Can You Lift Yourself on a Pulley?

In summary: The plate is attached to the pulley at two points. The force you are exerting is double the weight of the plate and the person. You would have to be able to lift your weight plus the weight of the platform.
  • #36
Ok let's take a look at this a different way. Consider that the mechanical advantage that the pulley provides is proportional to the rates of movement of the rope and the load.

Now if the person pulls a meter of rope through the pulley, the platform must rise by a meter, since the distance from the person to the pulley is fixed. Therefore the mechanical advantage is 1, and the person must pull the full weight of the platform and the person.

For the formally inclined, consider that the amount of work the person does is the force that he needs to move the rope multiplied by the distance that he moves it, and you will find the same result.

Since most people can dead lift more than their body weight, the answer to the original question depends on the weight and geometry of the platform/pulley arrangement.
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  • #37
Originally posted by Moose352
Doc, can you please draw a FBD of the system so we can better understand your reasoning?
I could, but it's trivial. I described the forces in a previous post. The three equations I presented result from free body diagrams of the: a) entire system (platform+person), b) platform alone, and c) person alone. All forces are vertical.
  • #38
Originally posted by Doc Al
The dynamics are as follows:
ΔT = mtotal a (forces on total system)
2ΔT – ΔN = mplatform a (forces on platform)
ΔN – ΔT = mperson a (forces on person)

I think these equations are correct. (i.e. I can't find something wrong with them.) Just to simplify them, I'll rephrase them. Let's assume that mplatform=0 and let's call mperson just m, so then I have:

ΔT = m a (forces on total system)
2ΔT – ΔN = 0 (forces on platform)
ΔN – ΔT = m a (forces on person)

From this I get that 2ΔT = ΔN.
Now I see from the middle and bottom equations that indeed ΔT = m a, which agrees with the top one.

So it seems that you were correct Doc Al! :wink:

Has anybody actually done the experiment?
  • #39
Originally posted by suyver

Has anybody actually done the experiment?

Not yet. Am working extra hours from now till holidays, and preparing for said holidays in my free time. When the Yuletide actually arrives (with its accompanying vacation time) it is my intention to go to a certain pole-barn currently owned by my familly and conduct experimentation. I do not currently have in my possession either a platform of 0 mass nor a pully with 0 drag, but will attempt to approximate.
  • #40
Originally posted by suyver
So it seems that you were correct Doc Al! :wink:
Yay! I knew you'd come to your senses, suyver. (Just kidding. )
  • #41
my opinion

your description was a bit unclear...
but i think it was because the question is a bit tricky...and the whole setup is a bit strange...not really because of your english...mine aint better either!

now...lets imagine the system...the rope comes down from the roof,through the pully..and I am standing right above the pully(which is attached on the plattform),and the rope that goes through the pully gomes up again, from the other side of the pully, in my hands.

now...there is only one end of the rope that goes up to the roof,clearly the tension in this end of the rope is equal to my mass plus the mass of the platform.

now since the rope is massless,and the pully has no (inner friction)even while I am just holding the rope still,the tension of the rope on the other end(the one that goes in my hands)is equal to the tension in the rope that goes up to the roof.

so even at this point i will have to be able to support such a force(my mass plus platform mass) and in an actually very difficult and awkward posture!...not to mention that the whole system would not even ballance like this cause i would not be able to put my centre of mass exactly above the pully(if the pully is at the centre of mass of the platform).

anyway...then in order for this system to move upwards i would have to pull with a force slighty above the total weight of the system...

its not true what other people said that if i pull one foot of rope,the platform will come up half.(they are cofusing it with other things!)

the length of the rope i pull,is the distance the platform moves upwards! u see its a very dificult thing to do...pulling the total weight of the system.(at least not for long!)

i think most people would not be able to do it!
  • #42

Originally posted by fotonios

so even at this point i will have to be able to support such a force(my mass plus platform mass) and in an actually very difficult and awkward posture!...not to mention that the whole system would not even ballance like this cause i would not be able to put my centre of mass exactly above the pully(if the pully is at the centre of mass of the platform).
Yes, one would have to be very careful in any real implementation of this "physics puzzler". :smile: A more realistic model would have the platform constrained to move only in the vertical direction, like an elevator car in a frictionless shaft.
anyway...then in order for this system to move upwards i would have to pull with a force slighty above the total weight of the system...
its not true what other people said that if i pull one foot of rope,the platform will come up half.(they are cofusing it with other things!)
Correct. If you read through the entire thread, you will see that much of the confusion was due to a misunderstanding of the original problem.
the length of the rope i pull,is the distance the platform moves upwards! u see its a very dificult thing to do...pulling the total weight of the system.(at least not for long!)

i think most people would not be able to do it!
I agree.
  • #43
a helpfull note...

just to add to my previous reply...don't confude internal forces of a system with exernal!

the forse the person exerts on the always equal and in balnce with the force the platform exerts on him...its the external force of the (rope's end) that goes up to the roof that is actualy pulling the system upwards.

analysing the internal forces will only confuse you...they are always balanced and cancel out each other!.

learn to visualise the system corectly and ideintify external and internal forces pairs!
  • #44
Did the experiment yesterday. Did indeed lift myself up off the floor, as did my brother. However, it was extremely difficult; far more than it should have been. I am still trying to figure out why it took so much effort.

I didn't have a scale that I thought could survive the forces involved, but it felt very much like lifting twice my body weight. After the experiment, my brother grabbed me around the waist and lifted me. He did this without much straining. It was far more difficult for him to lift his own weight with the pully. This is odd because I weigh 60lbs more than my brother. Might try again when I can get a tough enough scale, just to see if the force required really is twice the body weight of the person doing the experiment.
  • #45
"So it makes no difference if this one pulley is attached to the platform or to the ceiling? My system would be identical to its reverse"

One i just feel like being a douche bag right now but anyways:cool:

If the pulley were attached to the platform and the rope to the ceiling then it would have no stability and you would fall off. But if the pulley were attached to the ceiling the you would have the stability to pull yourself up. Its just common sense.:rolleyes:
There is a exception. A block and tackle, as my dad calls it, has a rope that goes from mounted pulley to secondary pulley to mounted pulley then to the ground. I think that kind of pulley would give you the necessary stability to pull yourself up.

And can some of you people spell pulley right.:mad:

I know over use of smilies :approve:
  • #46
You know what! We're arguing over a freakin pulley. I mean Seriously why are we wasting our time with this you know what . . . . bye I am not comin back as a matter of fact what am i still doing here i mean serio... "Offline Forever"
  • #47
Ok... Welcome to PF and maybe next time you could have a look at the date on the posts you are replying to... :wink:

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