Eclipsing binaries (references to data and models?)

In summary: The coincidence event in this case occurs off-axis at an amplitude that is roughly 1/30000 of the full amplitude of the observed motion.
  • #1
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For some reason, I developed a sudden interest in eclipsing binary stars today and observational data from them.

Specifically, I'm trying to understand what would be "seen" from
a pair of identical sources
rotating with the same constant speed on opposite sides
in a common circular orbit
when viewed edge-on by an observer in the plane of the orbit.

I'm interested in both the low-orbital-speed case and the high-orbital-speed [i.e. relativistic] case.

Can anyone point me to references to models and observational data?

[Please move this thread if it's not in the right place.]
Astronomy news on
  • #2
I wouldn't imagine relativity would play a significant role since stars with fast orbits have velocities that are in the 100's of km/s, maybe low 1000's for some really special cases. But this still well below the speed of light.

If your view is edge-on, you'll have 1 total eclipse, and 1 annular eclipse (unless the stars are exactly the same size), as the larger star can completely cover the smaller star, but the smaller star can not completely cover the larger star.

You'll have a light curve caused by a disk (or ellipsoid if they're spinning fast) passing in front of another disk. The area of 1 circle is covering the area of another circle. Limb darkening will play a role as well. A star is not uniformily bright over the entire disk.

Just my guesses... Sorry for no references.
  • #3
My underlying question is this:
do the "observed star positions in the sky" vary sinuosoidally (assuming a common circular orbit for the two identical stars) with respect to the axis of rotation?
  • #4
robphy said:
My underlying question is this:
do the "observed star positions in the sky" vary sinuosoidally (assuming a common circular orbit for the two identical stars) with respect to the axis of rotation?

Yes, viewed edge-on, the (distant, slow-moving) stars look like they move with simple harmonic motion along a line.

[Edit: I might have a go at calculating what is "seen" as orbital speed increases, i.e., when departures from observed SHO are noticeable.]

Note that, even in this slow-moving case, relativity does play a role in the relationship between the "seen" locations of the stars.

Suppose that relativity is not true, and that the velocity of observed light depends on the relative velocity between source and observer. If star A is moving towards us and, consequently, star B is moving away from us, than the speed of light from A is larger than the speed of light from B. If B is moving towards us and A away, than the speeds are the other war round.

The foumula for time of light travel, t = d/v, then shows that the motion that we "see" will be quite complicated.
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  • #5
George Jones said:
Yes, viewed edge-on, the (distant, slow-moving) stars look like they move with simple harmonic motion along a line.

[Edit: I might have a go at calculating what is "seen" as orbital speed increases, i.e., when departures from observed SHO are noticeable.]

Please do have a go at the calculation.
In particular, (if my calcuation is correct) it seems that for large orbital speeds, the eclipse does not appear in line with the axis of rotation... but on the receding side of the axis. Does that agree with your calculation?

George Jones said:
Note that, even in this slow-moving case, relativity does play a role in the relationship between the "seen" locations of the stars.

Suppose that relativity is not true, and that the velocity of observed light depends on the relative velocity between source and observer. If star A is moving towards us and, consequently, star B is moving away from us, than the speed of light from A is larger than the speed of light from B. If B is moving towards us and A away, than the speeds are the other war round.

The foumula for time of light travel, t = d/v, then shows that the motion that we "see" will be quite complicated.

Yes, this is precisely the issue that I am looking at (de Sitter's argument).
  • #6
I've attached a couple of graphs that resulted from some calculations that I made. The top graph shows the image amplitude vs observer time (in years) for a slow-moving binary system. The bottom graph zooms in on a portion of the graph where the images coincide.

The coincidence event in this case occurs off-axis at an amplitude that is roughly 1/30000 of the full amplitude of the observed motion.

Later, I will post the details of the calculation so that it can be checked. If this doesn't happen today, it might not happen for a few days.


  • orbits.JPG
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  • #7
robphy said:
In particular, (if my calcuation is correct) it seems that for large orbital speeds, the eclipse does not appear in line with the axis of rotation... but on the receding side of the axis. Does that agree with your calculation?

Yes, I think so. This is because, roughly, the light from the back star has to traverse the diameter of orbit, which takes time, while the light from the front star doesn't.

Here is my analysis - I hope there aren't too many mistakes.

