How do I find the distance between two trains heading towards each other?

  • Thread starter Omid
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In summary, the two trains will not collide because their velocities are different and they stop for different lengths of time.
  • #1
Two trains heading straight for each other on the same track are 250 m apart when their engineers see each other and hit the brakes. The A, heading west at 96 km/h, slows down, accelerating at an average of -4 m/s^2, while the B, traveling at 110 km/h, slows down, accelerating at an average of -3 m/s^2. Will they collide?

I solved it this way :
a_T = The resultant of two accelerations = -7
V_A = 96 km/h
V_B = 110 km/h
V_T = V_B + V_A = 206 km/h = 57.22 m/s
And considered (V_T)_final = 0.
Plugging into this formula : S = - [(V_T)^2 ] / 2 a_T; S = 233.9. So two trains won't collide.
My answer for S is not the same as the one in the solutions manual, 244.5 m. Why is my answer 233.9 ?
The book has solved that problem in a different way, and I can do it so, but I'm interested to know why my answer is wrong.
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  • #2
The two trains do not decelerate for the same length of time.

The train moving at 96 kph = 26.67 m/s decelerates at -4 m/s2 for 26.67/4= 6.67 seconds at which time it is stopped. The train moving at 110 kph= 30.5 m/s decelerates at -3 m/s2 for 30.5/3= 10.18 seconds. The two trains will have a "relative deceleration" of -7 m/s2 for the first 6.67 seconds but after that the first train has stopped and the "relative deceleration" is only -3 m/s2. You could do the problem by considering those to time intervals separately but it is easier to treat the two trains separately- which is what I presume you book did- that's what I did and got the same answer as your book.
  • #3
Thank you

What if two accelerations were equal ?
Thank you
  • #4
If the accelerations were equal, your approach would be fine. In fact, if you substituted a force that could send the train in reverse (thrusters or spin the wheels backward, for example), your approach would be fine, provided you subtracted your answer from the 250 m to find out how close the trains would come to each other.

Your answer was wrong because of the special case given - brakes can only slow you down to 0, they can't send you into reverse.
  • #5
Break problem into two parts. First solve for a final velocity of 0 for each train using the formula Vf = Vi + AT and solve for T for each train. Next, plug T for each train into the distance formula D = AT^2/2. Next add up the distance each train travels.
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FAQ: How do I find the distance between two trains heading towards each other?

1. Will they collide?

No, based on our calculations and observations, we do not predict any potential collisions between the two objects in question.

2. How can you be sure that they won't collide?

We use various scientific methods and tools such as mathematical equations, computer simulations, and telescopes to accurately predict the trajectories and movements of objects in space. Based on these calculations and observations, we can confidently say that there is no risk of collision.

3. What if the objects' paths intersect?

Even if the paths of the two objects intersect, it does not necessarily mean that they will collide. We take into account various factors such as their relative speeds, distances, and gravitational forces to determine if there is a risk of collision. In most cases, the objects will pass by each other without any interaction.

4. Are there any potential dangers if they do collide?

In some cases, collisions between objects in space can lead to the creation of debris and potential hazards for other spacecraft or satellites. However, we have strict protocols and precautions in place to track and avoid such collisions.

5. Can you prevent collisions from happening?

As scientists, our goal is to accurately predict and track the movements of objects in space to prevent potential collisions. We use advanced technology and collaborate with other agencies to constantly monitor and adjust the paths of objects to avoid any potential collisions.
