Relationship between eigenspace and column space

In summary, there is a connection between the eigenspace and column space of a matrix, but it depends on the diagonalizability of the matrix and the non-zero eigenvalues. Additionally, the dimension of the eigenspace is equal to the dimension of the column space.
  • #1
Is it true that if an n by n matrix A has n-linearly independent eigenvectors, then it must also be invertible because these n-eigenvectors span n-space. But does this reasoning work the other way around: that is if A is invertible, does that imply n-linearly independent eigenvectors can be found? More generally, is there some connection between the column space and eigenspace?

On a side note, here is an unrelated but interesting question: why is it that if the square of a matrix is the negative identity matrix (-I), then it implies that the matrix has an even number of columns and rows?

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
ybhan23 said:
Is it true that if an n by n matrix A has n-linearly independent eigenvectors, then it must also be invertible because these n-eigenvectors span n-space.
What if 0 is an eigenvalue?

But does this reasoning work the other way around: that is if A is invertible, does that imply n-linearly independent eigenvectors can be found?
No. Consider ##\left( \begin{smallmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 \end{smallmatrix} \right)##.

On a side note, here is an unrelated but interesting question: why is it that if the square of a matrix is the negative identity matrix (-I), then it implies that the matrix has an even number of columns and rows?

Thanks in advance
If A^2=-I then det(A^2)=det(-I). Try to see if you can use this to answer your question.
  • #3
Thanks for your answer. The third question is completely clear to me now. But for the first and second questions, are there no connections between eigenspace and column space?
  • #4
If A =P'EP where P'P = I and E is a diagonal matrix of eigenvalues, then:

A^-1 = P^-1* E^-1 * (P')^-1

But P^-1 = P' and (P')^-1 = P

So, A^-1 = P' * E^-1 * P

So as long as the eigenvalues are non-zero, P is the eigenvector for both A and A^-1.
Now, the column space is the row space of the transpose. Assuming again that A=P'EP then:

A' = (P'EP)' = P'E'P = P'EP

so the dimension of eigenspace of the column space and row space are equal. In the event that E is upper diagonal form (not a diagonal matrix), I believe a similar statement can be made.
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  • #5

The relationship between the eigenspace and column space of a matrix is an important concept in linear algebra. The eigenspace of a matrix is the set of all eigenvectors associated with a particular eigenvalue, while the column space is the span of the columns of the matrix.

It is true that if a square matrix A has n linearly independent eigenvectors, then it must also be invertible. This is because the n eigenvectors span the entire n-dimensional space, and therefore, any vector in the space can be expressed as a linear combination of these eigenvectors. This means that A can be diagonalized, with the eigenvectors as the columns of the diagonalizing matrix, and the eigenvalues along the diagonal. Since A is diagonalizable, it must also be invertible.

However, the reverse is not necessarily true. If a matrix A is invertible, it does not necessarily imply that n linearly independent eigenvectors can be found. For example, a matrix with all distinct eigenvalues will have n linearly independent eigenvectors, but a matrix with repeated eigenvalues may not.

There is a connection between the column space and eigenspace of a matrix. The eigenspace of a matrix is a subspace of the column space, and the column space can be thought of as the span of the eigenvectors. This means that the eigenvectors of a matrix are also part of the column space, and the column space can be decomposed into eigenspaces corresponding to different eigenvalues.

As for the unrelated question, if the square of a matrix is the negative identity matrix (-I), then it implies that the matrix has an even number of columns and rows because the determinant of a matrix is equal to the product of its eigenvalues. Since the square of a matrix has eigenvalues that are the squares of the original matrix's eigenvalues, the determinant will be the square of the original determinant. Therefore, if the determinant is -1, the square of the determinant will be 1, and the original determinant must have been -1 or 1. Since the determinant of a matrix with an odd number of rows and columns must be an odd number, it cannot be equal to -1, and therefore, the matrix must have an even number of rows and columns.

FAQ: Relationship between eigenspace and column space

1. What is the relationship between eigenspace and column space?

The eigenspace and column space are both subsets of a vector space. The eigenspace is a subspace that is associated with a specific eigenvalue, while the column space is a subspace that is spanned by the columns of a matrix.

2. How are eigenspace and column space related to each other?

The eigenspace and column space are related through the concept of eigendecomposition. In this process, a matrix is decomposed into its eigenvectors and eigenvalues. The eigenvectors span the eigenspace, while the eigenvalues correspond to the non-zero entries in the diagonal matrix. The column space of the matrix is also spanned by the eigenvectors.

3. Can the eigenspace and column space be the same?

Yes, the eigenspace and column space can be the same if the matrix is a diagonal matrix. In this case, the eigenvectors are the standard basis vectors, and the column space is spanned by these same vectors. However, in most cases, the eigenspace and column space are different subspaces of a vector space.

4. How does the dimension of the eigenspace relate to the dimension of the column space?

The dimension of the eigenspace is equal to the number of distinct eigenvalues of a matrix. The dimension of the column space is equal to the number of linearly independent columns in the matrix. If the matrix has distinct eigenvalues, then the dimensions of the eigenspace and column space will be the same. However, if there are repeated eigenvalues, the dimensions may be different.

5. What is the significance of the relationship between eigenspace and column space?

The relationship between eigenspace and column space is significant because it allows us to understand the behavior of a matrix and its associated linear system. The eigenvectors and eigenvalues provide important information about the matrix, such as its diagonalizability and stability. The column space, on the other hand, can help us understand the linear independence and span of the columns of a matrix.
