is the difference between conservation of momentum and conservation of energy?

Conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of a system remains constant, while conservation of energy states that the total energy of a system remains constant. Momentum is a measure of an object's motion, while energy is a measure of an object's ability to do work.

2. How are momentum and energy conserved simultaneously?

According to the law of conservation of momentum and energy, in a closed system where there are no external forces acting, the total momentum and energy will remain constant. This means that any changes in momentum will be accompanied by a corresponding change in energy, and vice versa.

3. Can there be situations where momentum is conserved but energy is not?

Yes, in elastic collisions, momentum is conserved because the total kinetic energy before and after the collision remains the same. However, in inelastic collisions, some kinetic energy is lost in the form of heat or sound, so energy is not conserved.

4. Is conservation of momentum and energy applicable in both classical and quantum mechanics?

Yes, the laws of conservation of momentum and energy apply in both classical and quantum mechanics. However, in quantum mechanics, the concept of momentum and energy can be more complex as they can be in a state of superposition, and the conservation laws are expressed in terms of probabilities rather than definite values.

5. What are some real-life examples of simultaneous conservation of momentum and energy?

Some common examples of simultaneous conservation of momentum and energy include a pendulum swinging back and forth, a car moving on a level road, and a roller coaster going up and down hills. In all of these cases, the total momentum and energy of the system remain constant.
