What is the best digital camera for normal use under $450?

In summary: For someone just starting out, I would recommend a camera with a 5MP or lower sensor. Anything above 5MP is overkill and will only result in larger, higher resolution images that may not be as good in quality as a camera with a lower sensor. The best digital camera for normal uses is the HP945. It falls well within your price range and has features that are easy for anyone to use. Don't be fooled by cameras with large megapixel counts. The more megapixels a camera has, the larger the image size can be without losing quality. However, if you plan to do a lot of large-scale printing, or want to take very high resolution photos, you will need
  • #1
no name
hello everyone ...
i just need a guidance to the best digital camera for normal uses ( not profssional) .. is it sony ?
please specify the model also
my budget is around 450
any help will gr8ly b appreciated
cheers :smile:
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  • #3
$450 will get you a good digital. I do not think "best" is a valid concept when it comes to this type of technology. What is your experience level? To a beginner "best" is much different then "best" for an experienced amateur photographer. I have found a dramatic improvement in photo quality with a 5MP camera over my older 3MP. With $450 to spend, do not look at anything below 5MP, also I value optics, you should be able to get something with sizable glass optics. Remember it is the optics that deliver the light to the CCD, without good Optics the best you can do is marginal.

I am not convinced that brand makes a lot of difference. Look for the camera that YOU like the feel of, that has controls that YOU understand and can use. It is pointless to spend money on features that you have no use for.

I have gotten good use of my HP945, but some of its features require a bit o knowledge to fully utilize. This camera falls well inside your price range but may be more complex then you need, or want.

Tell us more about your experience level and your needs, we can provide better info.
  • #4
Depends on what you want to do. Check out the amazon reviews for each of the nice cameras from each company.
  • #5
also I value optics, you should be able to get something with sizable glass optics. Remember it is the optics that deliver the light to the CCD, without good Optics the best you can do is marginal.

totally aggree... You need to make sure you get a good lense, and don't be attracted to a large MegaPixels camera, with a rubbish lense.. The more Mega pixels you get really mean that you can blow your pictures up much larger without loosing quality.

DIgital cameras are getting better, but they still can't (IMO) beat a good still camera..
  • #6
i would pick camera makers over el-trick corps like sony
nikon would be my pick even in a cheaper model
in fact the wife just got a nikon 8meg and loves it
but unless you plan really BIG blow ups
4 megs should be fine for most shots
just get a model with a bigger non-plastic lens
and zoom is better

BTW shop on line for better deals
but DO NOT go for the package deals
as most cheaper sites jack up the price on the cards batterys ect
we saved over 200 of list at local stores by shoping on line
  • #7
no name, DPreview is a helpful and popular site if you need help on deciding on a camera.

I am not convinced that brand makes a lot of difference. Look for the camera that YOU like the feel of, that has controls that YOU understand and can use. It is pointless to spend money on features that you have no use for.

Brand does make a difference in photography. For instance, good, reliable companies like Canon and Nikon have been using the same lens mount technology for decades. When you buy a Canon lens you know that you'll be able to use that lens for years, no matter what kind of Canon camera body you purchase in the future.

You want to buy from a reliable manufacturer, it's just a smart thing to do.

The more Mega pixels you get really mean that you can blow your pictures up much larger without loosing quality.

Megapixels do matter. The more MPs, the more resolution a camera has, thus more potential to capture more detail.

In the film days, if you needed a high-resolution photo for a catalog/magazine, you would have to use large format film, and choose a lens based on situation.

In the digital age, high-resolution photos means lots of megapixels. Why else do you think that the Canon 1Ds Mark II has a 16.7MP sensor?
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  • #8

FAQ: What is the best digital camera for normal use under $450?

1. What features make a digital camera the best?

The best digital camera typically has a high resolution sensor, versatile lens options, fast shutter speed, and advanced autofocus capabilities. It may also have additional features such as built-in image stabilization, Wi-Fi connectivity, and high video recording quality.

2. What is the ideal megapixel count for a digital camera?

The ideal megapixel count depends on the intended use of the camera. For casual photography and sharing on social media, a camera with 12-16 megapixels is sufficient. For professional photography and large prints, a camera with 24-36 megapixels would be more suitable.

3. Should I choose a DSLR or mirrorless camera?

Both DSLR and mirrorless cameras have their advantages and it ultimately depends on personal preference. DSLR cameras offer a wider range of lens options and a longer battery life, while mirrorless cameras are more compact and offer faster continuous shooting speeds.

4. How important is the camera's ISO range?

The ISO range determines the camera's sensitivity to light, with a higher ISO allowing for better low-light performance. This is important for capturing clear images in dimly lit environments. However, a high ISO can also result in more noise in the image, so it's important to find a balance based on your shooting needs.

5. Are there any specific brands that are known for producing the best digital cameras?

There are several top brands in the market for digital cameras, including Canon, Nikon, Sony, and Fujifilm. Each brand offers a range of cameras with different features and price points, so it's important to research and compare models to find the best fit for your needs and budget.