Consider a binary star system that consists of two equal-mass stars that orbit their center of mass on a circle that has radius [itex]R[/itex]. Assume that the centre of the orbits is on the x-axis a distance [itex]D[/itex] from the origin, and that an observer is at the origin of an inertial coordinate system. In the observer's coordinate system, the positions of the two stars are

x_{1}\left( t\right) & =D+R\cos\omega t\\
y_{1}\left( t\right) & =R\sin\omega t\\
x_{2}\left( t\right) & =D-R\cos\omega t\\
y_{2}\left( t\right) & =-R\sin\omega t.

Now Consider an imaginary screen that is a small distance [itex]d[/itex] (where is [itex]d[/itex] on the order of 1 metre or less) in front of the observer, i.e., that lies in the plane [itex]x=d[/itex]. Light that travels from the stars to the observer passes through this imaginary screen. Using similar triangles, and assuming the speed of light is infinite, the height [itex]h[/itex] of the image on the screen of a star is given by

h\left( t\right) =\frac{d}{x\left( t\right) }y\left( t\right).

Of course, the speed of light is not infinite, so the actual times of reception [itex]t_{r}[/itex] of the images on the screen have to be determined. If [itex]t_{e}[/itex] is the time of emission, then the above equation becomes

h\left( t_{r}\right) =\frac{d}{x\left( t_{e}\right) }y\left( t_{e}\right).

The time of travel for light is just the difference between the time of reception [itex]t_{r}[/itex] and the time of emission [itex]t_{e}[/itex], and consequently

t_{r} & =t_{e}+\sqrt{x\left( t_{e}\right) ^{2}+y\left( t_{e}\right) ^{2}
& =t_{e}+\frac{x\left( t_{e}\right) }{c}\sqrt{1+\left( \frac{y\left(
t_{e}\right) }{x\left( t_{e}\right) }\right) ^{2}}.

Since [itex]D\gg R[/itex], to a first approximation [itex]x\thickapprox D[/itex] and [itex]y/x\thickapprox0[/itex], so [itex]t=t_{r}-D/c[/itex]. This results in, e.g.,

h_{1}\left( t_{r}\right) =\frac{d}{D}R\sin\left[ \omega\left(
t_{r}-D/c\right) \right]

for star 1. When no approximations are made, [itex]h[/itex] versus [itex]t_{r}[/itex] can be plotted parametrically using [itex]t_{e}[/itex] as the parameter, e.g., plot

\left( t_{r},h_{1}\right) & =\left( t_{e}+\frac{x_{1}\left(
t_{e}\right) }{c}\sqrt{1+\left( \frac{y_{1}\left( t_{e}\right) }
{x_{1}\left( t_{e}\right) }\right) ^{2}},\frac{d}{x_{1}\left(
t_{e}\right) }y_{1}\left( t_{e}\right) \right) \\
& =\left( t_{e}+\frac{D+R\cos\omega t_{e}}{c}\sqrt{1+\left( \frac
{R\sin\omega t_{e}}{D+R\cos\omega t_{e}}\right) ^{2}},\frac{d}{D+R\cos\omega
t_{e}}R\sin\omega t_{e}\right)

for star 1.
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  • #8
I'm off to a conference... so I might not be able to respond so easily.
I'll check your calculation against the calculations in my simulation.
Here's a crude clip
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FAQ: Eclipsing binaries (references to data and models?)

1. What are eclipsing binaries?

Eclipsing binaries are a type of binary star system in which the two stars orbit around each other in such a way that they periodically pass in front of each other, causing a dip in their combined brightness as seen from Earth. This phenomenon is known as an eclipse.

2. How are eclipsing binaries detected?

Eclipsing binaries are typically detected through photometric observations, where the changes in brightness of the stars are measured over time. These observations can be done using ground-based telescopes or space-based observatories, such as the Kepler Space Telescope.

3. What type of data is collected from eclipsing binaries?

From eclipsing binaries, scientists can collect data on the orbital period, mass, size, and temperature of the stars, as well as their distance from Earth. This data can be used to study the evolution and properties of binary star systems.

4. What models are used to study eclipsing binaries?

There are various models used to study eclipsing binaries, including the Wilson-Devinney model and the Binary Star Evolution model. These models take into account factors such as the shape and size of the stars, their temperatures, and their orbital dynamics to simulate and predict the behavior of eclipsing binaries.

5. What can we learn from studying eclipsing binaries?

Studying eclipsing binaries can provide insights into the properties and evolution of binary star systems, which make up a significant portion of the known stars in the universe. This research can also help us understand the processes of stellar formation and evolution, as well as the effects of mass transfer and other interactions between stars in close proximity.
