Force free body diagram problem on gym equipment

In summary, the conversation is about calculating the force required to lift a weight on an exercise machine, taking into account the angle at which the weight is lifted and the horizontal component of force. The conversation also discusses the use of vector quantities and the role of tension in the rope or bar attached to the weight.
  • #1
I'm looking at the force required to move the weights, i have a few sketches attached on a word document with an idea of how the apparatus works.

Will the force required to lift the mass increase as the player moves forward.

Any help is appreciated as i am lost with this problem at the moment.

A video of the machine inn use can be seen at :



  • Sketch 11.doc
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Engineering news on
  • #2
Hi Sully, welcome to the board. Are you an engineering student or just looking for the answer? I'll assume the latter... Forces are "vector quantities" meaning they have a magnitude (some measurable amount of force) that occurs in a given direction. So as you've shown, there is a weight that has a force in a direction vertically downward and a force by the person pushing on the apparatus that is horizontal. There is a point around which the weight rotates which will be in pure tension as long as the apparatus isn't moving. For this analysis I'll assume the weight isn't moving (static case). If the weight is actually moving, the forces are not equal to this static case, but they will be fairly close as long as the person isn't moving very fast. The slower the person moves, the closer the force will be to the static case.

Attached is your file modified to show angle A. The horizontal component of force can be found from:

tan (A) = Fh / Fw
where Fh is the horizontal component of force that the person must exert
Fw is the weight acting downwards

So Fh = tan (A) * Fw

Note that the weight Fw is actually the sum total of the weights plus the apparatus that's swinging around. The center of gravity of the combined apparatus plus weights may or may not coincide with the actual location of the weights due to the weight of the apparatus, so the angle A isn't necessarily the angle the weights make with the rotating pin, the angle is really the angle between the center of gravity of the rotating apparatus and the pin with respect to the vertical.


  • Sketch 11 rev 1.doc
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  • #3
Thanks very much for the help. i am studying engineering but have done very little in that area.

For a project I'm investigating how the force a player has to exert as he moves through the full push because the resistance is increasing. I must create an excel program that will allow the user to enter a mass so at every stage along the push we can work out the opposite force. will the method using the vector quantities work for me to calculate the force the plaayer is exerting?
  • #4
Yes. :)
  • #5
Cool, unfortunately I am still struggling. I have drawn a free body diagram and attempted to solve the problem but I am getting a value for Fh of over 3000N for a weight of 1000N on the machine. I have feeling I am goin wrong somewhere. When Does this seem large or strange?

I have attached the free body diagram of the weight before its lifted and after its lifted and at its max point.


  • Free body diagram.jpg
    Free body diagram.jpg
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  • FBD at finish point.jpg
    FBD at finish point.jpg
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  • #6
So you have a horizontal force of 3000 N predicted given your second attachment? What angle A are you using between ab and vertical?

Also, why do you have a 15 degree angle between cd and horizontal?
  • #7
Am i right in saying the following looking at the basic free body diagram?

Fac = 1000/sin 15 =3863N ?

Fh = Cos15 * Fac = 3732 ?
  • #8
I'm afraid I don't know how you derived those...

Maybe this would help: Let's ignore the linkage on the exercise machine with the exception of the link between the hinge point and the weight, ab. For this linkage, ab, let's imagine a rope instead of a bar of some kind. The rope can only be under pure tension. We can't bend it or it won't be straight any more like link ab So all we have left is a weight at the end of a rope that's held up by a pin. If it dangles straight down, the tension in the rope is obviously just the value of the weight.

Now let's see if we can derive the horizontal force required to push this weight off to the side so instead of hanging vertically, the rope is rotated out to the side by some angle A (as I've marked in the attachment above). So the rope makes an angle A from a vertical line. Can you figure out what horizontal force is required to produce some given angle A and the resulting tension in the rope?
  • #9
Yes that makes sense. So at the start it will require very little force to start the motion from static and this will increase significantly as the angle increases?
  • #10

FAQ: Force free body diagram problem on gym equipment

1. What is a force free body diagram?

A force free body diagram is a visual representation of the forces acting on an object or system. It includes all the external forces acting on the object and their directions.

2. Why is force free body diagram important in gym equipment?

Force free body diagram is important in gym equipment because it helps us understand the forces involved in the movement of the equipment and the impact they have on our body. It also helps us identify potential areas of strain or injury and make necessary adjustments.

3. How do you create a force free body diagram for gym equipment?

To create a force free body diagram for gym equipment, you need to identify all the external forces acting on the equipment, such as gravity, tension, normal force, and friction. Then, you draw arrows to represent the magnitude and direction of each force, making sure they are all in balance.

4. What are some common forces involved in gym equipment?

Some common forces involved in gym equipment include gravity, which pulls the equipment down, tension, which is created by the weights or springs, normal force, which is the support force from the ground or equipment, and friction, which is the resistance force between two surfaces.

5. How does understanding force free body diagram help in using gym equipment?

Understanding force free body diagram helps in using gym equipment by giving us a better understanding of the forces involved and their impact on our body. This can help us use the equipment more efficiently and prevent potential injuries. It also allows us to make necessary adjustments to the equipment to optimize our workout.

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