Is the Fusor or Plasma Focus a Realistic Option for Controlled Fusion?

In summary, both the Fusor and the Plasma Focus have potential as realistic options for controlled fusion. While the Fusor has shown promising results in laboratory experiments, it is limited by its small size and inability to achieve self-sustained fusion reactions. On the other hand, the Plasma Focus has demonstrated successful fusion reactions and has the potential for scalability, but it also faces challenges in controlling the plasma instability and achieving net energy gain. Further research and development are needed for both technologies to reach commercial viability for controlled fusion.
  • #1

Is possible the continuos use the fusor and plasma focus, using fuel : pB11 or D-He3.

Please send me information.

Best Regards
Engineering news on
  • #2
And a novel, "non-conventional" design:

~ whoops, guess those other websites wouldn't really help you with your question
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  • #3
Information on the fusor concept can be found at -

Major Problem with Fusor Electrodes
There are a number of unsolved, and possibly unsolvable, problem with the electrodes in a fusor power system. To begin with, the electrodes cannot influence the potential within themselves, so that the fusion plasma will be in more or less direct contact with the the inner electrode, resulting in contamination of the plasma and destruction of the electrode. Also, the transparency of the electrode will have to be unbelievably good since an ion will have to pass through it on the order of 1010 times before undergoing a fusion reaction.

As for Plasma Focus - this is essentially a magneto-plasmadynamic (MPD) device, and it operates in a pulsed mode. I have reviewed information provided by and found claims to be highly questionable. MPD's also suffer from elctrode erosion and contamination of the plasma.

FAQ: Is the Fusor or Plasma Focus a Realistic Option for Controlled Fusion?

1. What is a controlled fusion reactor?

A controlled fusion reactor is a device that uses nuclear fusion to generate energy. It recreates the same process that powers the sun, where two or more atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, releasing a large amount of energy in the process.

2. How does a controlled fusion reactor work?

A controlled fusion reactor uses powerful magnetic fields or intense beams of particles to confine and heat a plasma (a gas-like state of matter) to temperatures of over 100 million degrees Celsius. This causes the atomic nuclei to collide and fuse, releasing energy in the form of heat and light.

3. What are the potential benefits of a controlled fusion reactor?

A controlled fusion reactor has the potential to provide a virtually limitless source of clean and sustainable energy. It produces no greenhouse gas emissions or long-lived radioactive waste, unlike traditional nuclear fission reactors. It also has a much lower risk of accidents and does not rely on scarce resources like uranium.

4. What are the challenges to building a controlled fusion reactor?

The main challenges to building a controlled fusion reactor are creating and maintaining the extremely high temperatures and pressures needed to sustain the fusion process. This requires advanced technologies and materials that can withstand the extreme conditions, as well as precise control and monitoring systems.

5. When will a controlled fusion reactor be available for practical use?

It is difficult to predict when a controlled fusion reactor will be available for practical use, as it is a complex and ongoing research and development process. Many scientists estimate that it will take several more decades before a functional and commercially viable fusion reactor is built and operational.

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