Proving an Identity Involving Gamma Matrices: Help Needed

In summary, the identity stated in the post is not representation independent. One needs to prove it in a certain way for each representation.
  • #1
Can anyone help me in proving the following identity:


(\gamma ^{\mu} )^T = \gamma ^0 \gamma ^{\mu} \gamma ^0


I understand that one can proceed by proving it say in standard representation and then proving that it's invariant under unitary transformations. this last thing is the one that I am not able to prove.

Are there other ways to go?

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  • #3

LayMuon, There are several matrices like the one you're seeking:

μA-1 = - (γμ)
μB-1 = (γμ)~
μC-1 = (γμ)*

and so on. You can express each of them as a specific product of gamma matrices in the standard representation, or any other given representation, but it will not hold when you go from one representation to another. Generally we just treat them as an independent matrix and let it go at that without trying to write them in terms of the gammas.
  • #4

vanhees71 said:
I think you rather want to prove
[tex](\gamma^{\mu})^{\dagger}=\gamma^0 \gamma^{\mu} \gamma^0.[/tex]
For an intro to the Dirac equation and all that, see

No, I can prove the one with dagger, I need the proof for the transposed version. Bill is saying it's representation dependent. Dagger version is not, I am not sure about the transposed version. Judging from my textbook it should be representation independent too.
  • #5

Bill, this post is a follow-up of my previous one, I need this identity to prove the charge conjugation relation in my way. I had a look at the equations you brought in Bjorken and Drell.
  • #6

you should better start with the anticommutation relation followed by gamma matrices and treat γ0 as a single case when μ=0 and how the hermitian conjugate of different gamma matrices is defined.Like γ0 is hermitian in one representation then it's hermitian conjugate is γ0 itself but in other representation it may not be but the relation will prove the consequence.

FAQ: Proving an Identity Involving Gamma Matrices: Help Needed

What is an identity involving gamma matrices?

An identity involving gamma matrices is a mathematical statement that equates two expressions containing gamma matrices, which are matrices used in quantum mechanics to represent the Dirac equation. These identities are important in proving various properties and relationships in quantum mechanics.

Why is proving an identity involving gamma matrices important?

Proving an identity involving gamma matrices is important because it helps us understand the underlying structure and relationships in quantum mechanics. It also allows us to make predictions and calculations with greater accuracy and confidence.

What are some common techniques used in proving identities involving gamma matrices?

Some common techniques used in proving identities involving gamma matrices include using the properties of the gamma matrices, such as their commutation and anticommutation relations, as well as using algebraic manipulation and substitution to simplify the expressions.

What are some challenges in proving an identity involving gamma matrices?

Some challenges in proving an identity involving gamma matrices may include dealing with complex expressions and manipulating matrices, as well as understanding the properties and relationships of the gamma matrices. It may also require a deep understanding of quantum mechanics and its mathematical foundations.

Are there any tips for successfully proving an identity involving gamma matrices?

Some tips for successfully proving an identity involving gamma matrices include being familiar with the properties of the gamma matrices, breaking down complex expressions into simpler forms, and using known identities and techniques to guide the proof. It is also important to double check all steps and calculations to avoid mistakes.

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